Tactile Immersion - General Discussion - Hardware & Software

So what soundcard are you using for Simhub?
It states only 4 channels available

You need to check drivers and that Windows has the card configured as 5.1 (if its a 5.1 card)
If that fails swap your cards as to which is audio vs Simhub?
The sound card name and setup is on the snap from the post above it is the C-media pci. How many channel should i see ? and why does it matters at this point ? I just want to turn some effects off ! :(
Anyways any help is good help :)

Edit: Well, the problem seems to be partly solved on my side, it looks like it is some sort of synchronization problem? If I play with the ON and OFF switch sometimes it takes effect and at other time NOT, when that happens all I need to do is restart Simhub and the change has apply. It is an inconvenient but now I got some hopes and might be able to tailor effect per shaker! I cant wait because this for sure will improve everything (which already feels super good :))
Thanks for the help!
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The sound card name and setup is on the snap from the post above it is the C-media pci. How many channel should i see ? and why does it matters at this point ? I just want to turn some effects off ! :(
Anyways any help is good help :)

Edit: Well, the problem seems to be partly solved on my side, it looks like it is some sort of synchronization problem? If I play with the ON and OFF switch sometimes it takes effect and at other time NOT, when that happens all I need to do is restart Simhub and the change has apply. It is an inconvenient but now I got some hopes and might be able to tailor effect per shaker! I cant wait because this for sure will improve everything (which already feels super good :))
Thanks for the help!

You haven't shown or confirmed if the C Media soundcard is a 4, 6 or 8 channel card?
Previously it was pointed out to goto soundcard properties and "Configure" the soundcard to operate at 5.1 or 7.1
based on what the card is. If it was configured as such then it would say 6 or 8 channels available.

So why is it stating 4 channels? Either it is only configured as Quadraphonic or it only has 4 channels?

Why do you not try making the C-media card your Windows primary audio device and then use the Asus DX as your Simhub card? If that fails then go out and buy a cheap USB soundcard like ones previously linked.

As stated you do not necessarily need "Per Effect Gain"
If you want an effect to go to a specific unit but with different gain or different controlled settings.

Then duplicate the effect layer, alter its gain or anything else required and name the duplicate in a way that references what purpose or transducer it is for. Then only make this layer active for the channel(s) required.
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How many channel should i see ? and why does it matters at this point ?
Xonar DX appears to be 7.1 and should report as such;
"Quadraphonic" prevents Simhub from accessing channels directly one-for-one...
Configuring Windows 10 surround is unobvious.
FWIW, I maintain a Sim folder with appropriately renamed shortcuts,
e.g. to C:\Windows\System32\mmsys.cpl:

Select the appropriate device, then click [Configure]:
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I went back to iRacing today, changed everything to front/rear, made sure all effects were split, dropped the frequency of the rear and ran each effect by itself, tweaked them individually to see how each worked and then ran them all together.

It is better, but it's just a bit "too much" right now. Same with my DD wheel. I need to drop the power going to the wheel. I was both getting a workout and feeling a bit abused by the transducers. It's a fine line between I can feel it and this is too much and fatiguing. I could feel each effect separately although Road Vibration and Road Impact have some overlap by nature. I suspect how I feel about it will vary from day to day and as I race more I'll probably ramp my DD force back up.

I removed the parametric RPM completely and just have a nice low idle burble, better now that it is split and dialed in appropriately front and rear. I don't want to be distracted by the rpm revving in iRacing. In Dirt Rally I like to feel it more, but in iRacing I want to focus on the track more.
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Xonar DX appears to be 7.1 and should report as such;
"Quadraphonic" prevents Simhub from accessing channels directly one-for-one...
Configuring Windows 10 surround is unobvious.
FWIW, I maintain a Sim folder with appropriately renamed shortcuts,
e.g. to C:\Windows\System32\mmsys.cpl:
View attachment 437120

Select the appropriate device, then click [Configure]:
View attachment 437121
Yeah thanks now I get to understand how to setup a soundcard with max. channels available for Simhub.:thumbsup: (I need only 3 for now anyways)

And like I said my main problem was the ON and OFF feature from the sound output in Simhub, it doesn't seems to synchronize your input righ away (at least on my end) and I have to close-restart (not always) so my new input is applied. Might need a save button feature to be added? Same for when you change settings in the effects tab.. how does it save if you have to reboot your pc? I tend to export my setting has a saving method!? But it seems odd.

it doesn't seems to synchronize your input righ away
That had not been an issue for me, having to quit out of VR,
find eyeglasses and relaunch Simhub for any reconfiguration.
With Reverb's higher resolution and virtual desktop access,
real-time tweaks would indeed be a blessing.
I went back to iRacing today, changed everything to front/rear, made sure all effects were split, dropped the frequency of the rear and ran each effect by itself, tweaked them individually to see how each worked and then ran them all together.

