AC Porsche 911 Singer @ Deutschlandring - Mon 06 Apr 2020

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
The things real life cannot simulate.

I posted a vid of a wreck I had in race 1. I hope that's okay.
@Fat-Alfie thank you so much for this work of art - which doubles as a superb race track.
Just thought you may be interested to see this, although of course, under normal circumstances I'm not aware of any worm holes... or faults of any kind. ;)
Amazing track and car combo. I'm disgusted at myself for not practicing more and doing it proper justice as it deserves.
There was a fab train going for a good bit there at start of lap 1 race 2. Was so cool for as long as it lasted.
I may have been responsible for the crash at what I suppose it turn 4. I felt I got squeezed onto the inside and had nowhere to go but have not watched the replay yet. I'll have a look in the morning.
The track is superb, the car was nice to drive, good evenings entertainment chaps.

I had a great battle with Thys, when I say great it was rubbish really as neither of us could stay on the track long enough to hold position. However I started the last lap and saw him in the pits. Did you run out of fuel Thys?
What a great circuit, easy to learn, that’s coming from someone who does not race long circuits.
I really really struggled in these two races, lost count of the off’s.i just cannot concentrate like this car demands?
I’ve never driven a car on a circuit that required such concentration, that does not take away the amount of enjoyment I had with this combination, probably one if not the best circuits I have driven, the car was also amazing, the best sound you could wish for. The circuit also gave a real sense of speed too.
Followed Denis’s rear for most of the two races, very nice it was too. :unsure:
Great driving from John, tried to keep up, managed it reasonably for the first few laps but forgetting to brake when my mind wandered did not help my cause. First of many off’s, bugger.
So I settled for 2nd, little did I know what this circuit had in stall for me, yes, more off’s
Cannot wait to see the replay tomorrow, should be a hoot.
Thanks to @Denis Betty and @Medilloni for making a great race, why it struggled to get a full field is yet again beyond me.
Hey Denis, an inspired combo matey, thanks so much for tonight's event :thumbsup:

Really enjoyed tonight (obviously!) But was gutted to see @Kresh out so early in the 2nd race - you were getting so much quicker each lap you drove, you're such a fair racer I was really looking forward to the race:thumbsup:

Thanks to all for tonight, and for the banter afterwards - so, take care of ourselves and see you next time.
Can't view a replay as I obviously haven't mastered saving the right ones yet. Is there a recommend size I should be looking to save without affecting my PC's performance.? At the monet I only seem to be getting the end of the race
Can't view a replay as I obviously haven't mastered saving the right ones yet. Is there a recommend size I should be looking to save without affecting my PC's performance.? At the monet I only seem to be getting the end of the race
Interested in the answer to this myself. I think the replay length is dependent on the amount of information that gets generated by the track and number of cars. I have everything set to max and my replays are generally only 30 to 40 minutes long.
@Steve O'Malley

I think the quality is about FPS, I go for MEDIUM, no reason that I can find not to go LOW if all you want to do is view.
( you can go VERY LOW that will hardly use any memory )
I have all the types of replays set to 5
I have max recording set to 650MB, that because I run 1 hour races at medium, takes about 500MB for one hour race.
you can put max recording size to that if you wish, will only record to the size it wants anyway.
No concern about memory, if you save them somewhere or delete them.
minimum reply to 30sec. :)
Interesting setup John, just compared with mine, I went for a lot more aggressive setup with ARB, dampers and camber.
Although I lowered the back more than you, found that too low caused some bump problems out on the circuit.
Ran with wing at 2, faster at 1 but like you went for a bit more security.
I ran with 24 psi you with 25 which in hind sight that was maybe a mistake.
All the problems I had were down to me, made it a very good platform in my humble opinion.
Had great fun last night because of this magnificent combo. The Singer is in my humble opinion a great mod. I never had a change to drive a 911 in real life but I have read about the specific behaviour of the classic ones. And driving this car gives me the impression that it's very realistic from what I have read. So many thanks to @Denis Betty for selecting the Singer for the race:):thumbsup:. I would love to do also events with this car on other tracks of @Fat-Alfie the Feldbergring and Fonteny. I know that these long tracks take quite a lot of time to practice but I find this practice really fun and more rewarding then finding another 0.1s on smaller circuits. And once you have learned it, you remember it quite well for the next time. Just like the Nordschleife.

Race 1 was fun with many mistakes from me and drivers in my vicinity so a lot of battles. Started 6th, lost several positions, got back to 6th and finished 5th because @Kek700 went off at the end. Therefore I started race 2 on pole which I only like if I have the pace to stay on front but that wasn't the case. The stress made me hit the fence just after the fast curve and made me spin. So 6th again. Now I concentrated on not going off rather than fast lap times. And that was rewarded with 2nd place because the others except @Medilloni (incredible fast :confused: ) did go off. I want to thank you all for joining and reading all of this. I seem to outdo @Kek700 for once:p!
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For some reason I just saw this post from a week or so back
"Whoa for a club race? Those cars need a fast flowing track. Brands it too tight and donington isn't much quicker. I promised to do something less crazy for next week. "

I can remember being there in 1978 when Reutemann took Lauda to win. He was driving a Ferrari 312T2.

Would that be a bit wild for next weeks event? Its a great car to drive round Brands.

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