Note on the Local DB to Global DB sync.
In 10.5 I added way to
1) Load old laps with more data to the local database. This data includes track/air temperatures, sector times etc. (The local database is a SQLite database in the lapdata directory.)
This way the local database will also have from your old laps more useful data. In the upcoming versions I will start using this data to provide better per track based data via the Tool.
2) Keep the local database data in sync with global database. This means, your laptimes/track temps/fuel used + other info like pitting status will be sent also to the global database. In the upcoming releases the Telemetry Tool can then use the data from the global DB e.g. to provide you info, how your laptimes compare to the laptimes from others, when driven in similar conditions.
When you start the tool first time after the update or on first start after new install, the following dialog will be shown:
First YES/No option means, if you let the tool to send the data to global db as you complete the laps. This adds very small, most likely unnoticeable overhead to network connectivity. This can be later changed from Settings.
Second YES/YES/no has the following sync options
1) Load data from old laps and then sync the database
2) Don't load the old laps, but sync the local database to global database
3) Don't sync the old data
Later you can to these from the Tools --> Manage DB data menu item.
I have done the syncing many times during development, and slowest part is the lap loading from disk. In my system I have 24k laps and it took about 1 hour to load the laps from the disc, but then maybe 10 minutes to sync the data to the global db.
I will also not provide "top driver lists", but will provide aggregate data, like fastest laps in online race for certain track in certain game. I think this kind of data will be more usefull, than knowing if Joe or Jill made the fastest lap on perfect conditions, when in racing those conditions never exist.
PRIVACY NOTE: I will not store any personal data, only the laptimes and some lap related info. Each Telemetry Tool instance sending the data will in return get an id token to allow you later to view laptimes and related data submitted from that instance on the website.
Any questions? Just ask.