Post Pictures thread (Part 3)

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Hey guys, backing to racer, and what about doing a new section for screenshots? Everybody may agree with me, 160 pages are a bit too hard to find anything.

Well, about game, backing with 2.7L V6 DOHC TwinTurbo 265hp@5800rpm Quattro 01'




Bonus: Raphael's MR-S

Cool job Raph on the SG (smoothing groups) !!
I would also be interested in your car, I have similar quality cars, where no mesh & UVs errors exists...+ no Qlog errors !! :)

For sure, give Racer shadows & stuff, then your pictures will look 100X times better, I also used to drive without CSM, but after a time, I get bored of unrealistic & flat scenery, had to activate & tweak the whole racer.ini.

Would be curious to see it in a vid, in NFS Shift 1, the Bugatti was a real beast & I have definitely good souvenirs of it.
But it's still not good enough ( not u personally Raphael!) No matter how hard I squint, that doesn't look 'real'. It's not just the foliage I'm talking about, I can't put my finger on exactly what is wrong. Roggel SHOULD look very good, the textures are quite good (theres no readme in Roggel, what's the licensing?) but it doesnt.
Aside from the trees: probably needs more dirt or mess. Some dodgy grass somewhere or something.
And some general AO on the scene. This is where having a second set of tc's would be awesome. You could bake AO's for pretty much everything then and still have your main TC's for things like the tiling banners.


It's the small things that sell it, imperfections.
It's the small things that sell it, imperfections.
I'd say that correct lighting and proper textures sell it. Take a look at some of the iRacing screenshots - although there is no AO and any other fancy effects, the textures are very clear and realistic and the lighting as well, they come very close to being mistaken for photos.
To me the iRacing lighting model isn't very good. Though most of the time I'm more concerned with the racers around me than worrying about the texturing haha

That said, the reason they get mistaken for photos is because they model and texture from scanned reference, that way they capture the imperfections. The tyre marks across the road from a car that's spun, the worn away grass on the inside of a corner because cars tend to cut it - it's those things that make the difference I think.

Racer's lighting model is a lot better than the iRacing one, though it'd be hard to prove it since iR is all closed source :(
Racer's lighting model is a lot better than the iRacing one, though it'd be hard to prove it since iR is all closed source :(
Racer's lighting, or more likely the data & curves currently defining it, aren't accurate or more importantly realistic currently.
I agree the imperfections are important as well, but I think getting the lighting realistic is something that will positively impact ALL content, the imperfections have to be a per content thing.
Racer can look very realistic.

I think right now the biggest issues are TOD curves and sky intensities.

Roggel has all the right ingredients, but as I said I'm sure they were pretty rushed on this project. I think the job they have done is great, but obviously we as a community can now make it better using our infinite (ish) time capabilities hehe.

Ie, things like the parquet paving has no spec maps. Simply adding some spec maps and tweaking the values makes that part of the track feel loads more 'realistic'
The TOD curves have the sun intensity values not so great for a partially overcast cloudy day.

I do agree with Cam too though. Having 2nd TC's for lightmaps would allow us to add AO really nicely and add some realism... or we could just tweak the shaders we want to use vertex lighting and bake AO into the verts... adding vert density isn't so costly these days, possibly less costly than 2nd TC's and maps for them all!?

So yeah, I just think alot of the issue right now is more to do with good TOD/sun intensity/sky texture inbalances, which them drop down through everything, reflections in cars, scene exposure, how bright speculars then look on cars/tyres/pavement etc...

It all starts at the top and works it's way through... so getting those near perfect is key.

I really should try develop some more curves for people but the biggest issue is that TOD curves are also geo-location fixed too, so if I set them up for a real winters day here in the UK, they are only good for that location.
Maybe not a huge issue, but for people who want to run the right location in special.ini and run a full 24hr day, it's not gonna look right AT ALL :(

I'm just scattering my attention all over and never really finish anything. If people want me to make some super-perfect (imo) TOD curves for Roggel I will.



That's Japan GanxTa Style, love it ! :)

Hope to drift with you soon, was also recently thinking of extracting real Japanese drifting mountains roads via GE & stuff, as I done for my latest tracks, if you have any wish or trajectory in Japan, just tell me coordinates & I see if I go crazy on it.


Here's a trick, since I see on most of your pictures, to get real bump mapping, invert your main texture & generate your bump map texture ! Eventually, brighten or contrast the texture before generating the BM.
Done !
Here's a trick, since I see on most of your pictures, to get real bump mapping, invert your main texture & generate your bump map texture ! Eventually, brighten or contrast the texture before generating the BM.Done !
Better to actually author a height map and then generate a normal map from it, with appropriately generated mips to DDS format :D

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