Thanks mate Have taken away loads of unnecessary polygons, and added cambers/banking.. some corners are good... some need quite a bit of work... Mostly the last 3rd of the track needs more attention.Great update, v0.209 feels a lot smoother and is in fact faster from what I can see.
Yeah I know of the funky bump you're speaking of, it seems, partly, to be car related which is a bit weird! In a gallardo for example, it doesn't seem so funky... In a Aventador and others it gets funky.. It will get sorted thoughThere is a funky bump on the right side of the road just after the start and in the second half of the track in the slower sections it is very very bumpy. It wasn't like this in the first version.
The last 3rd of the track has changed quite a lot because I added terrain either side of the road... Before it was like a rollercoaster if you remember? Also added quite a bit of bankings so that's changed the track a lot more than it may seem...
Thanks for the feedback mate Appreciate it.Good job on the meshing improvements. Whats planned for next version?
Plans for the next version are getting the terrain/road totally sorted to how I want it... I'd say it's 70 - 80% there (not allowing for adding detail to the actual road mesh) I'm going to get the meshes as close to 100% done as possible before adding objects.. trees, bushes, signs, barriers until that's done... As I don't want to have to move them again when sorting terrain/road . I'm also thinking of adding random dynamic objects along the route (like the randomly appearing balloons)... So everytime you load the track there might be random roadworks... random parked cars etc... Not sure if that would be a good idea though? After then road/terrain mesh is almost 100% sorted will add a North layout too (obviously).
Number one priority is getting the track smooth, as in elevations and bankings in corners.
I've already added a sections.ini, so if anyone such as yourself has feedback on a particular section it will be easier to report.
I would upload that, but don't really want to upload a v0.210 update just for a few Kb sections.ini file... So people have to download 160mb for that file.. I know other modders update for little things, but I'd find that annoying!
Should I upload the section.ini as another mod in AC Misc? and put a link to it on the Track download page?