RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
  2. Driver
  3. Driver
  4. Driver
  5. Driver
  6. Driver
  7. Driver
  8. Driver
  9. Driver
  10. Driver
  11. Driver
  12. Driver
  13. Driver
  14. Driver
  15. Driver
  16. Driver
  17. Driver
  18. Driver
  19. Driver
  20. Driver
  21. Driver
  22. Driver
  23. Driver
  24. Driver
  25. Driver

I'm sorry to go against your theory, but surely people will purposely slow down to 4th if they are higher to get tracks choice?? Maybe you shouldn't tell people what position they need to finish, and randomly select it before the event and the person who finishes in that position get to choose?

See it as the 4th prize... Top three gets the points and number 4 the track and format :) I wouldn't slow down for it :)

Servername: RaceDepartment IFM
Class: International Formula Master
Track:Road america ( Default )
Weather: Dry
Practice: 15 minutes (20:00GMT)
Qualification: 10 minutes (Super Pole)
Warmup: 10 minutes
Race: 2x25 minutes
Notes: Click here to read the password and golden rules


Class: Super Touring 98 (RACE ON)

Track: Istanbul 06 (Default Simbin Track) **Track is changed due to add-on track issues **

Weather forecast: Dry

Start Time: 19:30 GMT

Practice 2: 30 min
Qualification: 10 mins SUPERPOLE
Warmup: 5 mins
Race: 2x 30 minutes
Pitstop: 2 Tyres minimum

Notes: Click here to read the password and the rules!

Most important RD rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate.

  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.

  • No cutting in any sessions.

  • If you hit another driver, wait and give back his position

  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session is completed and all drivers are off the track.

  • No abusive language during any sessions.

  • Listen to the race director at all times.

  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by another driver you can use the incident report option. Send the Incident report accompanied by a video to the race director through PM only.

  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.

  • 10 minutes before the qualify starts the grid is closed!

Read and understand the RD rules!
Lol, I did wonder what you were doing Dennis, thought I must of been in your blind spot. :tongue:

Enjoyed the races even with such a small grid. On Friday I had used a setup made by Ryan Callan for the Honda with a few adjustments and it felt a good setup. This time though I tried Eric Nelson's and wow what a difference, I found 6 tenths on the first flying lap and 1.1 seconds by the end of practice. In the race the tyres kept on givng with 10 laps under 1m30 (ok so not as good as the Friday pace setters but an improvement for me)

Originally I'd planned to start from the back but couldn't resist putting a lap in and I parked it 2nd on the grid eight hundreths off Matthias' pole time.
So I took the lead around the outside at turn 1 with Matthias getting me back into the hairpin. A lap later he went off at T14 and I never looked back, building the gap up to 11 seconds by the finish.

For the second race I was just looking to have a fun battle so held station at the back behind Chris. Ethan in the lead, but I knew I was quicker and a second win wasn't off the cards whilst Matthias was behind him. He was now my target, no more messing around -past Gabor into 5th at the final corner then on the following lap the incident with Dennis and into 3rd with the leaders 3-4 seconds ahead.
Gabor keeps me in check but my car is so solid from turn 11 onwards I can edge away.
Matthias pits early and Ethan goes off at the first chicane and I take the lead, pitting at the end of the lap. It wasnt a brilliant inlap and MK is the effective leader as I rejoin behind him now with ground to make up.

A long battle ensued slowly getting the gap down to under second by the time we started the last lap- I could only match him throughout the first 2 thirds of the lap so if it was going to happen it would be the final corner. I make big gains through 11/12 but he's better on the exit and looks to have done enough. Into 14 he's a little too hot and locks up gets on the grass but luck is on his side as I follow his line a little too literally and we slide off in unison. Its a battle to get it pointed straight down to the final corner, a last ditch attempt at a switchback isnt enough and Matthias holds on to win.

Thanks for the racing and to Eric and Ivo for sorting the server.
Well, that should've gone better, but I guess it was just one of those events that just doesn't go your way. Did a good amount of practice for this event, including two full race test runs.

But something just wasn't up, car felt alright, nothing really wrong, but just lacked something that stopped me being properly comfortable. I think I need to look at my racing setup, i.e. the way I sit, where my wheel and pedals are posistioned and all that, because no matter what I do, I always end up with more tyre wear then others. Oh well.

During practice things were good, and when it came to quali, I did a 2:15.xxx which was good enough for 15th on the grid. Best thing was, as I only joined with around 15mins to go of official practice, and Ross Conlon ends up reacting like I'm a practice whore. :D

Race 1:

My start off the line is okay, and I shoot past new boy Rob Musgrove, but Matt Clark and Simon Gardner get better ones so I have company for turn one.

