RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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  19. Driver
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Got out from work around 7:00 pm and ran on foot to get home in time. Got problems from the start with add-ons and booted as possible cheat with Vectra.
I took a Honda without setup and barely managed to do a first lap in qualifications.

First race was a disaster with a stop and go penalty, than ran out of fuel. Finished in the midpack, 19th.

Second race was a succes. After the restart I've found myself in pole position.
I've concentrated after being pushed out in the SandTraps by Miguel Neto and very happy I can keep very fast racers away in the mirrors, I made it to podium in second place with calm and pace.

Later Edit: Thanks Dan Allinson for fair-play. Beautiful close fight.

I Aristide,

I Dont push you out of the track... I only put the car inside you because you open the turn 3....if you watch the video in my car, you will se that i dont pull you out....my car is inside the turn and along side of your car, when you loss control...

Qualify - Great lap for me without any big mistake....Good 2º place

Race 1 - Good start and i try to lead the race in turn one...big mistake for me in pitting without request....so alot of time lost...
In the final laps the 3º place was good for me and a finish 2º because the reggie and Olivier touch.

Race 2 - Starting 4º, i have a good start again...I follow the two first and i get 1ª place in the 3 or 4 lap...I could get a good pace and a gap of 5 seconds....Good pit for me this time and i great second half of race...

Great fun once again....

Congratulations all, specialy Michael for another one...
Class: WTCC 06 / 07 / 08 / STCC Vauxhall Vectra + Safety Car
(C30 2008 excluded)

HDI Removed! The Car needs some more tweaking

Track: Pace park Download
Weather forecast: Dry
Start Time: 19:30 GMT

Practice 2: 30 min Start @ 19:30 GMT
Qualification: Superpole 10 min
Warmup: 5 mins
Race: 2x 30 minutes
Pitstop: 2 Tyres minimum

This event will be started with a single formation lap with a safety car
The formation lap pace will be 80 Kph or 50 Mph. The race starts when you pass the start/finish line and you may accelerate AFTER you cross this line.

Safety car rules.

Make sure you have the chat on during the race.

The safety car is the only car allowed to use the chat during race.

The safety car will only use: Full course yellow, Safety car deployed. From this moment you cannot overtake a other car. Just slow down you pace, and connect behind the safety car.

When safety car is deployed. It will use the chat; Safety car this lap in. After that wait for the Green flag. Then its allowed to accelerate.

Safety car will only be used during start.

When a huge crash happens with a lot of drivers involved minimum 4. A full course yellow will be given.

Make sure you download the safety car. ( DOWNLOAD LINK WILL BE UP THIS EVENING).


Notes: Click here to read the password and the rules!

Most important RD rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate.

  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.

  • No cutting in any sessions.

  • If you hit another driver, wait and give back his position

  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session is completed and all drivers are off the track.

  • No abusive language during any sessions.

  • Listen to the race director at all times.

  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by another driver you can use the incident report option. Send the Incident report accompanied by a video to the race director through PM only.

  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there 10 minutes before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.
Note from the race director:

Grid will be closed 10 minutes before start of qualify! Signed up reserve drivers already present on the server during official practise, earn their starting position at this point.

Drive relaxed, fast and fair \o/
Hey guys, this is a quick summary of how things should go for the upcoming event. It involves setting up pre-race, racing, etiquette, and a few other reminders.

Here you should be getting a handle on your car, whether it's wet or dry. Get comfortable racing around others, and get your awareness up.

You should also be practising your pit stops. As with all Wednesday races we require a mandatory 2 tire stop each race. The practice will help you with pit entry, and prevent you from getting a stop and go because of speeding into pit lane.

Now as added excitement of the Wednesday races, we have changing weather. With this in mind during practice you should set a few presets. Here are examples of mine:

1) Two dry front tires
2) All four dry tires
3) Two wet front Tires
4) All four wet tires
5) Full damage repair (In short races like in ERC, you NEVER repair damage unless it is a puncture. You lose too much time in the pits to make it worthwhile)

Setting these presets will decrease your chances of having a problem when pitting.