It is better, but it's just a bit "too much" right now. Same with my DD wheel. I need to drop the power going to the wheel. I was both getting a workout and feeling a bit abused by the transducers. It's a fine line between I can feel it and this is too much and fatiguing. I could feel each effect separately although Road Vibration and Road Impact have some overlap by nature. I suspect how I feel about it will vary from day to day and as I race more I'll probably ramp my DD force back up.

I removed the parametric RPM completely and just have a nice low idle burble, better now that it is split and dialed in appropriately front and rear. I don't want to be distracted by the rpm revving in iRacing. In Dirt Rally I like to feel it more, but in iRacing I want to focus on the track more.

I think for fun an engaging engine is important but when seeking lap times then you want feedback from the activity of the car. So people with fewer units to use for effects are then more restricted in this way.

We can create different profiles for whatever the user's preference is needed. Either more engine focused or chassis focused. You have to discover the intensity and sensitivity of the effect that feels comfortable and achieve a nice blend, regardless of what is installed how and where.

You may have different operations regards the sensitivity threshold for your own 2x bumps layers. Yet each was still using close to peak/common used frequencies. These with two layers are then compounding the amplitude of similar frequencies on this channel. I expect it to feel more on/off punch than progressive in variations for different bump telemetry values?

Of course, someone with more channels to use is much less restricted. The example given of having exciters also on a seat, such users have more channels to blend how/where or how many of those channels they then dedicate for different effects. A person then has more scope in what effects mix they want. Also the ability to bring more felt detail and balance to suit users' preferences.

I asked myself, why should we settle for one or two effects be used to represent various bump responses with only minor variation in frequency or volume?

What are the best settings to use for the following scenarios and can we have effects for each with different sensitivity controls to determine their activity?
  • Small Bumps / Saw Curbs
  • Medium Bumps & Dips
  • Large Bumps & Sausage Curbs
Two approaches I had previously looked at were monitoring what settings generated the most sensitivity to help give small bumps and saw curbs' better sensations. These also suit having higher based Hz as offering more cycles per second to better react with fast repeated responses. If we seek to offer different bumps then the threshold used is important to define what triggers their response.

Even with some early looks into this, I think more can be done if a specific layer required multiple responses in succession to activate and then apply a specific effect layer for that. Those that are good with the code side of things @romainrob would know better.

Smarter Effects?
That Brrrr sound that many games have for the audio of saw curbs, IIRC is often well into 300Hz-500Hz.
Monitoring this, we can work backward, reducing down via subharmonic principles to use then tones generated in Simhub that harmonically match the audio that in-game response has. Something I want to look further into in having some effects in profiles work better with specific cars' own audio. We can do the same with engines in creating tones in Simhub that are then monitored to harmonically sync to different cars own generated engines audio. Certainly worth re-looking at.

Beyond Normal Limitations:
In applying 6 exciters on a seat for bumps utilisation here are two options that were briefly looked at.
You cant achieve the immersion this offers with normal single unit installations or with CM based installations.

Intensity Step Approach / Working In Mono Or Stereo:
Small bumps, lighter Hz to shoulders
Medium bumps with mid-Hz to mid-back
Large bumps with peak Hz, increased intensity, at the lower back with accompanying activity from BK.

Combined Output Approach / Working In Mono Or Stereo
Small bumps, lighter Hz to 3 units per side or all 6 in mono
Medium bumps, mid-Hz to 3 units per side or all 6 in mono
Large bumps, peak Hz to 3 units per side or all 6 in mono with accompanying activity from BK.

What is best or more preferred?
Mono or stereo pros/cons?
Who tries such things?
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That had not been an issue for me, having to quit out of VR,
find eyeglasses and relaunch Simhub for any reconfiguration.
With Reverb's higher resolution and virtual desktop access,
real-time tweaks would indeed be a blessing.

Lol yeah same here in vr minus the glasses ;)

But got an update from the Simhub creator, some refresh system that does not apply right away.

"Yes it was something close, the mixer was not affected all the time by the new settings, I've forced a refresh in the next version :
I've built a beta version with a fix: "link deleted" but it also includes numerous additional changes, you may want to wait for the official release.

I think my effects are balanced better now in iRacing and are not abusive or distracting. They feel right, so they help the immersion and give me useful feedback in the form of wheel slide. I made a lot of changes to the road impact and road vibration increasing their thresholds and dropping overall intensity.

Currently practicing this weeks Class D fixed track and feeling very connected with the car, an M4 GT3.
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I think my effects are balanced better now in iRacing and are not abusive or distracting. They feel right, so they help the immersion and give me useful feedback in the form of wheel slide. I made a lot of changes to the road impact and road vibration increasing their thresholds and dropping overall intensity.

Currently practicing this weeks Class D fixed track and feeling very connected with the car, an M4 GT3.

Still waiting on your feedback on some of the previous low Hz test effects for the Concert.
Still waiting on your feedback on some of the previous low Hz test effects for the Concert.

