The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

Sure, they might not follow industry best practice, or answer DMs, or listen to well considered advice, or whatever - and you might find it genuinely frustrating - but just because a lot of people choose to support a thing does not necessarily make the thing a democracy, or imply a requirement to provide customer support and documented source code for the thing. Other mod(der)s are available. :O_o:
Sure the situation is somewhat a problem though, and it's quite complex one.
Ilja seems to be burnt out lately, plus i think he's being young also contribute to the issue. Plus yeah, I dont see that some manager/director figure would be welcomed if he stepped in - because unlike game studio, or even modding group, which follows the lead/direction, most of AC modders want to remain free and do whatever they like. And in case of Ilja, this also brings money to him, and i don't think he'd want someone to steer him and take part of his money.

But it's indeed quite a situation to think about. Back in time i was modding, the theme was - you're doing free stuff, then get picked by some studio, or form your own, and make your own game. Nowadays people want and are able to sell mods, so it gives even more freedom, no need to join studios if you wanna earn something from it, but at the same time if other modders depend on your work and design choices, your freedom is going to be limited inevitably.
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I'll gladly release the beta version but I still need custom sounds for the 2L NA diesel. Other than that it's pretty much finished.
what about using this one? or other traffic sound, you can always ask for permission and use them while you make scratch sounds or have a sound modder make them
Another very annoying thing crossed off the list. Now to get enough motivation to finish the lights....

View attachment 511049
View attachment 511052
The polygon density is totally different between the body and the rear lights. Are you using these higher detailed meshes for normal maps?
You can see the segmentation on the A-pillar for example, while you could have your screen filled with that rear light and still not see any segmentation :p
Either way, what's a few polygons more these days, looking good and I cannot wait :)
Are you using these higher detailed meshes for normal maps?
No, I just got lazy because these lights are a PAIN IN THE ASS

You can see the segmentation on the A-pillar for example, while you could have your screen filled with that rear light and still not see any segmentation :p


You can't, I'm trying to keep it relatively low poly where possible without having any visible edges because I'm allergic to that so I decided to sacrifice uniform poly density.
Lights are almost exclusively round shapes so the easiest way was to simply make them glow with loops and I'm a lazy man.

I did mess up some areas though so here goes another month of fixing that....

No, I just got lazy because these lights are a PAIN IN THE ASS

View attachment 511140

You can't, I'm trying to keep it relatively low poly where possible without having any visible edges because I'm allergic to that so I decided to sacrifice uniform poly density.
Lights are almost exclusively round shapes so the easiest way was to simply make them glow with loops and I'm a lazy man.

I did mess up some areas though so here goes another month of fixing that.... View attachment 511147
View attachment 511149

I am just here to say that I am impressed by the quality of the camera match :confused:
@Trava how much time did you spend making this RX8?

Hours, I have no idea. I don't keep a timetable but probably in the ballpark of 100?

Japanese and German cars generally have best references. Not just blueprints but best photos for matching.

Haha, yeah, right.




The true JDM reference is 360px, saved as JPEG with Windows XP and taken at a 45deg angle with half of the car cut off.
I wish I was joking.
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Back to the PBR thing for a sec, a lot of the reason there's no usable documentation is because of how these features get added. Like first off PBR is a buzzword, so the practical effect is that there's a website somewhere listing the mathematical parts of the shader code that you use "to be PBR" and those just get put into CSP as is. To actually understand what it does & how to use it, you'd need to already be familiar with PBR workflows and texture generation... which nobody who implemented it into CSP is. So there's no advice cause there's no authority on it.

