AC Porsche 911 Singer @ Feldbergring - Sunday 26th June 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Thanks for tonight @Interslice Brian, really enjoyed that :thumbsup:

Congrats to the podium guys, fantastic lap times from you!:confused:

Didn't do much in quali 'cos haven't done an hour race too often recently - 'body saving' I call it:p Had some great racing with a few of you, so thanks for the fair racing - last few laps were dire with tyres (no smooth operator here:laugh:), was hoping to get the jump on Paul but it was like ice racing in the end.

And @Kek700 Ernie is still a cheeky rascal.... I saw what you did there mate (finish line, no need to brake), was laughing my head off - there was .1 between us ffs:laugh::roflmao:
Great fun that was. A race of 2 halves for me. Started well and when Allan had a spin I felt fairly comfortable for a while with a decent gap on Fulvio. Then I missed my pit box and had to mess about reversing back in. Should have come out in the lead but this now put me out 2 seconds behind Fulvio instead. That put me on tilt and pushing too hard to try and not let him get away I then binned it! Richard got past me while I rejoined the tarmac. I couldn't get past Richard who seemed to have better speed on the straights and in frustration I binned it again. Decided to then just bring it home and not risk another spin with Allan now close enough to potentially take advantage and I wasn't going to catch Richard again now.

Thanks for organizing Brian. Great combo this one.
Here is an onboard of my pole lap.

That was fun, qualifying was a disaster with not one clean lap but good race start from P10 and a steady couple of laps to get settled in behind Jari and ahead of Ernie and John.

John eventually got by going into T1 which was one hell of a move :thumbsup: but my tyres were feeling a bit wobbly and after having a moment at the 'corkscrew' in front of Ernie it was time to pit for tyres. It was really weird seeing Han making like a helicopter over the pits.:confused:

The second half was much better than the first as the fuel load came down and the car came alive. But John got by with a few minutes to go and we had a great battle with me getting back by on the climb up the hill. So it came down to a dash for the line and Ernie joined in as I got a poor exit from the hairpin before the long straight.

But I managed to hang on for a P6, really enjoyed that one :D . Thanks to Brian for organizing and well done to the podium guys, great lap times.:thumbsup:
Will there be a replay uploaded anywhere? I apparently had my replay size limit set to 26mb, which is obviously way to low for an hour long race. Thats fixed now, but my replay only got the last 2.5 minutes... I had a really intense final few laps with Colin and Hank fighting for 10th that I really need to see a full replay of.

I really enjoyed this race! Had a bad start and a few spins early on that took me from 9th all the way down to 17th. I pitted early as the spins ruined my tires. But I somehow managed to recover back to 10th, overtaking Colin on the last lap after the hairpin!

Pro Tip: Downshifting from 5th to 2nd at turn 1 is bad. :thumbsdown:
Will there be a replay uploaded anywhere? I apparently had my replay size limit set to 26mb, which is obviously way to low for an hour long race. Thats fixed now, but my replay only got the last 2.5 minutes... I had a really intense final few laps with Colin and Hank fighting for 10th that I really need to see a full replay of.

I really enjoyed this race! Had a bad start and a few spins early on that took me from 9th all the way down to 17th. I pitted early as the spins ruined my tires. But I somehow managed to recover back to 10th, overtaking Colin on the last lap after the hairpin!

Pro Tip: Downshifting from 5th to 2nd at turn 1 is bad. :thumbsdown:
I'll upload a replay - not that I want to see that last lap again :(
I know this is not the forum for technical questions so apologies but I would appreciate some advice from this community.
A friend came over to have a go on my rig at the weekend and really wants to get into sim racing and particularly AC. He has a Playstation at the moment and has ACC but wants to go down the PC route to be able to enjoy the full experience of content manager, mods and club racing. However, all new build PC’s have Windows 11 installed. There seem to be quite a few posts elsewhere on this subject but most seem to refer to VR issues with W11.
The question is,
Is anyone here running AC in Windows 11 and if so are there any issues?
He will be running a single monitor at the moment.
@RasmusP Can you help?
Thanks in anticipation.
I was predicting qualify at the back, hopefully finish near the middle sort of race. The inverse happened. Set a big pb in qualy by about, 2 or 3 seconds. First lap was a disaster. Spun 3 times and binned it into T1 on lap 2. Nearly a full minute lost there :( Set about a character building recovery drive. It went ok but much of the rear guard dropped out leaving myself and @Taj Johal to fight for second last of the finishers :)

I got more of a feel for the car as the race went on and started getting some decent corner speed here and there. Unfortunately this meant spinning on the next corner more often than not! Really struggled with the corner combinations as I found more speed.

