Old Racing Club Threads (merged)

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Servername: Racedepartment.com MX-5
Password: Same as RD Club Events
Track: Brands Hatch GP
Class: MX-5 Cup / Roadster

Official Practice: 30 minutes (21:00 GMT / 4pm EST / 1pm PST)
Qualification - Lone qualifier (2 hotlaps)
Race - 18 laps (Standing Start)
Entries - 36
Fast tows - 1

Notes: Must be a RD Licensed member

Read the password and golden rules.
Well, that was interesting! I think I sort of started figuring out the Impala. First time in any kind of Oval/Nascar type car for me. But I was way off the pace, at least after getting slammed into the wall. :-0

It's funny, too, because I watched Joe for a while after stopping, and we took the same line and had the same braking points. He must have carried better speed through the curves. MUST have! :)

Anyway, I woke up kind of sick today, and about an hour into the session, I started a fever. Since I was 3 laps down by that point, and likely to go several more before the end, and there wasn't really anyone left to race with at my speed, 50 or more laps by myself left to go just wasn't appealing.

I appreciate the chance to get to know this car, and to test out the NTM. I very much like the idea of a regular length race, requiring pit stops, etc. Hopefully, we can get more guys involved who will stay in and not cause problems.

I'll tell you what, though...that pace lap, with all those cars lined up and stretching out along the track, was sweet!!

Thanks Ramon for hosting this one!

congrats to Rudy, winner and all who finished :)
finished two laps down since I used one tow and had a few spins :redface:
we should do something like this more often, can´t imagine how nice it would be with some more controlable car
thx Ramon, thx RD


Firstly my apologies to Kev (and others) for my outburst, after Phil got shunted just after turn #1 on lap 2. I had a front row seat as was right behind him, and the #15 (non RD member me thinks) just side swiped him returning to the track. Subsequent crash collected myself, Kev and a few others.

Once the tow was taken and racing back under way, found the car and the NTM an absolute blast. While the grip seems to drop quickly after a couple of laps from the fresh rubber, the car is still more than drivable. You just have to adapt a little. I did find that after 20 or so laps on the same tires, as the car lessens its fuel load you can continue to turn in some good lap times, with many of my better times during the race run on tires that were 25 laps or more old.

Braking distances seemed to be the main difference to me from fresh gripping tire to one that had run a dozen laps. This early experience of the NTM is certainly teaching me a whole new driving style, and for that I like it. No more leadfoot, lol.

Look forward to more midweek melee's and also to the NTM coming to the remainder of the cars in the service. Should be a blast.
This was a blast!

While searching for a nice Friday night event (normally i never drive on Fridays, this week was an exception) for the NationWide I wanted something special. So I found the real NationWide Zippo 200 event. The 2011 (real) event is coming after summer.

I am totally n00bish with the NationWide. I am first time member of iRacing and drove (Time Trials mostly) some in the past. Then 1 or 2 years nothing. And recently I rediscovered it. Ovals are unknown to me, so is the Nationwide.
With the NTM (New Tire Model) I wanted to drive the car, and have no experience with the old version.

Yesterday we setup a practice server and I did really bad in the beginning. Starting with 1.19.x on my first completed lap, all the way down to 1.13.4x in my PB. Still I could only do max 3 laps without spinning r crashing.

Tonight was in the beginning the same. In practice I did not that well, tried a few setups and decided to stick with the ingame Road America Advanced setup. For me it was the most stable of what I had.

The start of the race was going very well. Some drivers missed T1 and I could benefit. I decided to take it easy during the whole race. Let much faster guys through and don't take too much risk. The race was long, very long. After 25 laps I was already very tired and my left shoulder hearts like hell.
Still I wanted to continue and after a long time, finally we were half way. Still no mistakes from me. I was stunned about my own 'skills'.
In the second half I had one spin after the chicane, still don't know what mistake I did :) Maybe to early downshift or throttling too much.

During the race I discovered the tired are very easy on this car. Don't know if this is also in real-life. I had 85/90% tires left after pitstops and from Rudy (race winner) I learned he had 80% left. Obviously he drove a lot faster and that will impact the tires more normally.

During the last stint I was about to finish 3rd if I drove well. Then suddenly Joe, 2nd at that moment, needed another pitstop. I was not sure if he had damage or a splash & dash. I was 1 lap down on him and he was still on the lead-lap. Then while exiting the pitstop Joe crashed his car and lots a lot of time. I could unlap, due to the pitstop and even take 2nd position due to his repairs. With a comfortable lead on Joe I was sure to finish 2nd.

Grats to Rudy for a well deserved win. Excellent stuff!
Also thanks for everyone participating and for the fair racing. Even with an open server, it was very nice from my view.

See you on track again!
yeah here is what happened to me.. lol... I had to go for a splash and dash as my fuel was 1 lap short of finishing... I spun but I was ahead enough that I could have recovered it pretty easy until the haunted wall grabbed me... hahaha

LOL, while setting up, i forgot to make the session private with a password. Then, we might attract a few more. I can always remove unwanted people of course.

I don't think it would hurt from time to time to make an open server and draw in new drivers. Advertising in the hosted forum, having our site on the league page and testimonials is good but we'll pick up a lot of drivers who just see the server and drop in.

Firstly my apologies to Kev (and others) for my outburst, after Phil got shunted just after turn #1 on lap 2. I had a front row seat as was right behind him, and the #15 (non RD member me thinks) just side swiped him returning to the track. Subsequent crash collected myself, Kev and a few others.

No worries Daz, we should make sure as RD members we set the example for others to follow but I completely understand your frustration as that guy was blinking in and out my end. I saw him go wide but I was right behidn you so my view was obscured and I didn't see you braking for the car that you could see spinning so unfortunately I rear-ended you and we both had to go to the pits. What I did find annoying was that moron from the Hungarian site spamming the chat buffer with his league event. I found his web-site after I left the race but his site hurt my eyes so I didn't go any further in than the front page.

This was a blast!

Totally agree, as we all lined up on the pace lap I had a broad smile across my face as I recalled running a BBS many years ago before the internet was commonplace that ran a special network protocol to run 8 player lobby's for Papyrus's first NASCAR game. As we ran through the esses for the first time I recalled a testing session on my BBS where I thought how cool it would be one day to have a much bigger number on a server. Of course now we have iRacing and the graphics and car and track technology have taken a quantum leap forward but it did make me smile racing that track tonight.

I've held back my thoughts on the new tyre model but tonight I really got to give them a good try. iRacing staff kept saying we had to unlearn the stuff we had in the past as sim racers and drive more like the real drivers have to and tonight was a great example. Just spinning the tyres or locking up a corner now really hurts your traction before the tyres cool again, they can make you really loose or really tight so you have to be careful. Now the tyres take longer to get up to temperature, no more quick outlap to warm the tyres and then blitz a lap as I found after 5 laps my tyres starting coming to me and I could push a little harder. All the practice laps I ran and I spun out and never got consistent laps in, tonight in the race I had a good few runs without errors and could feel the tyres coming to me each lap. Fantastic stuff and I look forward to seeing how this tyre works on the rest of the cars in the iRacing service.

yeah here is what happened to me.. lol... I had to go for a splash and dash as my fuel was 1 lap short of finishing... I spun but I was ahead enough that I could have recovered it pretty easy until the haunted wall grabbed me... hahaha

LOL there's a section of armco as you go through the esses just past turn 3 on the left side that does the same thing. iRacing went through the tracks a while back trying to eradicate as many of those as possible but I guess some slipped through the net.
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