Sorry, I was just excited to actually prepare to race again. I've taken too long a break from that. I had been completely obsessed by my 3D printed button box and Fusion 360, and I've only now come up for air and started to actually use my sim again. I'll try those effects out soon.
Sorry, I was just excited to actually prepare to race again. I've taken too long a break from that. I had been completely obsessed by my 3D printed button box and Fusion 360, and I've only now come up for air and started to actually use my sim again. I'll try those effects out soon.

We are a pair, I spend more time thinking and talking about my rig build than working on it,
You spend more time building at your rig than using it. :D
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Sad but true. I go through spurts of design and building and occasional actual use. Probably averaging about 80% to 20% to date. I enjoy what I enjoy, but there is a part of me that considers this a bit of insanity.

As I write this have a new front right fascia board printing with more clearance so I can once again mount my unloved sequential shifter. Tomorrow I have a small BMW clock arriving for my new 3D printed dash. There is a Jeep back seat grab handle coming in the next couple weeks to help me get in and out of my rig when it is in flight mode and I have plans to print enclosures for my sequential shifter and hand brake base and then stitch boots for them.

However at this point I'm planning to keep my rig active and not have it down for more than a few minutes at a time and I'm going to try to take a part in at least one race per series week as a personal goal.
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Part of the hobby too but man you have a heck of a lot of cool hardware, that needs to be enjoyed.

Today, I've ordered another almost £500 of tubing and clamps for my d.i.y build.
These needed towards helping to finish the newly made base frame section, install the isolation towers, and mount the seat.

This week my target is to get the improved wheel supports onto this new triple tier base and bolt into place the twin Yamaha soundbars. I have also worked out I think a good way to bolt the 4 upright subwoofers to the tubing. Attaching them at each corner to sections of the rig's intended roll cage frame design but that's for later.
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Well, I just had quite the experience!

After much delaying, and avoidance, I finally let Windows update, after being nagged for weeks.

and of course no good deed goes unpunished........

I did a quick test of the whole rig before beddy bye time. The SFX100 motion system came alive and was functioning, Sim wind initialed the controller a- OK! Steam loaded, Sim hub loaded. Asetto Corsa loaded, and a test drive was next, A quick run down the track showed that the race sim was working, SFX was working, and I could feel the wind blast at top speed,

But where was tactile? I was getting nothing? After a little digging around, I could see Simhub was receiving the telemetry but found that none of the sound cards in Simhub were enabled, and when I enabled them I had lost every channel assignment!


Aren't these saved permanently? The saved settings were volatile, and I lost them all. After spending a hour reassigning the channels, The tactile was still not working correctly. some channels were not working some were. I then found I had also lost every soundcard setting in windows. It was all at default.

I had to set all the cards back up to the proper multichannel setting, and set up base management for the main speakers / sub. The actual profile was intact, but everything else involving tactile had to be set up again from the beginning.

This happen to anyone else? How can I permanently save the channel assignment?
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After a little digging around, I could see Simhub was receiving the telemetry but found that none of the sound cards in Simhub were enabled, and when I enabled them I had lost every channel assignment!


Aren't these saved permanently? The saved settings were volatile, and I lost them all. After spending a hour reassigning the channels, The tactile was still not working correctly. some channels were not working some were. I then found I had also lost every soundcard setting in windows. It was all at default.

I had to set all the cards back up to the proper multichannel setting, and set up base management for the main speakers / sub. The actual profile was intact, but everything else involving tactile had to be set up again from the beginning.

This happen to anyone else? How can I permanently save the channel assignment?

Ouch :cry:

I had the same thing happen to me several months back. With the guidance of Mr. Latte, we worked out that the channel assignments need to be exported separately as .sichannels files. I also took screenshots once I was set back up again, just in case.

Unfortunately, you have to re-enable each soundcard and remap all of the channels again before doing the export.

Link to the conversation here
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Ouch :cry:

I had the same thing happen to me several months back. With the guidance of Mr. Latte, we worked out that the channel assignments need to be exported separately as .sichannels files. I also took screenshots once I was set back up again, just in case.

Unfortunately, you have to re-enable each soundcard and remap all of the channels again before doing the export.

Link to the conversation here

Yeah bummer, when this issue with soundcards happens I'm sure most have, had some form of issues.

Simhub does indeed also offer user configured soundcard profiles within the "Sound Output" menu:

Export / Import

These all seem to be saved by exporting

Effect Channel Positions
Effect Channel Volumes
Per Effect Volumes

It's very handy for any troubles with soundcards but also for trying different output mixes of effects on different channels. The only bug I saw from testing it was that "Output Tuning" / "Output Filtering" are not saved.
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Another piece of the puzzle:

Be a while before I am at the point of having these fully working and cables all connected up but triple Soundblaster X3 (7.1) cards seem ready to go.

I wasn't going to go cheap on soundcards, no way, not when I'm investing so much into the tactile/audio and how it can be controlled. :D

This will allow 24 independent channels from Simhub and still room for monitoring/altering 7.1 game audio going into the X32. The level of control will be awesome and is one of the primary factors that will make my own rig build, well quite different.
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