AC RSS GT-M(GT3) @ Slovakiaring - Sunday 23rd July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Exhausting track tonight. The first race was messed up a bit by an accident on lap one. I was pretty far behind then. I thought to myself just keep driving, maybe I can at least "win" the pole position for race two. That's how it happened.

In the second race I was able to drive through cleanly, always with the thought of not giving anything away because Fulvio will definitely appear in the rear-view mirror at some point. But 25 minutes might be enough. Luckily that was the case. With a second's lead. That was nerve wracking.

Great event! :thumbsup:
First race went ok until I spun in first gear out into the sand. That last chicane was a bit tricky with the hot tyres.

Decided to mess with my launch killing TC a few seconds before lights out in the second. Got a drive through for my troubles :(
Sorry to @cerebralvortex and @eN1xes for the runaway truck impression :( I struggled with braking into that corner all week. I realise now i was taking the wrong line through it altogether :( Didn't expect you guys to be going wide and sweeping back in like that.

Put it the sand on the out lap and was 30 seconds behind at that point so decided best to retire after no else one binned it early on..

Onto the next one, one to forget!
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Sorry to @cerebralvortex and @eN1xes for the runaway truck impression :( I struggled with braking into that corner all week. I realise now i was taking the wrong line through it altogether :( Didn't expect you guys to be going wide and sweeping back in like that.
Oh, I thought Fulvio spun me around there as he waited for me. I was a bit surprised as there was no gap and I was on the ideal line.. I need to watch the replay again. But anyway, we were both going back to the front again afterwards, just lost quite a bit of time there.
Well put, Brian

Thanks for organizing

I'm not sure the track suited a double sprint. Double the lap 1 madness. More intense than an endurance race.
I'm feeling the draw of a longer race next week. I think, now after these few GT sprints, a early summer 50 minute race type is more relaxing than 2x 25. And easier on beginners. So the opposite of what was intended! Do a few of the 50s again and build back in to the traditional 1 hour events from here.
Oh, I thought Fulvio spun me around there as he waited for me. I was a bit surprised as there was no gap and I was on the ideal line.. I need to watch the replay again. But anyway, we were both going back to the front again afterwards, just lost quite a bit of time there.

No it was me. I think he had to avoid backwards you and got stuck in the sand.
I was only glad I didn't stop your battle!
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Oh I see.. well, would have been able to catch up to the front otherwise but it's been fun racing and these things happen. I was a bit surprised as there was no gap to go for there ;)

I thought fulvio was going around the outside so I stayed with my usual inside line. I didn't end up alongside fulvio and behind you at the kerb like I guessed it would happen.
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I'm not sure the track suited a double sprint. Double the lap 1 madness. More intense than an endurance race.
I'm feeling the draw of a longer race next week. I think, now after these few GT sprints, a early summer 50 minute race type is more relaxing than 2x 25. And easier on beginners. So the opposite of what was intended! Do a few of the 50s again and build back in to the traditional 1 hour events from here.

Hi Brian,

Here is one beginner's input -- If I have a vote definitely 2x25 minutes.

That was a great race I thought. But like the Thu FA race, after reviewing replay, I am wondering if I may be guilty of some bad (but unintentional) driving. Appreciate others give me your perspective, to help me learning.

During the race, I know I got close to Paul, Carsten, Robert, Ernie, and Fulvio. After reviewing the reply, I realized there was actual contact with some of you. During the race, I didn't think I was at fault (especially when I didn't feel contact), but after seeing the replay, I wasn't sure. Would really like to hear your perspective.

The good part was that I was driving as good as my practice, in fact, bettered my best lap time towards the end of the second race.

In Race one, it were super intense early laps as Brian got ever close to me. I was pretty stoked that I didn't get passed after more than a couple of laps. Then I got to worried how much closer Brain is, keep looing at the time delta between us. When I did that one too many times at the wrong place, missing my braking point and went off. After that it was really tough to refocus, could barely staying on the track.

