RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
  1. Driver
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That was some good fun, these cars are fantastic, definitly one of my fav class of cars. So controllable, so long as you have tyres and aren't too aggressive with your controls. But fundamentally, they are so stable, it was awsome.

First though, I need to say sorry to Andrew Korotkov for the tap in race one. You had I tried really hard not to touch you, but I just grazed your car. Sorry for spinning you.

Race report from my perspetive, and anything else interesting I see:

So after, probably not enough practice (a few hours today, then an hour before quali), I have a setup that is nice and balanced, if a little twitchy under braking, (the only thing I really struggled with, under hard braking, keeping the car from spinning wasn't easy) I have a decent quali lap and get 13th. Not too bad.

Race one was good fun.

Get a decent getaway, and up to 12th for turn one, where I see Dan Asbury give Bob Hutchins a little tap (nothing major), but it sent Hutchins into James Fellows, but just a scrape. So from 1st to 13th, the start was okay. But from watching the replay, further back, there was a little scrape, with Chris Sykes coming out the worse from it.

Chris turned in a little bit, probably not noticing that Mustafa Gungor is right next to him. Then Gungor is given a small tap by Gunthar Rowe. But Gungor gets away. Then unfortunatly, Gunthar is given a small tap from Emil Bønnerup, and this sends him out wide onto the run off where Chris is already, due to the little tag with Gungor previously. They come together and unfortunatly, Chris is put into a spin.

Back to me. :tongue:

Now running side by side with Asbury down to turn two, try to out-brake him, but, car gets a little squirmy under braking, so more worried about keeping the rear in check on the exit than passing Asbury. But on the exit of turn two, Neil Gault, rather uncharacteristically, drops it, and ends up on the grass. But it wasn't a spin, but it drops him from 4th, to 13th by the braking point of the hairpin.

All this puts me up to 10th by time we get to the hairpin, after getting a better exit out of turn three, and driving past Asbury. But he was better under braking, so was easily up the inside for the hairpin. But infortunatly for Asbury, Gungor came into the hairpin missing his braking point, and locking up badly, and sliding into Asbury, ruining his exit. I see part of this from racing Swingman veiw, and decide to run wide on exit, just to avoid any coming togethers that might've happened if I didn't leave any more room.

So after that, I now have Gault behind me, but with Asbury right behind him, I knew them two were going to have a little battle for a while. So I could focus on trying to catch up to the guys in front.

My god what an eventfull first lap, but at least it wasn't catasrophip from where I was.

Now I'm behind Hutchins. I get a better exit out of turn one and again, try a move down the inside of turn two, but I lock up, and I count myself lucky to not hit the barrier, and any other car. I skate across the grass on the inside, but the car is still pointing in the right direction, so I just get going. Also seeing Stephan Sabath losing it. Korotkov and Hutchins managing not to touch him. Leaves him still in front of me. I go side by side with him into the hairpin, get a switch back, but don't get a fast enough exit speed to go by him before turn 6. But he goes deep under braking and I get past him. With Gault in hot pursuit after all that.

But up to 9th from 13th in two laps is good. Now its a case of chasing Korotkov for 8th.

On lap four, we have Fellows joins the party for 7th to 10th after losing time at turn 6 after an error. But hes soon back past Korotkov after getting a better run through the last corner. That eventfull fight dropped the gap between me and Korotkov, making me only something like a car lenght or two back.

After a few laps of the gap fluxuating, me being the quicker of the two in the first half of the lap, but him faster in the next. But then unfortunatly, on lap seven, under braking, the two of us are going for the exit, me looking to sqezze my nose up the inside. We have the smallest of contacts. Really sorry man.

So by lap eight, I now have Asbury now right behind me. I knew that Asbury knew he was the faster of the two of us, and I'm preety sure the fact that, I couldn't brake as late as him for corners like the hairpin (as shown by Asbury having to avoid me on lap eight), I knew that, if I made a big error, he'd be through in an instance. But I kept him behind me for a while.

Then on lap ten, we go past David Zafiu, who had made an error out of turn two and was on the grass. Now up to 7th, but with two really quick guys, who have much more experience
of racing a RWD car with them using BMWs in club touring events compared to me. Oh lordy.

Asbury gets the better entry into the hairpin and is past, but I get the switch-back on the exit, and were drag racing to get to turn 6 first, with Asbury giving me plenty of room through 5. But I'm slow as through 6, as I'm struggling to keep control of my car. In doing so, have allowed Zafiu to catch us upgoing into the stadium section.

Now going onto lap eleven, and my tyres are now giving up on me, and fighting is the last
thing I want to be doing, but I want to hold onto 8th. Zafiu gets along side me for the
braking zone of turn 2. I leave him room and don't fight him, knowing that I don't really
need to be fighting, all I need to be doing, is keep going as fast a possible. And you
can't do that if your being aggressive with your defending.