I manage to avoid the worst of the contact at turns 1 and 2, and I'm up to 14th on the run down to turn 4. Philippe Fournier gives Simon a bit of a tap, but nothing bad, but then after filing in behind me, is hit by Eric Plimmer, sending him into me, making my car go into turn 4 just a bit too fast, resulting in me having to despretly slow the car down, maiking it go sideways on the exit. Fournier is then unfortunatly sandwiched between myself and Chris Sykes as I get going and Chris just tries to not hit him. So after that as we go through turns 5 and 6, I'm up to 12th. Due to Rob just tagging the back of Kane Lasky's car.

I turn in for 7 just a bit too early, bounching over the curb, making me miss the apex for 8, slowing my exit. This allows Chris to run past me.

We then go past an accident between Aristide Romanov and Rhys Gardiner at turn 9.

After giving Chris a slight tag into 9, I get a slow exit from turn 9, and Gergely Hanyik's Diesel goes by me, then takes Chris at turn 11 after Chris gets a little bit sideways. We end the lap with me behind Chris, in 11th and 12th respectivly.

I take turn 6 too quickly next lap, and this allows Matt Clark to go past, We then go past Gábor Ludvig at turn 9, (after looking at the replay, he was tagged by Geoffrey Fournier being just a tad too close for him to dive to the right and not hit ludvig under braking) this promotes me back up to 12th. I now have Bob Miley behind me, and I go off at turn 12, as I turn in too soon and end up bouching over the curb on the inside, sending me wide and onto the grass. Thankfully I'm still pointing in the right direction and I rejoin before 13 to defend the inside.

Then on lap three, I make the most stupidest mistakes I'm made in months. Under braking for turn 13-14 hairpin, I downshift from fifth to second in a single sequecne as apose to going to third, then dropping it to second once settled. This jerks the car left slightly, but its enough to strighten the car up and send me heading towards the curb, and I can't get the car to slow down enough in time. So I end up having the lefts on the curb, the left rear just on the cusp of the being on the grass, sending my car into a spin, dropping me into the gravel, and have to recover throught the grass. Dropping me from 12th, all the way down to 17th by the end of the lap. ARRRRRGH! Unfortunatly, this sets the tone for the rest of the event.

I get back up to 15th by turn 8, after Rob and Ross have a coming together, also with Ludvig and Philippe Fournier coming together. With Fournier doing a horribe attemp to re-join the track. He was on the grass to the right of the exit at turn 6, then procedes to drive straight on, coming on right in front of me half way through turn 8. Lucky not to hit him.

I then fall off again on the exit of turn 12, allowing Eric to go past. And because this is on lap four, the pit stops have started.

I get past Akos Veres after he has a failed attempt on Geoffrey Fournier at turn 4. I then move up to 11th as Fournier and Eric peel off to make their respective pit stop.

I pit the next lap, on lap 6, but I forgot to sort out my pit presets so was fumbling around while cruising to my box. Get it sorted to only change lefts, but I've just missed my box and have to reverse. This drops me back to 18th behind Eric Plimmer.

I then pass a stricken Chris Sykes rejoining after losing his car into the gravel at the turn 13-14 hairpin. I then get past Eric on lap nine as he runs deep into turn 2, as I go past him on the run up to turn 4.

So by the end of the pit window on lap ten, I'm up to 11th, with Rob Musgrove and Eric behind, Rob only having pitted on lap eight, so has much fresher tyres than me. But from 16th to 11th during the pit stop phase isn't too bad.

On lap eleven, I brake too late for turn 9, falling off onto the grass on the exit, and rejoining behind Eric. The next two laps are just a case of keep your pace and don't wreck your car. But the tyres are shot, proven by the fact that I run wide off the road twice on lap twelve and once on lap thirteen.

So I finish in 13th place, but really should've finished higher, but too many errors, and that one bit mistake on lap three. Oh well.

Race 2:

So starting from 13th, I'm looking for at least a top 10 place finish. My start again isn't bad, but not that great. Pass new boy Rob, but Mark Guy in the VW (is the thing actually any good Mark if its given some proper time?) gets a good lauch and is past me before turn one. Under braking for turn one, when I look back, I see Geoffrey Fournier brake much later than others, sloting his car in between Mark and Eric, tagging the rear of Szabolcs Hanyik's Seat. This bump makes him hit Caramidaru Andrei Bogdan, making him go sideways, with me minding my own buisness going round turn one on the outside.

