RACE 07 Racing Club (Merged)

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Hya all

As a start lets kick some WTCC cars after the pause period. :)

Time: 19.00 GMT / 20.00 CET
Practise: 30 min
Qualy: 30 min
Race: 2*10 laps
Weather: Dry

Track: Istanbul
Cars: WTCC 06 and 07

Server name: RSC # RPMnet.org
Password: spa

Server 1 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #1
  1. Attila Domján - Chevy
  2. Gareth Hickling - Peugeot
  3. Pauliebhoy Harrigan - Seat Leon
  4. Gregory Degreef - BMW E90
  5. Mehmet Arikan - Seat
  6. Jerome Benard - Alfa Romeo
  7. Cristian Haba - BMW E90
  8. Christian Deparis - Seat 07
  9. Jens Hoeppner - BMW E90
  10. Patrick van Driel -Seat Leon
  11. James Yates - BMW E46
  12. Jari Vinnari - BMW E90
  13. Marcel Hulsbergen - Alfa 156
  14. Peter Böszörményi - Seat Leon
  15. Kent Karlén - Chevy 07
  16. darron miller - Peugeot
  17. Michael Herrmann - Alfa 156
  18. Nico Major - BMW E90
  19. Rami Kaukola - BMW E90
  20. Christopher Aponte - Seat LEon
  21. Simon Trendell - Peugeot
  22. big daddy Morpheus Lightning McQueen - car tbd
  23. Baron-Rouge[NO-B] - Seat Leon
  24. ingemar petersson Seat Leon
  25. Nevermind - Seat Leon
Server 2 - RSC @ RPMnet.org #2
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Tough event tonight, and a bit of a mixed bag for me. Qualified on p2 (had to rub my eyes out just to make sure I saw that correctly) and felt pretty good. The car was setup very nicely. However, I set my 1st gear really high for this track because there are a few corners that seem to want that high first gear. Problem was, my car had no off-line acceleration. I thought it wouldn't be too bad considering I was in the BMW and only needed to make 1 place at the start to get into p1, so I left it alone. Well, that was mistake #1 because I was passed by 3 cars at the start. After that I pretty much drove mad and finished with p5.

Okay, so I had to fumble around the pits and change the ratios during the break. Bit of a risk considering I could mess it up and find myself red lining on the straight (I'm bad with ratios, lol). Well, this change worked like a magic charm, and I went past 3 cars at the start and got p1. The whole lap I help my breath though because of the fear of topping out somewhere. Got around okay, but I wasn't as fast as I wanted to be. This allowed Dariusz and Yuri to stay on my tail before the pits. Came out of the pits in the lead after getting in and out pretty good (better than how I usually do it). Thought I had the race pretty much won at this point, because I knew I had very fresh tires and had 8 tenths on Dariusz in second. Well, he cut my lead like a turkey, and soon was all over me and my tires were cold. I defended well, but he a super run out of the last corner and pressurized me VERY hard into turn 1 and I broke too late. This shot me out of the corner just too wide, and to save a spin I just went with it. I knew I was done at that point, because I had ran wide 2 other times and had been warned. Really messed that corner up all night, and kept getting sideways and all sorts of issues. In the end, it was tough to swollow, but hey, that's why there is pre-season. lol

Good racing everyone. Highlight of the night was qualifying on the front row, something I've never done at RD. Thought I had pole for a moment, but lost out by half a tenth to none other than Jesper. So almost got pole, and I've NEVER done that in 3 years of sim-racing. (lol it is quite the ridiculous streak I have going, as I've been in fields of 4 and haven't got it).