It's also beneficial to practice both with full race fuel, and with qualifying fuel. Running all your practice with 5-10 litres of fuel will not help when you put in your 45 litres for race time as it adds weight and changes the behaviour of the car.


We run 10 minutes of Super-pole which is an individual qualification. When you leave the pits you have 3 laps and they are as followed:

1) Out-lap - Used to warm up tires. Also: do not damage car this lap :)
2) Hot-lap - Your one and ONLY lap to qualify with. It's sometimes better to relax a bit so you don't make a mistake and run off, leaving you with a poor qualification and bad starting position
3) In-lap - A cool down lap which you run and enter the pits when finished , you can hit escape when done your hot lap, but it's more fun and real to finish the in-lap and also gives you another chance to practice pitting in.


Warm up:

Use this session to get comfortable with race fuel, and to once again practice you pit stops. At this point make sure you have all your presets set in place, and that you're comfortable and ready to race. Also a good time to hit the bathroom!


With a full grid, on-track behaviour is critical. Because one aggressive move doesn't just affect you and one car, but more like 5-10 cars. Remember this! Everyone is here to race and have fun just like the rest, but think about how one bad move takes the fun out of it for someone else. We all like to do well and make passes, but keep the big picture in mind. Races are of decent length, with changing weather and with pit stops. Things happen as the race unfolds. Let it get there, use caution in the first lap.

I will not tolerate:

Opportunistic behaviour just after the start into the first corner! Which means no dive-bombing in to the first corner through the pack to gain a couple of places or excessive contact causing other drivers to spin.

Excessive contact when passing another driver in a corner. And if you're a skilled driver - meaning ranking Top 50 and beyond - you should be able to do it clean. If you're not able to do so please do not sign up for this event or I will prevent this for your next event

A few rules of thumb when around multiple cars:

1) ALWAYS be aware of cars behind you and their position. Do not just think about the car in front of you. The car behind you is just as important

2) When changing lanes to pass, or miss cars ran off, check before changing

3) If you are defending and attempting to block, you can only make one lane change. Swerving to block will NOT be tolerated

4) If a car has a run on you and you see him go inside, BE AWARE. You cannot just turn into a car that is fully beside you (and I mean nose-to-nose beside you). He is there, and you have to concede position. More than likely if you turn into him and he is there, you're going off and your race is hindered and he is at no fault.

5) When entering pits do so in a safe manner, that does not cause obstructions, or interferes with the racing line for others.

6) When re-entering the track from the pits, please do so in a safe manner. However remember that you ARE racing for position. Remain behind the pit exit line until it merges into the racing surface. DO NOT pull a Schumacher and swerve into the racing line in front of a full speed car (this will end in sorrow).

7) When you are receiving the blue flag, do not panic. Have a look behind and see how close they are and plan for a safe position to allow them past you. You do not need to hit your brakes. Simply back off the throttle off the race line and they will find their way as they are at full pace.

I suggest to everyone that races in ERC to use teamspeak, even if you don't have a mic. It is beneficial, because if someone runs off they announce it, and it provides early warning. Even if you leave the mic muted.

Michael van Scheppingen

  1. Matthias Klein
  2. Alexander Lauritzen
  3. Menno Hagen
  4. Mark Sørensen
  5. Ethan Bass
  6. Eric Plimmer
  7. James Fellows
  8. Jakob de Boer
  9. Simon Gardner
  10. Aristide Romanov
  11. Linus Broström
  12. Keith Barrick
  13. Ondrej Kapal
  14. Hugo Hekkenberg
  15. Peter Duivelaar
  16. Mark Guy
  17. Jadran Dimic
  18. Jonas Orfelt
  19. Helder Moreira
  20. Leonardo Tuma
  21. Barry Morse
  22. Morten Wernersen
  23. Frans Linden
  24. Wesley Hartog
  25. Yuri Braham (Safety Car)
  26. Felix Luding


  1. Felix Luding
  2. Goran Markesic
  3. Murat Erdogdu
  4. Fred Visser
Say it again. Report it then....
Every race you complain about the driving. But in the last 4 months we see only 1 report from you.
Nothing is gonna change (in wtcc events) if the members dont stand up and report some driving.

