The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

1934 Auto Union Type A - 3d model finished.

That looks fantastic, can't wait to drive this. Are you in need of a test driver ?
I love the interest! But I will be limiting my test group to less than 5 people, with GP Laps & Sergio Loro being two of the biggest names in the test group. I'm sorry but the risk of leaks is just too high with a larger group, and once a mod is leaked you never get it back.
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I love the interest! But I will be limiting my test group to less than 5 people, with GP Laps & Sergio Loro being two of the biggest names in the test group. I'm sorry but the risk of leaks is just too high with a larger group, and once a mod is leaked you never get it back.
If I can drive this car, it means anyone can do it, hahaha. This era is special for me, also the 1934 season, because it was almost the last year italian cars can beat germans, as i mention to you would love to see a set of italian cars to match this babes. As some of you already know, i build many 30's tracks for GPL, and with this set, plus the 20's GP my idea of make that kind of tracks again is in top of my head now :)
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If I compare this to an actual photo of a Type A, the geometry looks far from it, to be honest. Your model is way too "square" and panel gaps are really soft.
I disagree that we are "far from it," but also we aren't using photographic scanning or anything other than good old eyeballs. We are creating virtual cars that capture the essence of each legendary racer. Nothing about what we are doing is intended to be an absolutely perfect replica of the cars down to the millimeter. I hope you can understand.

If you don't want it or don't like the cars we are creating, then please don't buy them upon release. I have intended to be as transparent as possible about what we are creating, with my posts here and my video updates on YouTube. I mean if you really want to pick apart our models, then look at the quality of some of the earlier cars we are in the process of finishing, they have even more issues. Ultimately, the last thing I want is for you, or anyone, to be unhappy with one of my cars. So the safest bet, in order to prevent some feature of the car disappointing you, is to stay far away from the cars Casual Sim Studios is producing.

The whole point of starting this journey was to create things for supporters of my YouTube channel to purchase that wasn't going to be T-Shirts and merch (like who needs anymore of that stuff in their lives). It ended up turning into something a little bit bigger than I initially thought, but people thought the idea was pretty cool and the support grew. We at Casual Sim Studios build each car completely from scratch, and they will all have custom physics, sounds, animations, and 3d models. I would love your support as we embark on this journey, but totally understand if you choose to direct your support elsewhere. Cheers.
We are creating virtual cars that capture the essence of each legendary racer.
It looks a nice job so far. For those who have access to the UK's channel 4 app or More 4 tonight at 21:00 bst.
They are showing Hitlers Supercars:
A documentary charting the rise of Nazi Germany's speed cars, when under the orders of Hitler himself drivers risked their lives smashing records that the Third Reich exploited for propaganda.
Might be of interest for those following your progress.
Don't get me wrong. I'd still drive it as I don't care much about external car visuals when racing. It's just that all curvature the real car has is translated into flat sheet metal on the 3D model. As you considered the model as finished, best to give my two cents's worth now before texturing begins and such. "Far from it" might not be the right choice of words. But I think you got my point.

we aren't using photographic scanning or anything other than good old eyeballs. [..] Nothing about what we are doing is intended to be an absolutely perfect replica of the cars down to the millimeter. I hope you can understand..
I come from a long history of 3D car modeling, back in the days when photogrammetry did not exsist, nor laser scans, nor even blueprints most of the time. When all you got was some basic measurements and a few photos. We managed to capture the shape of cars quite well, even within the ~6000 triangle budget (that includes wheels, interior, etc.).
So I don't think that part should need to be an issue :)

I can point out some of the issues if you want. Let me know and I'll get to it.
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Hi guys, so after some rf2 to AC track conversions and other AC projects behind me I decided that it is finally time to do something completely from scratch. So since I am Slovak I decided to do Slovakiaring in 2021 standards. I was quite lucky to get quite nice support from the track representatives (CAD data, photos, videos) and even luckier when I learned that there is OpenLiDAR data available for the track. At this moment basic track, kerbs and land modeling has been done with some basic texturing. I have to say that track modeling is challenging task for a hobbyist like me, but I quite enjoy the process :)

I am wondering, what procedure do you use when modeling barriers guys? There are 55 barriers on the track, it will be quite challenging process :D For testing I used lofting from splines (3dsmax), but in this way I need to manually edit each UV map separately for every barrier to fit it to the texture. Is there any better approach how to build and texture barriers ? How do you do it usually?