Anyhow, should be very interesting to see how it all shakes down at Road America.
Ivo,i want to propose something as it seems that FWD cars have advantage.From my point of view,the FWD cars can change only 2 tyres without having big problems with the back of the car...simply change brake bias a little bit on front,but the RWD cars just can't change only 2 tyres like let's say the back ones...because the back will push and the front will have no power to steer in the corners.
Im my last 4 races with BMW E46 i lost at least 5 places after the pitstop and all of this because FWD cars can change only 2 tyres.I know nothing is unfare in this,but we can make it more echilibrate if you and other guys agree to set the mandatory pit for all tyres change.The S2000 races also begin to look like 95% FWD cars and 5% RWD cars because of that..i would really like if you will change the rules from 2 tyres to all 4.That would make the race more equal. Thank you!:)

BTW this is the skin i will use: http://www.nogripracing.com/details.php?filenr=24134

A full, four tyre change is hard to regulate. The reasons why you say 95% of the field drive FWD are, A) less likely to have your race ruined by someone tagging you. TBH, I would love to try and race the BMW, but the people in Euro events, alot I wouldn't trust to be anywhere near my car if I was in a RWD, and them in a FWD. Mainly because they don't realise how unstable a RWD is to begin with, and how easy it is to unsettle it with even a feathers touch at the wrong moment. B) A FWD is just that bit easier to drive for alot of people. There are some people who just can't drive anything FWD, but alot of people prefer the security a FWD gives over a RWD. Getting comfortable in a car for racing, is much easier in a FWD than a RWD. C) RWD is just the little special group in all modern Touring Cars. Look at the differences in FWD to RWD in things like BTCC and WTCC. This year, I think out of 20 odd cars in BTCC, only 6 were BMWs. Nothing wrong with the BMWs, but even if you look back say 10 or so years, FWD have always out numbered the RWD cars in Touring cars.

For equalising the difference between the cars after the stops, the reason why a FWD car is okay only taking fronts, is because the fronts do everything. Now this may make them wear alot more, but you relies less on the rears on a FWD. As apose to a RWD, that relies on the rears in the traction zones, but more on the fronts in the braking zones. In a race without pitstops, I think a RWD will have better tyres at the end, but because these are sprint races, the BMW drivers have to do something differentto combat their tyre wear, so that it dosen't cripple them to the point their a sitting duck. I guess its just another challenge of being a RWD man.
I must admit I also believe we should have a forced 4 tyre change. If drivers only change 2 to improve their position knowing this is difficult to regulate, well then not much can be said about them.

Just my 5 cents...
I made the worst start ever, already -1s behind in the first corner, managed to evade some spins and push-offs (I believe somebody pushed Brown off in lap 2-3) but I'm not inflicted so...
After that I tried to keep brown behind me, which succeeded for 1.5 lap... I missed my braking point.
Lap 5: Went too deep into a corner, spun and wrecked the car...
Damage not Repairable - Race is over :(
From the start could take some places in first and second corner,then did my laps and fight with 2 guys wich i believe was place 5 and 6.
But the guy behind me start to come closer and get past me
I tried to keep his pace but that was a bad idea,i crasht in to the wal and my race was over
Hope to see you and get some Better luck next time
Congrats to the winner
Really enjoyed the track and the competition. Qualified 7th, but the whole field was only a couple of seconds apart, so I was not to stressed when I ended up last after lap 3. Regrouped and eventually joined the battle for 6th with Erik Tveit and Patrick Wuyts from lap 11 right to my pit stop at lap 33. Excellent stuff guys, although I understand the emotions where probably getting high when you got together in the eSSes on lap 23!

Ye, that is right. We had the best fight in my Race 07 history. I had a lot slower car on the straights, but in the corners, I could brake 1 sec after you. But yes, we crashed, or well, I crashed in the esses. I was braking very very very late. After trying to overtake him in 20 laps, and managed it two or three times, but h**l he got a fast car. I had no chance, so I came into the esses 0.05 sec behind him. Slipstreaming him, and going on the inside, probably not braking to late, but I had to hold the inside, that I didn't managed. I guess it was because, he was getting on my nerves. :p In 20 laps to overtake him, I gave the car all it had. Had to fast speed into the corner, and actually made it slide over the whole track, I tried to be fast on the throttle again, and was to fast, I span into him. To bad, because we got a good fight. But well well, maybe I will show you. :p
Servername: RaceDepartment.com PM1
Class: Porsche Mobil 1 Supercup (download)
Track: Interlagos (download)
Weather: Dry
Practice: 20 minutes (start @ 20:00 GMT)
Qualification: 10 minutes (superpole)
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Race: 2 x 30 minutes
Pitstop: Free