First race with the gear stick/clutch(legs were tired after!) in a long long time and learned alot about the quirks of a 911 and feldbergring, so will take the positives from that :)

Thanks to all for racing. Alot more interest that I expected in this combi. I plan on running a series of 911 themed races this year. Very outside my comfort zone with this particular one. Hope see you guys again for those, even if the same is true.
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@RasmusP Can you help?
Not really, sorry.. Not using VR and no experience with win11 at all yet.

But what I do know:
When you buy a pc/laptop with win 11 pre-installed, the license will become activated on the Microsoft servers after the initialization.
The license will work for Windows 10 too!

You can then go to the Microsoft website and create a win10 installation stick and do a clean install with windows 10.

One issue with this, sometimes, mostly on laptops:
If the pc has pre-installed drivers on the backup partition, that partition might get deleted when installing a fresh Windows instead of doing the in-built "reset to factory".

With normal PCs, that shouldn't be a problem since all the parts can be bought separately and therefore have websites for driver downloads available.
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Not really, sorry.. Not using VR and no experience with win11 at all yet.

But what I do know:
When you buy a pc/laptop with win 11 pre-installed, the license will become activated on the Microsoft servers after the initialization.
The license will work for Windows 10 too!

You can then go to the Microsoft website and create a win10 installation stick and do a clean install with windows 10.

One issue with this, sometimes, mostly on laptops:
If the pc has pre-installed drivers on the backup partition, that partition might get deleted when installing a fresh Windows instead of doing the in-built "reset to factory".

With normal PCs, that shouldn't be a problem since all the parts can be bought separately and therefore have websites for driver downloads available.
Thanks Rasmus.:thumbsup:
As a massive fan of the cars Singer make I really wanted to give this one a go. I knew I would be well off the pace but had hopefully done enough practice not to be a danger to everyone else. Having been lucky enough to see a few Singer's at Bicester Heritage the attention to detail on them really is incredible. A friend worked on one of their projects designing a suspension mount for them that allowed the camber and toe settings to be adjusted wihtout impacting one another so each time I made a setup change, which was often, I imagine using his widget.

I did okay for a while at the start battling Taj and Steve but made some pretty big mistakes on the high speed stuff which eventually meant I lost contact.

One of which was my own fault; while trying to defend from Taj I ended up sideways across the road and wiped us both out :redface: @Taj Johal very kindly said I didn't have to wait but it seemed the right thing to do given I caused an accident which wiped him out!

After that I slightly lost concentration (or the more racing driver excuse of the tyres had overheated) and spun again on the main straight. Hearing other people's woes does make me feel like I was at least not alone in struggling to tame this one. Feldbergring is certainly not good for you incidents per race metric on

I caught up with Taj again at the pitstops as his mechanic seemed slower than mine (Carsten would have fired him by now) but he just pipped me to the exit and ulled away steadily into the distance.

I enjoyed the challenge of this and could see a series could be really fun but I'll be glad to return to a more predictable combo at Silverstone next week.
Forgot to mention... Says 8:40 start in 1st thread @Interslice Brian, was last nights event delayed or is that the starting time in future (I think it was about 9pm when race started)?
Got subscribed to the thread when answering the windows question hehe.
So I'll reply to this too :p
SGP event config shows 30 minutes qualy for the event. Thread says 20 minutes.
Plus the usual delays due to overtime at the end of practice and qualy and and wait time at the beginning of qualy and race.

Real race start at 9pm makes sense I'd say!
Forgot to mention... Says 8:40 start in 1st thread @Interslice Brian, was last nights event delayed or is that the starting time in future (I think it was about 9pm when race started)?

Head up the exhaust this week John! Need a holiday! Originally 20, but thought 30 minute qual would be better but forgot to update the thread. Was running a big overtime to try and give the best chance of everyone finishing the race too. Myself and Taj were over the line just ahead of Fulvio so the 3 minutes wasn't enough for us to get around. More overtime less qualy would be better next time. 25/20 minute qual with 270s overtime.
Head up the exhaust this week John! Need a holiday! Originally 20, but thought 30 minute qual would be better but forgot to update the thread. Was running a big overtime to try and give the best chance of everyone finishing the race too. Myself and Taj were over the line just ahead of Fulvio so the 3 minutes wasn't enough for us to get around. More overtime less qualy would be better next time. 25/20 minute qual with 270s overtime.
Thanks Brian, only asked 'cos I was late for my night nurse:whistling:
I caught up with Taj again at the pitstops as his mechanic seemed slower than mine (Carsten would have fired him by now) but he just pipped me to the exit and ulled away steadily into the distance.
you think :O_o:


Still looking for a competent Crew Chief Carsten
I've now imagined how such a pitstop with an announcement can take place.
The car in front says "Now pit stop". And then? The way I see it there is only one fast line through this passage. So the pitsop-car has to fall back beforehand, doesn't it?
The one driving behind will probably not want to slow down so that the pit stop can be completed.

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