Show us your Rig / Cockpit

Opperpanter said:
Here's one for inspiration. Maybe someone can now build a 'RACE' button into their room....

more info:

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I would like to have your red button
Hello all!

Im Kari Nyman from finland and driving in RSC FIA TC-65 league. You might know that RSC is down and there was a link in here.
After quick scan i find your very amazing cockipts! Really pro work guys. My cockpit is not so pro:blushed: It's build from boards that i find my home. I got "must build now" moment and an idea was to get good picture off what kind it should be, as what is coming to measures and so. Intention was build later better one from iron. Cockpit have now 1 year off hard driving under hes belt and no problem at all, still steady as a rock. In fact i build one more for my friend and give measures for one other. Try to add some pictures too. it's bit hard to see construction because i paint it for black. Hope those pictures work.

ps. i'll take the seat from my ever last BMW project:tongue:
Well, y'all are a bit further than my cockpit, but I will post some pretty bad pics of my system along with the start of my racing cockpit so you can see where I am at. I plan on having mine together some time this summer with a better pedal set and shifter.

EDIT: Taking pics with my phone doesn't work out so well, lol. Sorry for the lousy pics. :)
My cockpit project - Jacco

Under construction :happy:

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