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almost there.

promise no more teasing, will finish and upload tmmrw. :thumbsup:
just need few more logos and carlos sainz 55 number.

So the issues are solved yes,
strangest of bugs the LED was 88 and 66 and I made them 155 and altered the texture and made it brighter,
but at least now the issues are solved so thanks guys,
I always run ultra everything so wouldnt have picked it up :)
Don't mean to be a ball buster, but i think the tires still need a bit of work.
Why is optimal temp much lower? 2017 was 24 psi now down to 21. Its just to easy to overheat and takes to long to cool down.
Choose your colour! ...
View attachment 243597
Maybe a few need tweaking (experimenting with blend modes) but a first go at it. I grabbed the colours from an official Pirelli poster image of the 'rainbow'.
Will do inter/wets as well but I need to make the lettering for those first.
Please feel free to give feedback on the colours. I will adjust the white a bit as it looks too silver. Also the O in P ZERO is a trick of the eyes it looks not the same height at the end as the rest of the letters but can assure you it is as I spent about an hour tracing using the pen tool with guides to make sure it was correct.
The gif is from pics in CM showroom. I'll do some in-game testing too to confirm it all looks ok as I often find the lighting in CM showroom is not quite the same.
So after investigating the compression on the Halo after saving the textures and ingame,
we decided to make it its own texture the entire Halo systems, and also create a new high res logos 1 maps,
so now looks stunning ingame and with the extra details on the logos really makes it pop,
not sure to any release dates to the new versions and tweeks I made, but they are complete.



This is awesome work. Time to get those flip-flop logos on the Halo :roflmao::roflmao:
Awesome work guys - @bastoner97 @formulaHEINE (apologies if I've missed anyone). That's a whole lot of car skins! My faves that I can see so far from that pic are the mclaren-esque orange/blue #34 and the black/grey/red #25. I'll have a good look through them all in showroom view later! :inlove::inlove:

Thanks heaps @formulaHEINE @bastoner97. Just seeing my name on a virtual representation of the best F1 mod there is from @chargingcar makes my day. You guys are rock stars and please keep up the great work.
so i see already as WIP Skins

Force India (speedracer1893)
Ferrari (chris2174)
Renault (Amir)
Haas (formularheine)

Mclaren is published so hope we can drive soon with that skins :)
Well that was really odd,
in V1 of the release the LED worked perfect but with "NO_PP" they was really dim,
but with "PP" and "VR" they was perfect,

so to please everyone and the users using low settings I spent hrs and made it so it worked like this
"PP" "NO_PP" "VR"
but then in the V2 had brand new issues because of this fix using AA ingame,
everything worked perfect but with "NO_AA" the display was blank the LED,
so after another few hrs research and fault finding,
the strangest of issues became apparent,

the issues was the LED_NORMALS pink texture required a "ALPHA_CHANNEL" same as the diffuse,
with "NO_ALPHA" the display with "NO_AA" dont work,
but with "ALPHA_CHANNEL" now it works perfectly,

so trying to help one kind of user broke another users gameplay,

so anyways long story short.
we have fixed all issues and now it works perfect.
"PP" "NO_PP" "VR" "NO_AA" "AA"
Jesus :roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Last edited:
Everyone, thank you kindly for helping us get to the bottom of that LED issue. We're adding another brand new feature to the LEDs now to indicate performance delta which @chargingcar will likely show more, later on after further testing.
View attachment 243726
Sorry to keep bothering with my skin painting woes, but for some reason I can't get this little flick up to go away. Any ideas?
You painting 2D ?
try and follow the lines in the UV layers will help with the direction you want to take,
visually in the layer it might look correct the line,
but turning on the wireframe it may deviate direction somewhat :)
You painting 2D ?
try and follow the lines in the UV layers will help with the direction you want to take,
visually in the layer it might look correct the line,
but turning on the wireframe it may deviate direction somewhat :)

Tried the wireframe, looked like it was where the black used to come up in the alpha channel but doesn't any more. Just fixed it by doing this. Looks good enough :p
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Well after fixing all the small LED issues and tweeking the car,
also creating new Halo textures and maps and a Halo high res logo layer,
was time to double check all textures and settings,
so went through everything and optimized all the textures and alpha maps,
now the complete car sits at 38,00mb :D:D with 5x LOD.

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