On to the final lap now, and I think everyone is struggling for grip now, as I see Asbury struggle to stop for turn 2, losing him some time to me. But I then drop time getting all out of shape at turn 6, making him right under my wing going into the stadium section. I take the penultimate corner too tight, putting me out wide on the exit. We then have a bit of a touch as I try to get a good line for the last turn, but it was no good. I can't get the car to slow down enough and slide wide into gravel on the exit, and am completely gutted to see Asbury go past to take 8th.

ARRRRRRGGGGH! Oh well, just proves I'm getting better at driving these tin-tops.

Good race guys, was real good fun. Not going to do a report on Race two, as mine ended at turn one with the car going into a graceful spin when out on the run-off after a little tap to the rear.

Gunthar, this is one awsome mod, and I hope to see more of these events in the future.

Bugs I found/saw (and some I think others found as well) were that, the in-car mirror on the top left of the screen is reversed, so it'll show someone going by on your left, when in fact it's your right. Then at times it just disapears. On lap eleven, my pit request came on, as well as others by all the red shown on Motec add. I can't remember there been any others.

Cya all at the next one.

P.s. Can I make a track request? Pick one that has elevation changes, that'll give these cars a real test of their ability. Something like Zandvort, or if that short Nurburgring layout the DTM race on in real life is useable. Or even Brands Indy, now that, would be fun.

Was fastest by a few tenths during practice, managed to struugle to 4th place in Q after touching the barrier on my outlap and a general scrufy hotlap.

Off the line I was passed by the BM of Aristide, then got along side on ext as they tried to go three wide into T1. Got past both Kelvin and Aristide as Aristide went too deep up the iside of Kelvin.

Now in 3rd, closed quickly up behind James and Ariel. James span out and I was close behind Ariel but he had pulled out to a just over one second lead after a couple of scruffy laps from myself.

Pitted and came out ahead of Ariel who was now 10 seconds back, not sure what happened to him (4 tyres? missed pit spot?). Lapping backmarkers was extremely scary and sometimes crazy, some wanted to race and blocked me :/.

Was cruising in the end to an easy win but I disco'd just as I was crossing the line, so no idea if my win counted.
It was not my fastest lap time, but I didn't do any major mistake, so I qualified on 8th position.

The start was very good, I managed to gain some position, but after a little mistake, I was back on the 8th postion. But the race was very good, close fights for positions, very nice. But then Ivan hit me a little and I spun, but it was not entirely his mistake, because I did a minor mistake in that corner so I was a bit slow there. So I lost couple of positions, but still was very good racing. After couple of laps, I had great fight with Frans, but unfortunately, I was too optimistic in the last corner and hit him...really sorry Frans...so I had to wait for him and therefore I lost some more positions. But even after that, it was again great battle for positions, many cars with similar lap times, great. To be honest, before the pit stop it was one of the best and most exciting race here at RD...really a very nice racing, thank you all. :thumb:

But then the pit stop came, and what to say about that. I went to the pit stop in the same time as Dubravko, and he was only a couple of second in front of me. But he was slower in the pit entry and I didn't expected it...probably, he activated pit limiter before the pit ligts. But on this track, the speed in pit lane is measured couple of meters behind the the pit lights, so I was counting on it. I didn't slow down enought and in that narrow pit entry, I couldn't do anything about it, so I hit him pretty hard...really sorry Dubravko. And what's more, my car did turn about 90 degrees, so I effectively block the entry pit, with no chance of quick way, how to turn the car in the right direction. Unfortunately, Tom wanted to go to the pit in the same time, so another hit...really sorry Tom.

Surprisingly, no car damage showed (I think, that it was set a little % damage on the server), but despite of that, after the pit stop, it was not so good race. I lost a lot of time there and concentration as well.

So I finished in 10th position, and I want to thank all again for this great race :thumb:

Thank you Hugo and RD
I really enjoyed this track, but overtaking and getting out of the way of faster cars lapping you was very tricky indeed...

Really messed up qually losing nearly 4 secs going off into gravel - P20.

Race 1: Fed up with start position I just wanted to finish without any further incidents. Spent a lot of laps behind Gunthar (trying not to push him off this week ;) ) Then on lap 7 he clipped a curb at the 1st chicane and went up on 2 wheels for about 3 or 4 secs. I overtook the underneath of his Alfa - sorry Gunthar but it was so funny I could hardly drive for laughing - I thought you might finish the race on 2 wheels :) Great car control though mate!
Incident free after that, other than trying desperately to get out of the way of lapping drivers, happy to be in 11th or 12th. Then final Lap25 through fast section with Teo and James closing in to lap me, I came across a recovering Szabolcs sideways in the middle of the track - split second decision to go around the back of his car - wrong choice! He was going backwards probably trying to get out of the way. Couldn't avoid hitting him and went off very fast. Luckily Teo and James were not affected but Gunthar span off in sympathy I think. Anyway I finished 11th I think and was very happy with that.

