The "What Are You Working On?" Thread

It's been a while since my last skin, but this one is nearly finished. ;)

Whenever I worry I'm posting too frequently I remember the time CC posted 25 screenshots in a row in separate posts.

The new shader patch refractive headlights aren't really meant for modern cars (which have a plain clear lens, and ripply reflector covering the actual bulb) but it works ok. Still need to adjust the mesh a little.


Doesn't look quite like the model with the lights off either.


Just flatness without CSP refractive feature. So, like some other stuff in CSP, it's not perfect but it's a good deal better than nothing.
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More like "what should I be working on", but I've been waffling on what to do next, now that the Formula Ford and P13c are completed. I've been collecting photos & info about quite a lot of cars that struck my interest. I'm choosing to leave the specific models ambiguous to avoid brand recognition being the main reason things get votes. (my avatar is a 1968 McLaren M6B, the Can-Am is not that car)

I will say that of the 6 candidates, the NASCAR Winston Cup car and 1927 GP car are the only ones that won races; the others had mediocre pace, too many DNFs, or didn't enter very many races. For stock AC content it's easy to see why they picked winners - brands like bragging about them. But I can pick based on style points, or their singularity.

'why your opinion matters' can be pretty much anything (willing to contribute skins, audio, or other resources, are the most likely to sway my decision), if you need to clarify there's extra space at the end.
It's multiselect but ticking every box won't shift the results so just pick the ones you're most likely to actually use please.
If you end up doing the Cooper Monaco or Lotus 15 I would be happy to do some skins if needed (I doubt it would help much though, they are probably super basic liveries.) I think they race those with GT40's at Goodwood which would be fun to recreate in AC. Edit: I was thinking of the Cooper T61.
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Not sure I should put it here but as I put an AC logo on it, it might qualify for this thread? :p
Bought the Sparco Wheel Mod for my old T500RS some time ago but found that this little ****** stains hands and even gloves easily. So I wanted to mount the original steering wheel on the button box of the sparco wheel but this looked dumb.

So I quickly thought up a cover and printed it. I like it but got some dimensions wrong so it broke. Will fix and print again on Sunday...

/edit: Also yes, the logo is a bit off... seem to have cut off too much and just realized it now.


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I closed the poll cause I got what I needed. If anyone's curious, the approximate results were a nice bell curve of 25% for 1927 and 1950, 50% for 1959 and 1967, 25% for 1971, and 5% for 1979. I didn't want to spoil the results but the 1967 Can-Am is my personal favorite so it's nice to see it'll have an audience of at least the 25 ish people who voted for it.

Anyway the WRX has the intercooler air intake now, it feels a little superfluous for a 220 horsepower 2L engine but that's the early 00s I guess. I haven't so much been putting off the brakes as just not doing them, but brakelights next?

Also, someone voted for another Banana...

[edit] I had to start somewhere, so I started... there

Not yet sure how coloured lenses works but the turn signals are clear. I'm getting quicker at setting up these refractive lights.
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I didn't want to spoil the results but the 1967 Can-Am is my personal favorite so it's nice to see it'll have an audience of at least the 25 ish people who voted for it.
The only problem with the Can-Am choice is that for '67, the McLaren team outclassed everyone else, so it's not exactly a good year for online races as everyone will pick the McLaren. Different story for the '66 season, where lots of teams had potential as everyone was sort of equally unprepared.
Haha, I wasn't quite accurate about the year, it only entered Can-Am in 1966, in 67 it was in USRCC. In both years Lola T70s and M1Bs were winning the races it was in though so whatever, it's not either of those.

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