Pacific Coast

Tracks Pacific Coast 1.0

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Promising track!
To enhance the "chase" aspect, did you consider setting up 2 pits, distants from 100 yards each other?

So that on a MP session, a car exiting the pit in the front can wait on his line for a police/interceptor car showing up in the mirror from the 2nd pit in the back, and then launch the chase immediately :)

The goal for the chased car would be reaching the other side of the track without being catched up
= pushed into the sea by the chaser :)

No fences obviously :)

Thanks mate :) It has lots of detail going in soon ;)

Yeah I could set up any number of "layouts" as it will only involve copying the data files, so shouldn't massively alter the file size... That layout could be called Duel ;) I don't want to have TOO many layouts though... As this will put loads of versions in peoples track lists... So will look into this when the time comes... But you're spot on about the staying in front and not being pushed into the sea bit ;) lol

Talking of ocean.. In a future version...will be using Shaders something like this!

Imagine some yachts and cargo ships on the Horizon... US road signs... Trees and bushes.. and you'll know where I'm going with this ;)

The barriers are a little outside my 3D skills at the moment... plus... I want to be 100% sure the track is positioned exactly where it will be staying, before making 3D objects made from splines... And the mucking about with the collision meshes that need to be done with collidable objects ... That will come later :)
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having 2 sides traffic increases the challenge since you can't drive online Wrong Way for more than 5 consecutive seconds (or so) since you get penalized and it's not settable from the server. I kinda like it, in Coste Road there's a loop version with traffic both ways
having 2 sides traffic increases the challenge since you can't drive online Wrong Way for more than 5 consecutive seconds (or so) since you get penalized and it's not settable from the server. I kinda like it, in Coste Road there's a loop version with traffic both ways

Yeah mate, that's why those layouts will only be for practice sessions :)
OR for them to work... Have no in the ai folder... I will include an AI in the ai folder.... just so the Track cameras work... I will name it something like so if you still want replays on these layouts... You just go into the layouts ai folder and delete the FOR-REPLAYS bit of the filename ;)

Then when you drive on it again... Rename the back to

Then the Penalty thing won't be able to tell you're driving the wrong way....

For now... If you want to drive North up my track... rename the ai file in the south/ai folder...

No wrong way sign ;)

Rename it back for replays or when racing South against the AI...

A loop version's another possible idea
Thanks mate :) It has lots of detail going in soon ;)

Yeah I could set up any number of "layouts" as it will only involve copying the data files, so shouldn't massively alter the file size... That layout could be called Duel ;) I don't want to have TOO many layouts though... As this will put loads of versions in peoples track lists... So will look into this when the time comes... But you're spot on about the staying in front and not being pushed into the sea bit ;) lol

Talking of ocean.. In a future version...will be using Shaders something like this!
View attachment 159370
Imagine some yachts and cargo ships on the Horizon... US road signs... Trees and bushes.. and you'll know where I'm going with this ;)

The barriers are a little outside my 3D skills at the moment... plus... I want to be 100% sure the track is positioned exactly where it will be staying, before making 3D objects made from splines... And the mucking about with the collision meshes that need to be done with collidable objects ... That will come later :)
Nice shaders!
Yes, only a few layouts can do the trick;
Pushing the chased car in front into the sea would be great as this would result in an automatic return to the pit for the pushed guy = game over, try again.
That sounds a lot like arcadish, combined with AC physics, that would be a first :)

Imho, it is more suited than "duel", which rather refers to a race between 2 cars, something quite...expected in a racing sim.
And just throwing away the opponent makes less sense than having only the chaser trying by any mean to prevent the chased guy from reaching the arriving line.

Other ideas can be worked on, that don't require a lot of work on the side:
-a timing line (that launches the A to B chrono) put right after a tight turn, so that both cars start at the same speed, cancelling the chrono advantage for the car starting in the back;
That way, you can both combine chasing action and chrono chasing !

-only 1 pit, but 2 different exits: one for the chased one, straight, short, with constant mirror view on what comes behind, one for the chaser, with turns, which delay exiting the pit, allowing the chased one to start a few seconds before.

To have a few seconds/ yards advantage for the chased one is crucial since he will have to manage a guy in the back for 10mns

But yea, first things first, you have to work on the foundations, textures, signs, objects etc...
Good luck with that :)
Looking forward to your update! Great stuff!
I love the hills even without a lot of stuff on top, the only thing that I feel could need some love is the visual transition between tarmac and offroad, at the moment it is a bit too clean, it would be great if there was a way to make it more natural. The rest is great already, waiting for your road signs!
Looking forward to your update! Great stuff!
I love the hills even without a lot of stuff on top, the only thing that I feel could need some love is the visual transition between tarmac and offroad, at the moment it is a bit too clean, it would be great if there was a way to make it more natural. The rest is great already, waiting for your road signs!
View attachment 159665

Cheers man, glad you're looking forward to the update, it's going to be quite a big update if I can get 3DS Max, ksEditor and AC talking to each other properly! lol
I won't be doing anything with the road textures just yet... because I still have further tweaks to the road mesh, to smoothen out bumps in elevation and banking... Then when that's done I can subdivide the visual & simple road mesh... Into a high res physical mesh for FFB purposes... Then I will probably radically change the road textures. The textures now are okish placeholders for now ;)
I also plan to look at the normal maps of the tarmac and give them a bit more noise... and height, that will make the tarmac look much better.