Race 2 was much better for me - a normal race with no real incident and I think I finished 6th or 7th.

I had great fun today, both tears and laughter - Many thanks to Ivo and RD and all other drivers for good clean racing.
Thanks for the races, guys. As a complete newcomer I was pleased to qualify 14th in race 1, about 2 seconds faster than my previous best. I was too cautious at the start and soon found myself at the back. I managed to get into a rhythm that kept me 2-3 seconds off the rest of the back markers. After pitstop I was up to 12th and set for a fight with Gunther but completely lost it a couple of times and retired with about 6 minutes left with suspension damage.

Race 2 - started near the back again then was collected by someone on lap 1 while I was trying to avoid a crash up ahead. Nursed it home to the end 3 laps down in last.

I've learned a lot for my next races.
Entry List:

  1. Eric Nelson
  2. Matthias Klein
  3. Yuri Braham
  4. Ethan Bass
  5. Simon Gardner
  6. Rhys Gardiner
  7. Michael Carver
  8. Glenn Petersen
  9. Ryan "fancy specialist" Callan
  10. Mike Fast
  11. Willie Watt
  12. Dariusz Swiderski
  13. Pedro Lima
  14. Tyler Scurlock
  15. Bill Kaiser
  16. Dennis Phelan
  17. Jesper Taulborg
  18. Gabor Ludvig
  19. Ethan Bass
  20. Kelvin vd Linde
  21. ?
  22. ?
  23. ?
  24. ?
  25. ?
Well, that was, THE WORST TRACK I have ever had the discomfort of racing on. Padborg Park is better than this one. When by yourself, its all right, but when trying to have a fight, its just horrible. No real, obvious or dedicated overtaking spots apart from the the first hairpin, and you can't even run side by side with people, and then, we have curbs that are just dangerous. They are so high, and their angle is soo steep, I felt like my car was gong to end up on two wheels. And this was at almost every curb that you went over with any sort of speed. My car got bounced around by them so much, I must have been the slowest man on track, just from trying to not wreck my car.

Not doing a race report, because why do one on two **** races.

Szabolcs Hanyik, in race one on lap tweleve. Don't rejoin when someone is approaching you, doing over 100KPH/60MPH after you fall off the road. Your re-entry couldn't have been worse. And there was loads of spece between me and the next guy.

Sorry Günthar for the brushings we had in race two, on lap 17, I was just trying to get the car straight again, but ended up on the apex for that chicane, leaving you no real room. Sorry man. Then on the exit of the hairpin next lap, I was on full lock, just trying not to tag you. Quite funny watching the entry with us touching, my car ending up only having its fronts on the ground as the rear of the car, weirdly was bounced into the air. Didn't notice it though while racing.

But, Istvan Korodi, thanks so much for the tap up the arse into turn one in race two, and not waiting, try braking at a point where your going to run into theback of someone. If they are slower than you at a paticular corner, then you just follow, and pick your spot for an overtake. Turn one, is not really a place for that, unless your up the right of someone, and side by side when braking. And don't say "you took me off a few laps earlier," you went off because what you didn't leave me any room at all. I have to take the corner as well. Try being more aware of the car your passing, and the lines the two of you are taking for the corner, because trying to go past while on the left for turn one here, isn't going to happen unless the person your overtaking is either a) further back than I was, b) taking a tighter line into turn one (i.e. running over the curb here), I was just taking my normal line, as it straight lined the first corners as much as possible, or c) isn't fighting you and is letting you go past, and I am not someone who just lets people past me.

Would make a report, but reports never change how someone drives, due to the punishment not being taken seriously by some.

I hope we can have a decent track next week. I have nothing against narrow tracks, Road America is narrow despite what it looks, but that track has several good overtaking spots, and running sibe by side, is do-able, for the entire lap if both drivers are good and have enough respect for each other. Here, almost impossibe to do that, around any of the corners from entry to exit.

So hopefully we can race on a nice track, with good overtaking opportunities, as a nice flow that doesn't require drivers to need to go each side of the track each successive corner to have the correct line.

This track felt like it would more suited to bikes, not cars.
How about next time you chill out for 24 hours before making a post please Ethan.

Nobody appreciates it in the slightest.

Also, make a report, of course it affects how they drive, because if they continue they get banned for a month, and trust me, they chage their attitude then.
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