AC Porsche 911 Singer @ Feldbergring - Sunday 26th June 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Abarth 500: 1.4l engine, 195hp, 930kg
911 Singer: 4.0l engine, 390hp, 1244kg.

Abarth needs 70 liters of fuel for 14 laps.
911 needs 56 liters of fuel for 16 laps.

????????? :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:
Sorry I quit.

When I tried to enter the pits I got hit and my car kept flying in the air. The game didn't respons on my keyboard inpu.
I had to stop AC. No use coming back.

That's a pity Han. I get that occasionally and have to ALT+F4. Not sure if there is a fix. You also need to stop to bring up the menu, so could have been that if you were still traveling through time and space :(
Sorry I quit.

When I tried to enter the pits I got hit and my car kept flying in the air. The game didn't respons on my keyboard inpu.
I had to stop AC. No use coming back.
Well, what can I say. That was me. I was so close to you, I really couldn't stop. I was already thinking in the previous laps, how am I supposed to drive into the pits when someone is behind me? I'm really sorry. I was still waiting for you, but your car was rotating in the sky. So far it's been a good race. After that no more. I really have a bad conscience. :thumbsdown:
There I was on the grid in 13th for the start, I was quite expecting to be at the end of the grid after the start.
Low and behold, a first for me, the AWD just shot away from the start, so quick I had to throttle back before raming the car in front.
That has to be the best start for me in years, unfortunately the rest of the race was not so dramatic, but “hey ho” had a good race, I also enjoyed my tussle with Paul and John, it made it all very interesting.
A pleasant return after my break.:)
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Great fun that was. A race of 2 halves for me. Started well and when Allan had a spin I felt fairly comfortable for a while with a decent gap on Fulvio. Then I missed my pit box and had to mess about reversing back in. Should have come out in the lead but this now put me out 2 seconds behind Fulvio instead. That put me on tilt and pushing too hard to try and not let him get away I then binned it! Richard got past me while I rejoined the tarmac. I couldn't get past Richard who seemed to have better speed on the straights and in frustration I binned it again. Decided to then just bring it home and not risk another spin with Allan now close enough to potentially take advantage and I wasn't going to catch Richard again now.

Thanks for organizing Brian. Great combo this one.
Well, what can I say. That was me. I was so close to you, I really couldn't stop. I was already thinking in the previous laps, how am I supposed to drive into the pits when someone is behind me? I'm really sorry. I was still waiting for you, but your car was rotating in the sky. So far it's been a good race. After that no more. I really have a bad conscience. :thumbsdown:
I thoughtof it earlier today, after a practice stop, that i should ask people to 'announce' their pitstop on discord, but i forgot to say it during the pre race talk. Something for future races here.

oooof bad luck Han. Just before it went heli glitch :(
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Was i the only one in VR suffering a lot of judder especially in the first half hour? Just upgraded from a 2060 super to a 3080 at some cost. Was not expecting that. Was fine the other night on same track with MX5/Abarth combo
Was i the only one in VR suffering a lot of judder especially in the first half hour? Just upgraded from a 2060 super to a 3080 at some cost. Was not expecting that. Was fine the other night on same track with MX5/Abarth combo

It was perfect for me, which was pretty good considering the size/detail of the track and the field.
The pits in this car were deadly, even if you went to pit with no one behind you. Shame about that Han. Had planned my pit to undercut you and Hank as both him and I were having a great battle just as we caught up with you and allan. Then saw you spinning and Hank had fallen back a few laps later :unsure:

Sounds like we got ourselves a new rule for the upcoming championship though :geek:

Outside of the levitating car, man, that was hard work! @Allan Ramsbottom Thanks again for the set up and few tips :thumbsup: Made a world of difference for me today. Not that I think @H_Belane liked how close it kept me to him in the first half :p . That was great defense Hank :thumbsup: Had the jump on you everywhere I couldn't safely pass

Thanks Brian for hosting. Interesting combo, one I wouldn't have chosen myself, but ended up enjoying, even if I was scared half the time :) And thanks everyone for the big grid, lots of fun here this week :thumbsup:

And @gearwhine I had one freeze, both Wednesday and today where the screen froze and my wheel went dead, only to come back a second later. I'm not running anything near what you are, but it's something I think has only happened on this track for me. Not exactly your issues, but might be related.
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