Most important RD golden rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate, no reserves.
  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.
  • No cutting in any sessions.
  • If you bump a driver, wait and give back his position
  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session.
  • No abusive language during any sessions.
  • Listen to the race director at all times.
  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by a other driver, use the incident report. Send the Incident report to the race director through PM.
  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.
  • After 21:25 GMT the grid is closed!
  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director
  • Read and understand the RD rules! Click here
We have a fresh, new way of reporting and punishing incidents in the Racing Club, using an infractions system - read more here

You are actively encouraged to use this system - we like to keep driving standards high - so if you feel you were wronged in any way during an event simply send the event organizer a private message detailing the incident including a youtube video. Do not post reports/accusations in the thread itself - negativity and anger gets us nowhere.
GT-pro bmw.jpg
Servername: RaceDepartment.com BMW
Class: GT sport BMW M3 GTR
Track: Interlagos (Download)
Weather: Dry
Practice: 20 minutes (start @ 20:00 GMT)
Qualification: 10 minutes (superpole)
Warm-up: 5 minutes
Race: 90 minutes
Pitstop: Free

Most important RD golden rules:

  • Only sign up if you are sure you can participate.
  • Sign-ups can be refused by the race director.
  • No cutting in any sessions.
  • If you bump a driver, wait and give back his position
  • No chatting during Qualify or Race. Even sorry isn't needed. Do it after the qualify or race session.
  • No abusive language during any sessions.
  • Listen to the race director at all times.
  • If you feel harmed by an accident caused by a other driver, use the incident report. Send the Incident report to the race director through PM.
  • If you sign up for this race we expect you to be there before the qualify starts. If you are not present on the server, the racing staff will confirm the reserves.
  • Read and understand the RD rules! Click here

You have to confirm the golden rules if you sign up for this event. The sign up format is:

  • Drivername: your name
  • I understand the Golden rules: YES
If the racing staff don't see this in your sign up request, you won't see your name in the sign up list!
We have a fresh, new way of reporting and punishing incidents in the Racing Club, using an infractions system - read more here

You are actively encouraged to use this system - we like to keep driving standards high - so if you feel you were wronged in any way during an event simply send the event organizer a private message detailing the incident including a youtube video. Do not post reports/accusations in the thread itself - negativity and anger gets us nowhere.
Entry list

  1. Hugo Hekkenberg
  2. Bob Miley
  3. Ivan Oldano
  4. Morten Wernersen
  5. Erik Tveit
  6. Dubravko Vuckovic
  7. Ronny Rooij
  8. Michal Szabo
  9. Andreas Löffler
  10. carl middleton
  11. Jadran Dimic
  12. Tom Ostry
  13. Nigel Middleton
  14. Yves Larose
  15. Ries Notenboom
  16. Rutger van der Zande
  17. Martijn van Bommel
  18. -
  19. -
  20. -
  21. -
  22. -
  23. Frans Linden (maybe)
  24. Ethan Bass (maybe)
I agree with Ethan that always there will be more FWD cars,but i am talking here about this advantage of changing only 2 tyres.
It is "unfair" if you have RWD....so Ethan,what should i do to not lose 5 positions after the pitstop if i have the E46?If you solve this problem i totally agree with you! It's more than the fact that people prefere FWD,than lets make S2000 race without RWD cars...because of the big disadvantage...just saying:)
These events used to have a 4-tyre pitstop anyway... but as the rule cannot be set in-game, it is very hard to police. I have seen a few incidents in the early days of these events when people only changed 2 tyres when they were supposed to change all 4, and got a massive advantage due to there being no penalty.
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