John B. Ellis
John B. Ellis updated NAMeS: Real Drivers for AMS2 with a new update entry:
NAMeS v4.6 includes files for LMDh and GT3 Gen2
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NAMeS v4.6 includes files for LMDh and GT3 Gen2
Now that the "notformedia" restriction has been lifted for the latest AMS2 V1.5.5 beta, feel free to download NAMeS v4.6, which includes files for the LMDh and GT3 Gen 2 classes.
One idiosyncrasy of AMS2 is that the use of custom-AI files during multi-class races is an all-or-none affair; that is, all categories in a multi-class race require their own custom-AI file (if any custom-AI files are desired) for drivers to populate correctly. With NAMeS v4.6 installed, any multi-class race...
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