Thanks for pointing it out though, when you see the new ocean.... you will find it hard to keep your eyes on the road ;)

Now if only Kunos can make it that track makers can add custom ambient sounds... So I can get the sound of waves crashing in :) and of course seagulls ;) lol
looks like a lot of work for the weekend!
There is some work to do mate.. But most of the work has hopefully been done getting the f........ things into AC.... I'm just glad to see them all in there
Hoping to have it on here late tonight or tomorrow... depending if all the programs get on well together....
Half the scenery has been sorted by getting the ocean looking good :)

As you're a modder too, you know how it is mate ;)
hey @Phoenix77 you can add sounds to the track in certain points by adding these lines on the ini file audio_sources.ini in data folder


maybe you could ask @LilSki for some help or any other track modder
Phoenix77 updated Pacific Coast with a new update entry:

Update 0.355

Added US roadsigns... Will add to these and re-position if needed
Added ocean detail,
Adjusted bankings/cambers/elevations.. More needed
Added some placeholder, medium and far trees
Added track sections.ini
Added some more dynamic objects
Updated AI line to the new road cambers etc
View attachment 159968 View attachment 159969
View attachment 159970 View attachment 159970

Read the rest of this update entry...
I just tried your updated track, thanks for the road signs, I think they are a good addition to the road to make it more realistic and.. to prevent me from falling over!

I think the new sea and the trees, though, detract from the realism. I have to say I preferred the version without trees and with the original sea texture. Here is a comparison (new one on the left, old one on the right):

The sea surface has too many waves for the distance it has from the road, I prefer the old texture which is flat and non reflective but more realistic, also in the transition between sea and shore. What about leaving the old texture as it is?
I know the trees are placeholders, but sadly they look all the same and are too symmetrical.

For my personal taste, just the old version + road signs + road/offroad graphic transition would have been perfect, nothing less nothing more :)

Of course this is a work in progress so awaiting the new developments, thanks and good job so far!
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thanks for the road signs, I think they are a good addition to the road to make it more realistic and.. to prevent me from falling over!

The sea surface has too many waves for the distance it has from the road, I prefer the old texture which is flat and non reflective but more realistic, also in the transition between sea and shore. What about leaving the old texture as it is?

I agree with @guidofoc about the waves perhaps being a little to dominant, but I like some trees here and there so that is fine. The signs are perfect and makes this "Little Gem" very nice driving slowly in the Lamb. Miura.
Good job so far. :)
hey @Phoenix77 you can add sounds to the track in certain points by adding these lines on the ini file audio_sources.ini in data folder


maybe you could ask @LilSki for some help or any other track modder

Cheers man... I did manage to get the AC_AUDIO_1 sound in... But it's sort of a town sound... Probably better than nothing. I might have to add that at some point. From what I've read in the forums... Custom ambient track sounds were removed from AC v1.3 and hasn't been brought back yet.
@guidofoc Glad you like the roadsigns... I was expecting everyone to say... They can't see them when flying past at 140mph! lol

About the waves... You're welcome to your opinion completely mate... But in your screenshot... You're hardly at "car level" ;)
If you're in car... And you're looking at the shoreline... I think you've gone wrong somewhere lol.
I can't emphasise this enough... Everything with this track is different levels of WIP... The trees, are kind of a test of performance numbers I can get in... See how it handles... Also they help add some depth perception to work out distance to corners etc. I wasn't going to spend days putting trees in only for the FPS to drop like a stone!

I don't see the transition between sea and shore as a priority ATM... If you're driving in car, and not hanging about... You can't see down there... unless you've gone over! There is a little bit of flickering (which you shouldn't notice from in car) where the old landscape needs to be sliced to the ocean plane... I'm not at that stage yet, so it will have to do for now.

I personally think the ocean is far better, but each to their own mate.
@guidofoc did you prefer the old ocean where it should have met the horizon? with jagged polys? ;) Surely that's far worse for imersion?
I agree with @guidofoc about the waves perhaps being a little to dominant, but I like some trees here and there so that is fine. The signs are perfect and makes this "Little Gem" very nice driving slowly in the Lamb. Miura.
Good job so far. :)

Cheers Steffen... I would agree with the waves being a little too dominant... But they have been made more pronounced so when in car at few hundred feet up on a cliff... they're visible.... I will probably adjust the scale of the waves "normalmap" slightly... so that the waves are slightly smaller... so an average between when you're lower down by the coast, to up higher.