Good thing it was 2x race day, so I got a second chance. I felt I held up pretty well with Robert close behind for quite a couple of laps. Here I just drove my line as fast as I could and Robert was very patient not forcing any moves. The close call came passed me going into T3 but took the wide, later turn in entry, which allowed me to got under him with my normal line. On exit, ended up drifting wide ended up squeezing Robert but I don't believe we touched. I wonder if I should let Robert back in front in this case?

Later, Fulvio passed me before T3, as I followed him into T3, I missed my braking point by may be 2 meters. He also took the wider turn in, and I had not choice but to dive down the inside of him or smack him. I was really surprised with full braking I just shot past him and into the gravel -- does Lambo brake way better than the Beemer? No contact in this case, but I probably because Fulvio did some evasive maneuver.

This mistake allowed a number of cars go by. But I was able to maintain focus and ended up doing some good lap times.

As always, thanks Brian for organizing the race! But please consider keeping more 2x races!
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I thought fulvio was going around the outside so I stayed with my usual inside line. I didn't end up alongside fulvio and behind you at the kerb like I guessed it would happen.
Ok, I just watched it because I was really confused there. I see why now, you were both in Lambo's with quite similar liveries and it was Fulvio that was chasing me going into the corner and I thought it was also Fulvio that was waiting further after the incident but that car was yours and Fulvio got aheah right away too, so I never saw you on my timing app. That was a very sneaky move that was never going to work, you tried to jump both Fulvio and me in a single corner there :confused:

I also saw the replay with Dai Feng and Robert later in the race where Dai Feng shot right past Fulvio (who did a good job to notice it!) and Robert braking very late behind me and going slightly off track too. That was quite hot too!

I understand rookies prefer the 2x25 mins format, but I prefer long races myself.
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I see your sad face there Brian, like I said, these things happen, no hard feelings!

I noticed at race start that my radar app was not working. I used the one from CSP and I saw it got updated in the latest CSP preview but it didn't show on the task bar. So I raced without in VR using my mirrors and that went quite well. Adds to the immersion as well. Crazy how much you rely on having it. But I guess I will enable it again in the future to avoid possible incidents in races due to not running it.

Thanks Brian for having the event.
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I see your sad face there Brian, like I said, these things happen, no hard feelings!
Just sad that you would think I was actually attempting a massive sneaky double dive bomb from way back, when I was on a drive through!

I was probably pushing a bit hard to try and get the drive through done and be within some sort of range of 2nd last. Got caught out by you guys braking earlier than I expected and then I just reacted to not punt fulvio. After the initial braking error I didn't have many options at that point. In hind sight I could have thrown it out in the right side grass but fulvio also moved right, out to the white line, there at the last second..
Just sad that you would think I was actually attempting a massive sneaky double dive bomb from way back, when I was on a drive through!

I was probably pushing a bit hard to try and get the drive through done and be within some sort of range of 2nd last. Got caught out by you guys braking earlier than I expected and then I just reacted to not punt fulvio. After the initial braking error I didn't have many options at that point. In hind sight I could have thrown it out in the right side grass but fulvio also moved right, out to the white line, there at the last second..
Ah well, like you explained earlier you had another line through there. I've seen other cars go quite deep into that corner too and lose a lot of acceleration because of it. It's also hard to see intentions or what you react on from a replay. It was lap 1 and we were tightly packed as well.

To be clear, I think you are a very fair racer judging from our scraps in the past :)
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Ah well, like you explained earlier you had another line through there. I've seen other cars go quite deep into that corner too and lose a lot of acceleration because of it. It's also hard to see intentions or what you react on from a replay. It was lap 1 and we were tightly packed as well.

To be clear, I think you are a very fair racer judging from our scraps in the past :)

Ye my line there was fast in and slow out! Never got that corner figured out. Will try the opposite approach next time.

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