Promising track!
To enhance the "chase" aspect, did you consider setting up 2 pits, distants from 100 yards each other?
So that on a MP session, a car exiting the pit in the front can wait on his line for a police/interceptor car showing up in the mirror from the 2nd pit in the back, and then launch the chase immediately
The goal for the chased car would be reaching the other side of the track without being catched up
= pushed into the sea by the chaser
No fences obviously
Thanks mate It has lots of detail going in soon
Yeah I could set up any number of "layouts" as it will only involve copying the data files, so shouldn't massively alter the file size... That layout could be called Duel I don't want to have TOO many layouts though... As this will put loads of versions in peoples track lists... So will look into this when the time comes... But you're spot on about the staying in front and not being pushed into the sea bit lol
Talking of ocean.. In a future version...will be using Shaders something like this!
Imagine some yachts and cargo ships on the Horizon... US road signs... Trees and bushes.. and you'll know where I'm going with this
The barriers are a little outside my 3D skills at the moment... plus... I want to be 100% sure the track is positioned exactly where it will be staying, before making 3D objects made from splines... And the mucking about with the collision meshes that need to be done with collidable objects ... That will come later
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