Here is some sneek peak what I have done so far :)
Hi guys, so after some rf2 to AC track conversions and other AC projects behind me I decided that it is finally time to do something completely from scratch. So since I am Slovak I decided to do Slovakiaring in 2021 standards. I was quite lucky to get quite nice support from the track representatives (CAD data, photos, videos) and even luckier when I learned that there is OpenLiDAR data available for the track. At this moment basic track, kerbs and land modeling has been done with some basic texturing. I have to say that track modeling is challenging task for a hobbyist like me, but I quite enjoy the process :)

I am wondering, what procedure do you use when modeling barriers guys? There are 55 barriers on the track, it will be quite challenging process :D For testing I used lofting from splines (3dsmax), but in this way I need to manually edit each UV map separately for every barrier to fit it to the texture. Is there any better approach how to build and texture barriers ? How do you do it usually?

Here is some sneek peak what I have done so far :)
Great to see, making something from scratch is very satisfying :thumbsup:

For my Oschersleben I made one 2 meter guardrail piece, UV mapped/AO baked, before I use an Arrays/Curve combination to weasel it around the track. I only use variation for colored end pieces, rest of the track is too new to really see differences in real life when you fly by.

Lilski goes about his method for variation on guardrails/walls in his track building video series, it's still manual work, but with the right preparation it can be much simplified.
Great to see, making something from scratch is very satisfying :thumbsup:

For my Oschersleben I made one 2 meter guardrail piece, UV mapped/AO baked, before I use an Arrays/Curve combination to weasel it around the track. I only use variation for colored end pieces, rest of the track is too new to really see differences in real life when you fly by.

Lilski goes about his method for variation on guardrails/walls in his track building video series, it's still manual work, but with the right preparation it can be much simplified.
you are using blender or Max? I know that it is possible to auto weld arrays in blender but I believe there is not such option in vanilla Max without paid plugins, or am I wrong?
you are using blender or Max? I know that it is possible to auto weld arrays in blender but I believe there is not such option in vanilla Max without paid plugins, or am I wrong?
How do you do it usually?

Here is some sneek peak what I have done so far :)

Before we used sweep on splines, with copy-pasted modifiers like uvw xform, and in xform you can calculate the u-tiling of the texture in a given barrier measured by how long the source spline is. Then divide it by some number, which will be armco post, and here you go. Then use align/spacing tool to place the armco posts, entering the number of posts you've calculated from that spline length, so if your armco backside has ao/shadow from posts in the texture, they will match with posts.

Nowadays tho, can't imagine living without Railclone. Allows so much to do, besides just barriers.
Looks terrific so far!
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Before we used sweep on splines, with copy-pasted modifiers like uvw xform, and in xform you can calculate the u-tiling of the texture in a given barrier measured by how long the source spline is. Then divide it by some number, which will be armco post, and here you go. Then use align/spacing tool to place the armco posts, entering the number of posts you've calculated from that spline length, so if your armco backside has ao/shadow from posts in the texture, they will match with posts.

Nowadays tho, can't imagine living without Railclone. Allows so much to do, besides just barriers.
Looks terrific so far!
this RailClone looks good, will Lite version do the job?
this RailClone looks good, will Lite version do the job?
havent tested lite, but looking at feature list, some things make me concerned (unable to edit library etc) And 3 segments per style might be not enough when you deal with armco barriers, so you'll need to clone rc generators. Don't see much of a problem about it tho. Library is more concerning thing, altho you can always generate rc objects in a dedicated maxfile which will become your library in a way.

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