But for turn two, ohh it got all tight and a consintena effect happended with a few cars. Fournier tags Bob Mile's car, then hes tagged by Eric, who I end up tagging, which also makes me tag Kane Lasky. I'm then tagged by Rob, making me push Eric again, who spins Fournier around, and I end up hitting him again. Oh boy what a mess.

So after that, I'm in 18th on the run down to turn 4. Behind Chris whos turned his lights on so I can't see his brake lights all that well. I manage not to hit him as I move left under braking. But I unfortunatly, tag Eric sending him sideways, where hes collected by Chris, dropping Eric to 19th. Sorry man.

By the end of the lap, I'm back in 14th, with Rob right in front of me.

On lap two, we go past Ariel Doman, who was given a tag by kane at turn 4. Kane slows down for him, putting me up to 12th. I then run wide on the exit of 6, with Chris following me ontothe gravel. I then miss the apex for turn 12, sending me straight on into the gravel. I rejoin before 13, with a good 100yard gap to Ross and Chris behind. Unfortunatly, Ross brakes right in front of Chris, with Chris being totally suprised by it. So not my fault mate, but you blame it on me mate if you want. :wink::tongue:

Then on lap four, while going round turn 8, I see the aftermath of a huge accidnet, with Mark's VW flipping through the air. Scary. Him and Szabolcs Hanyik got together, spinning Mark after Hanyik just had contact with Bogdan through turn 8. Then Gergely Hanyik goes to avoid Mark whos car is pointing backwards, but Mark's car goes left (from Hanyik's view), leaving Hanyik nowhere to go, and t-boning Mark sending him into the barriers, and sending Mark skywards. Mark doing roughly eight flips in the air until he lands on his roof on the side of the track. Oh lordy, only in Touring cars, eh.

So after that, I'm up 10th, behind Szabolcs Hanyik. The pit stops again also start on lap four.

On lap five, I'm given a good shove out the way at turn 4 with Doman making a late move on me. I then decide to pit on lap seven, with Eric coming in behind me. Thankfully I remembered to sort my pit request out earlier, adn make a decent pit stop. it actually made me closer to Rob who also pitted on lap seven on exiting the pits than when we entered.

Unfortunatly, Rob's pace is just that bit faster, and he just proceds to drive away from me. Leaving me, at the end of lap ten and the end of the pit stop phase, in 11th with Eric, Kane and Bjorn de Haas close behind. Booo, I dropped one spot during the stops, booo.

Eric behind me is faster, and on lap eleven, are side by side at turn 2, but I get a better drive out, and keep 11th for now. We come across Simon and Bob through turn 6. And all I see is a dust cloud, so when we get close, I barely see Simon's Audi in time, and move a little left, off the racing line. But it sends me off track, dropping me to 13th. I then give Bob a little tap on the exit of turn 8, making him catch a slide. Not intentional mate, you were just a tad slower.

Then I get turn 9 all wrong and go through it really slow, allowing Bob back past. Then for turn 11, while trying to not tag him and stay with him, I run over the curb on the inside, but I just slide ovet them, and they send me wide off of them, and I end up hitting Bob, almost putting him into a spin. Argh, sorry mate. I slow down to let him pass and we continue.

Now down to 14th, I watch as Simon and Bob just pull away from me. Something is serioulsy wrong with either my driving, my setup or something else if people are pulling away from me this easily, this far into a race. On lap 12. But then Eric runs wide onto the gravel at the exit of turn 8, and I go by for 13th.

We then all go, strangely at the time, past Kane Lasky at the final corner (turn 15), but on looking at the replay, he was slowing down to wait for Szabolcs Hanyik, after they had a coming together at the turn 13-14 hairpin.

So now on the last lap, and wanting to get past Bjorn as that'll at least give me my top ten finish. But I push too hard, and fall off at turn 6, allowing Eric to get past me. I then fall of at turn 9 again, and rejoin before turn 11. Meaning I'm definitly finishing this race in 12th.

So could've gone better, but not the worst results I've ever had. Really think that I need to do somethin to help out my driving, especially when it comes to tyre management.

Thanks for the racing guys, and I'll cya next time.

Ethan Bass.

I get royalties if you podium with my setup and double dip if you win! LOL

Jesper jumped in my car Friday night and went straight from 7th on the sheet to 1st in like 5 laps of practice...........guess I hit it right on the nose for this track.......

Save it and use it at next round of ATCC.............you just might like it....
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