One of the big requirements of PBR is that light sources & the hdr-ldr conversion also be realistic, and a shader simply cannot do that. It's a 3 part problem, you need to replace the shaders, Sol, and the pp filter all at once, if any of the 3 is wrong, you don't have PBR. And obviously the issue with doing that is that the content built for AC is not using pbr shaders, so realistic light sources & hdr-ldr conversion won't look right for any of those materials. (the diffuse/ambient values of ~0.35-0.4 do come from PBR practices, but AC's specular lighting is straight simplest equation, not really compatible with pbr workflow)

Not to mention that once you replace Sol, you need to revisit every car/track lighting config because the headlight/streetlight values are completely made up to suit the current night time exposure level (which is probably 100-1000 times brighter than irl night driving)

Really the best path is to figure out the visuals you want, and use ksPerPixelMultiMap's maps texture to get those properties (or possibly the ksPerPixelMultiMap_specular that I made, if you need hue adjustment on spec/reflections)
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Little teaser for what will be my final rally track for AC. 40km point-to-point is pushing me to my limits......

View attachment 477571

I refuse to open it in the game itself until I've done all the texture masking and foliage - otherwise I won't be able to resist driving on it and ruining it for myself before it's done!
Hi. I am expecting for this spectacular stage.

Is there any scheduled date for the release?
Hi. I am expecting for this spectacular stage.

Is there any scheduled date for the release?

Hey! Work on this track came to a bit of a halt when I got frustrated with making the snow look good... and also my post-lockdown summer was spent mostly off the computer ... and maybe partying a bit too much :whistling:

I have begun looking at it again though and now that the weather is not so nice I will have more time indoors to work on it. No release date yet as it gives people an excuse to complain unfortunately. I hope it will be done before the actual Monte Carlo event 2022 lol...
Hey! Work on this track came to a bit of a halt when I got frustrated with making the snow look good... and also my post-lockdown summer was spent mostly off the computer ... and maybe partying a bit too much :whistling:

I have begun looking at it again though and now that the weather is not so nice I will have more time indoors to work on it. No release date yet as it gives people an excuse to complain unfortunately. I hope it will be done before the actual Monte Carlo event 2022 lol...
Perfect. I will wait for it patiently.

what about using this one? or other traffic sound, you can always ask for permission and use them while you make scratch sounds or have a sound modder make them
It's already using Gary's soundbank ! But now is the time to actually have a scratch-made one.
And I'm asking for a sound modder. I don't know any though. Please send help.

^ See, I even asked ! :p

Also, thanks everyone for the shitst- discussion! I do find the lack of documentation very irritating myself.
However I will try to use the Roughness map Trava is referencing.
And maybe Stereo's suggestion too if I'm not satisfied. Can I DM you if I have any question ?

And by PBR, I don't actually mean Physically Realistic, I obviously don't care if the squashed bugs aren't realistic. But I don't understand how to export the car from Substance Painter to Assetto without it looking like absolute ass. And a PBR workflow would solve that in minutes.
Hello again RD community!

I'm coming back with some WIP after some time away from the modding scene because of my engineering master degree thesis and other work stuff.
During these days I have a lot of spare time so I decided to re-take an old project I started 10 months ago.
The Patent-Benz Motorwagen from 1886 is where it all began for the motor industry. My wish is to bring this car virtually back to life thanks to AC, as GT4 did in 2004. It's such an amazing piece of engineering and I'm really having fun trying to repruduce every little bolt or knob that compose the engine. I expect the engine animation will be the thoughest part to implement in AC.
Btw... Still a long way to go but I'll keep you updated.


I'm working on Autodrome Lago Maggiore track atm.

Trying to get two more tracks to race against AI.
West and West Reverse, pretty much done but... I like to test it a bit, though it seems 100% okey ;)

Strange that this 8 track release comes with so poor ability to race against AI?
Or am I missing something?? :)
Is it the G-force at the velodrome that makes it difficult?
They had left som ini-files but they felt incomplete.
Anyways, it's crazy how fun this track pack is :)
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Roughness is stored in alpha channel of TxDetail normal map IIRC. (CSP uses smoothness because **** you, invert your roughness map). For ""optimization"" x4fab opted to store different maps as channels inside other textures (TxMap, TxDetailNM) which in turn makes it a cluster**** to work with but hey, it's old news that he can't do anything right and/or in a sane, logical way.

And it's not documented anywhere because why would it be?
Could anyone guide me a bit ?

That's what I'd like to be my Roughness map. I guess I could achieve a similar result with TxMaps but I'd like to give a shot to what Trava mentionned.

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