AC Round 12 of 23 Formula Agile@Hungaroring1988 Thu, 20th July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event




On July 20th, four days before the Formula 1 event, we will drive in Hungary on the Hungaroring (1988) made just recently by our fellow RD member @Rainmaker_87 who created this great historic track. First corner is faster than nowadays, but there is an additional chicane shortly after that. Join the practice server for some quick laps!

First, there is an optional 60 minutes practice session, then a qualifying session which lasts for 20 minutes (plus a bit for people to finish their current hotlap).
The race format for this round is: two 25 minute races, pit stop is NOT mandatory. The second race has a starting grid reversed from the result of the first race.

Further info can be found on the championship page (careful, it will be HOT during this race!) by clicking on the purple button EVENT DETAILS at the bottom of the page in the Hungaroring event area.

Am i the only one who has been practising on the modern circuit by ACU and Jim Lloyd? This one is so different it's worse than starting from scratch, and although i like rainmaker,s track improvements very much it's an old track and not as good as the newer one by a mile. Why not, i don't think it's legally suspect is it?
I was also like, hmm… wobly bumpy chicanes I wasn’t used to, a pitty it’s an old track version, even more mickey mouse karting with the Agile :cool: . Track itself is very cool, but Acu track is more like the one they race at the moment, which therefore should be preferred I think. But if it’s a RD right things, we have to do with this one.
I tested the track for a few laps yesterday evening, actually it's quite different from the actual one, I really hate the chicane right after the second corner. I can get it right once every three.. even though an hour or pre-race practice is far more than I had the chance to practice in the last races, and I'm feeling a little more confident than usual.

I decided to give me a last possibility on the Agile before giving up, facing the evidence that I'm not on up to the task of taming this (even if not too powerful) beast. Last races, not only because of my skills but also because of some unfortunate events (ping problems, VR problems etc.) were very frustrating and let me rage quit for two times, and if I'm not enjoying it, I'd rather leave it, at least while I have an alternative (the family duties that led me leaving the the Wednesday races are now in pause until September).
I tested the track for a few laps yesterday evening, actually it's quite different from the actual one, I really hate the chicane right after the second corner. I can get it right once every three.. even though an hour or pre-race practice is far more than I had the chance to practice in the last races, and I'm feeling a little more confident than usual.

Yeah, those three turns are tricky. To get out the last right hander onto the straight good, I had to be really patient through the preceding two turns, which required me to go slow through the left hand turn so I can hang on to the left side of the track (very tricky because I need to be going straight before turn right, not still fighting to get to the left). And to do that, I need to be not so fast into the first right turn so I can hang on to the right side before turning left. Not sure if these are the right things to do, but it seems to gain me the best time for the next straight.

But there is a balance, because by doing above, I am loosing time in the chicane :(

In a perverted way, I found this track interesting to drive :redface:

I hope you make progress during this race and keep going with FA!
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Good Luck Bob.

May "the law of surprise" be with you for once.........
OMG I tore it down, moved the cocpit and computer to a different place in the room, attached the 49" monitor VESA mount to the cockpit (harder than it should have been). Hooked everything back up and everything worked the first time. WTF is that all about ? LOL Once I get used to the view I think it's going to help. It looks great anyway :)
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OMG I tore it down, moved the cocpit and computer to a different place in the room, attached the 49" monitor VESA mount to the cockpit (harder than it should have been). Hooked everything back up and everything worked the first time. WTF is that all about ? LOL Once I get used to the view I think it's going to help. It looks great anyway :)
Congrats! How about give us a eye candy and show us what it looks like?
I used to have a 49" monitor, when i was not using it for sim racing I used to sail it down the Medway river, sorry to see it go on a low loader lorry.:roflmao:
@abecede Uh on Emperor it shows that the event starts with 60 practice session at 9.00 PM CEST where we normally start at 8.00 PM. Is this done on purpose?
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