Post Pictures thread (Part 3)

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Hey guys, backing to racer, and what about doing a new section for screenshots? Everybody may agree with me, 160 pages are a bit too hard to find anything.

Well, about game, backing with 2.7L V6 DOHC TwinTurbo 265hp@5800rpm Quattro 01'




Bonus: Raphael's MR-S


Not as nice as 3 but still pretty good :p Gotta find some way to tell Racer about the gap between the monitors though, so it skips rendering a little bit there. Maybe a fullscreen shader could do it...
// CSM Shadowmapping + Bloom + Colorgrade
// HDR version

#include "../common/"
#include "../common/"
#include "../common/"
#include ""
#include ""

struct VertOut
  float4 pos : POSITION;
  float4 col : COLOR0;
  float2 tc0 : TEXCOORD0;

struct FragOut
  float4 col : COLOR;

float BlurTexture(sampler2D tex, float2 vin, float blur, sampler2D depthMap)
// With Z sampling
  return tex2D(tex,vin).a;

FragOut main(
  VertOut vin,
  uniform sampler2D sceneMap    : TEXUNIT0,
  uniform sampler2D velocityMap : TEXUNIT1,
  /// Z in TEXUNIT5
  uniform sampler2D bloomMap1   : TEXUNIT2,
  uniform sampler2D bloomMap2   : TEXUNIT3,
  uniform sampler2D bloomMap3   : TEXUNIT4,
#ifdef CSM_MRT
  uniform sampler2D depthMap    : TEXUNIT5,
  uniform sampler2D shadowMap   : TEXUNIT6,
  uniform sampler3D gradeMap    : TEXUNIT7,
  uniform sampler3D gradeMap    : TEXUNIT6,   // 3D texture for color grading
  uniform float alpha,              // Amount of blur
  uniform float exposure
  FragOut fout;
  float2 tc0 = vin.tc0;
  if (tc0.x>0.5)
	  tc0.x = tc0.x + 0.018;
  float4 ambientColor,
         sdColor;                 // Specular+diffuse
  float4 color;

#ifdef CSM_MRT
  // Original color

  float shadowAmount=BlurTexture(shadowMap, tc0,smBlurAmount,depthMap);
  // Single render-target (RT)

  float4 bloomColor=BloomCombineMaps3(bloomMap1,bloomMap2,bloomMap3,tc0);

// Show the 3 bloom stages and the end-result in 1 view
 else if(vin.tc0.x>0.333)color=tex2D(bloomMap2,vin.tc0);
 else color=tex2D(bloomMap1,vin.tc0);

  // HDR -> LDR tonemap

  // Color grading

  // Motion blur blend

  return fout;

Only edits are near the bottom, changing tc0.x -
0.018 = 0.75 inch gap / (21+21 inch wide monitors)

It does render a repeat up the far right of the screen, but my taskbar's covering that anyway.


Much better alignment across them using this shader.

The new damage system with custom normal/bump maps....
It's perfect, maybe you could mix 3 mask templates textures to generate on fly a 'unique' or 'mixed' damaged mask...

Hmm... looks kinda funny. As if someone just torched the side of the car with a flamethrower.

When I look at wrecked sports cars, their body panels usually look like broken glass and less like dented metal:

For example

All this plastic and whatnot doesn't really bend that much... hmm.
When I look at wrecked sports cars, their body panels usually look like broken glass and less like dented metal:
For example
All this plastic and whatnot doesn't really bend that much... hmm.
There should be a setting/switch/shader/whatever for plastic panels and metal ones with the plastic ones being smashed and the metal ones being deformed and lightly scraped, but not torched and retaining their shape like the camaro above.

Perhaps I am the only one but I hatehatehate high use of bumpmapping simply because it always looks way too glossy.
But then it is also no secret that I also absolutely hate high gloss. However when you bumpmap matte things they still end up looking glossy and that really bothers me.
There should be a setting/switch/shader/whatever for plastic panels and metal ones with the plastic ones being smashed and the metal ones being deformed and lightly scraped, but not torched and retaining their shape like the camaro above.

Perhaps I am the only one but I hatehatehate high use of bumpmapping simply because it always looks way too glossy.
But then it is also no secret that I also absolutely hate high gloss. However when you bumpmap matte things they still end up looking glossy and that really bothers me.

Things are glossy though.

The problem is probably more down to bad normal map creation (too smooth topography), perhaps a function of too low resolution!?, and also due to the control map for specular needing to be adjusted, a scraped piece of metal is probably going to be a combination of very shiny metal scrapes alongside matted metal scrapes... that variance would give you enough visual cue to make it look more natural.

Just like most things, it's less a problem with the technology, more a problem with the art :D

Some1 raises a good point too. Many games 'do' damage but forget what cars are made of. Seeing carbon fibre take permanent deformations is a bit surprising to see, as is glass fibre... I guess some plastics can bend, but most will probably shatter if they are bent as far as we see them bent!

Another reason why worrying excessively over having damage at all is kinda irrelevant to me. It's just a feature to look at, that is more often than not inaccurate even when people say it's good. Not sure what purpose it serves beyond a certain degree, except for useless eye candy.

I'm finding the damage funny as it is, the edges of the dents where reflectivity's still high end up looking like conchoidal fractures in glass, since it's dropping round dents onto the texture.

I'm not convinced this isn't a problem with the shader though - in which case it should improve in time, if anyone bothers developing damage.

I'm not liking how the 'glass' shaders make opaque objects matte - what's the purpose of this? Makes things painted on the backside of the glass less shiny than they should be, eg. the trim around the RX7's windows is just flat black behind glass.

Also there's a bug with dynamic draw distance plus shadows.
renderer.desired_fps=60 ; default 0
renderer.max_detail=10.0 ; default 1.0
Adjust these and the shadows go crinkly then disappear entirely.

With 090f coming closer and closer, I just ran through all the RX-7's shaders and touched up a couple textures. Still work to be done but broadly it looks nicer than it ever has. Plus Roggel's better than Carlswood in daylight.
That is looking good Stereo :D

We will get to v0.9 soon enough, I think we just need Racer to totally stop changing for a bit in graphics terms, we can make a few cars and tracks that try do EVERYTHING we want them to do, then bug-fix/tweak Racer to make sure everything works right, then call that v0.9.
Then at least anyone can make a nice track or car and it should work properly.

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