Problem is, I can't just go around making reports on drivers having incidents that don't involve me. And unfortunatly, I haven't got the time to watch race replays from differen't people's perspetive all the way through if the race was an incident heavy one.

What should be done is. After you get your license and you've done some events, your race replays should be submitted to racing staff for review of your driving standards. If it is deemed that during thoughs events that you are un-sporting and don't follow the rules properly, then your license is banned for a month no matter if it is spotless or not. The events picked for review will be at random from the log of events that you have competed in. For people who aren't new, races picked will be from when you started at RD to your progress now.

For people who were given a 1 month ban, will again need to go through the process again.

It would be a long process, but there are too many drivers that race in manner that, if done in real life, would result in their license being revoked. Some people on here maybe even banned from racing.

I hate to sound so negative, but things need to be done. People aren't being punished harsh enough, so think they can get away with stuff.

Then on the matter of reporting people. The "make a video" thing really is a bad way of going about this. After the events, some people either a) Don't want to because video making on something un-pleasent can be tedious, b) some might not have the time or software to make videos on incidents. Why not make things easier by doing this;

To submit a report, send the replay file of the race in question. Make a description of the incident(s). Take note of the person(s) breaking the rules or being un-sportsman like. Take a note of the relative timestamps at which the situations occour. Then send the replay file to the race director for reviewing with other racing staff.

Now that way, I believe the whole process is made much easier and the terrible driving by some can be weeded out, and the respectful drivers allowed to race without having to worry about what the guy next to them is going to do.

I understand that this is just a game, but a game ought to be enjoyable. But if your races are being ruined due to someone else's negligence, then the fun disapears.

But thankfully, I know who I can race door to door with, and whos respectful. I have had some fantastic racing on RD and I look forward to more, but lately more and more of those events are happening in the US races.

I look forward to more enjoyable races in the future, and to the progress of more people becoming more respectful. Because respect is not a right, nor is it given. It is earned.
Pretty cool night even though there was a lot of pushing and stuff it was still good fun :)

Quali - Pole, really shocked myself because I didnt really think I would be fast enough as this track is hard for my buttons. Wasnt the best lap as i made a few mistakes but still pulled it off.

Race 1 - Led from there start, With my buttons I struggle after pit stops because the car is so bad, so I led untill lap 12 where I pitted and then as usual I have no pace. finished 6th

Race 2 - was meant to start 3rd but after the restart I started 12th. Got held up and first few laps, pitted and changed all 4 tyres as I thought it was worth a shot. Came ot in 15th and worked my way through to 6th, made a mistake that cost me 4th but o well :)

Thanks RD and everyone for tonight, was really cool.

Sort Race report

Quali 6th

Race 1 got a good start and was p5 by lap 1, it stayed close until all the pit stops unfolded. I pitted lap 9 and joined the track P2 behind Oliver W who had pitted 2 laps earlier and the gap was 4 seconds spilting us on lap 10. By lap 14 i had closed the gap to under a second on Oliver and new the tdi pace was good. Oliver looked to be struggling with his tyres and i was right on him. goin into final chicane L15 after the brakin zone Oliver had a moment and stops mid corner and i touch him, miguel is close and its a bad part of the track to slow down so i decide to go on as i feel it was no mistake of my own and dont wanna cause any futher incidents. It was a close race, i finish 1st, Miguel 2nd and Oliver 3rd.

Race 2 Started 7th and had made a few positions. there was alot of bashing goin on so i just played it safe for the first few laps. had some good battles with nicolas, wayne,dan etc. Again after the pit stops the tdi feels good and i manage to finish the race in 3rd. all and all was good fun but there was alot of mad driving goin on and i felt like i was driving for survival. Grats to Miguel on win and Aristide on 2nd and thanks to all the guys i had good battles with.

Thanks Michael and RD for the event
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