The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

Well I guess I will not say anything more because I cannot particularly model well so my opinion becomes invalidated due to that.

All I can say is that if I made this same argument about physics as well, the RD hivemind would come in and tell me to "just let people have fun" irregardless of how correct I am.
i think we also already had this debate
in which, having everything hyper accurate versus something that handles nicely and feels coherent.
Number versus feeling, if we could sum it up to that
and i guess that remains a matter of taste and perception
But i don't drive anymore, so personnaly, i don't care much ^^

What is it with letting newbies waste couple hundred hours of work on trial and error repeating the same mistakes everyone else made because you don't want to come off as "rude"? Is this part of the learning process as well?

You learn even more from practicing something appropriate for your skill level instead of blindly biting off more than you can chew and choking on it.

It's really funny to me. One of the other guys that was working on the Jaguar here said that he got a lot of back pats but no actual feedback and at the same time every time he tried reaching out to someone he was either left on read or given a generic, nondescript answer. Is this your idea of helping the newbies?

i'll un-ignore you, and even quote you for the purpose of that answer. But let me assure you, you annoy me very deeply.
First, a reminder that it's "what are you working on" thread, and not "what are you mastering else we will diminish your work" thread.
Second, how is "get better first" even a valid advice ?!
What if, bare with me here for a second, what if people simply want to enjoy the practice of creating a mod, and seeing their own model, even if it's far from perfect, in game for the first time. And the satisfaction it will procure them to see their very own creation, however crappy you think it may be, in the game.
What if they don't have time to spend hours mastering the modeling, maybe it's not their aim anyways.
Enjoying the process should very much be part of the modding adventure.
In what world saying "you're wasting your time" is useful in any way. What are you here for, despite being rude and disrespectful to people's work, people you don't even know.

How i see things, since it's not the first time i (and others) tell you to keep your unpopular opinion for yourself; yet here you are again.. Then you probably don't belong here, and that's why you'll be back in my ignore list, however sad that is.
Good to see that you addressed my points with nothing more than "waaa waaa how dare you tell people what they should and shouldn't do".


But let me assure you, you annoy me very deeply.
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I think that all those that back patted got through the same problem. People aren't paid in any way to give real time step by step microtutorials, at least in most modding forums/websites. People should thankful for any small hint they get for free, even motivation.
And I don't think any of us who have released mods on here have not gotten questions and help requests via PM which we answered. But at least my reaction depends, next to general tone, also on what the person is doing...and someone making a car from scratch will get a different response than someone kitbashing a drift car from whatever he managed to throw into 3DSimef.
someone kitbashing a drift car from whatever he managed to throw into 3DSimef.
I'm assuming that's an allusion to me here?




Yeah, I guess I wouldn't know how to scratch make anything, after all I'm only "kitbashing drift cars in 3DSimEd".
Go on, clown yourselves some more. I've got time.
So trying to stop someone without a clue from wasting a lot of time and effort in the exact same way I did years ago is trolling now?
Damn, I guess I'll keep trolling then.
So trying to stop someone without a clue from wasting a lot of time and effort in the exact same way I did years ago is trolling now?
Damn, I guess I'll keep trolling then.
When you post in this thread it is inevitable that you'll start the same argument as the last time.
If you're so eager to discuss it's merits start your own thread or use pm's to contact those you want to help but do not derail this one.
I find it kind of funny that the moderators have to come in to interrupt whenever anyone gives even moderately harsh instructions about 3D, but last time when JPG and I tore into that some casual simracing guy or whatever when he was posting strange physics ideas, nobody had a problem. I guess it's one of the merits of doing a thing that the plebs won't be able to follow.
Still struggling, big-time, with the interior on the Fenix, so in the little time I've had over the last couple weeks I returned to an old project I started when I was first taking the plunge into learning Blender. :)

20 years before the RWD P30, there was the 1993 RWD GC35.


Haven't done any of the interior details yet, but the exterior is gettin' there. Quite pleased with it so far!
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Starting to model an Audi Coupé in Blender, I have no idea if this will ever be finished (this is my first time modeling a real car)
Nice, enjoy the journey! If you need any help, most of the community on RD is here to help you out.
As a first project, it doesn't really matter if it's a Bugatti Chiron or Audi 80, as long as you learn how to create what you need to create. Your start looks fine, but try to work on "polygon flow". Try to avoid some of those 'double lines' where they are not nessecary. AC already has a car very similar to this, you can take a look at its wireframe inside the CM Showroom and learn from that, too.
Also, I would advice not using any type of smoothing (yet) and get the overall shape right first.

Good luck :)
Still struggling, big-time, with the interior on the Fenix, so in the little time I've had over the last couple weeks I returned to an old project I started when I was first taking the plunge into learning Blender. :)

20 years before the RWD P30, there was the 1993 RWD GC35.

View attachment 507576View attachment 507575View attachment 507577View attachment 507574

Haven't done any of the interior details yet, but the exterior is gettin' there. Quite pleased with it so far!
That looks incredible! Reminds me of the Peugeot 905
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Still struggling, big-time, with the interior on the Fenix, so in the little time I've had over the last couple weeks I returned to an old project I started when I was first taking the plunge into learning Blender. :)

20 years before the RWD P30, there was the 1993 RWD GC35.
looks so futuristic!
Nice, enjoy the journey! If you need any help, most of the community on RD is here to help you out.
As a first project, it doesn't really matter if it's a Bugatti Chiron or Audi 80, as long as you learn how to create what you need to create. Your start looks fine, but try to work on "polygon flow". Try to avoid some of those 'double lines' where they are not nessecary. AC already has a car very similar to this, you can take a look at its wireframe inside the CM Showroom and learn from that, too.
Also, I would advice not using any type of smoothing (yet) and get the overall shape right first.

Good luck :)

thanks for the tips!

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