AC Multiclass Abarth500/Mazda MX5@Bridgehampton, Wednesday 27th July 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
P10 in a tight qualifying, which I was happy with.

Got a decent start but was immediately in a battle with Han. Trying to anticipate where the Abarth was going to have to brake early, braked early myself but just not quite enough and touched him slightly but pushing him into the sand. Sorry Han, you were a target today, not just from me.

Waited for Han to rejoin and ended up close to the back and on a fightback.

Got as far as Steve and had a good battle but we touched, can't remember where until I see the replay, and I had my own trip to the gravel and a bigger fightback to consider.

Decided to switch my strategy and pitted as soon as I had burned enough fuel to make room for my 10 litres and rejoined in clear air.

After that I was doing qualifying laps and gaining on the cars ahead. Strategy was working until Kimi pitted in the Abarth and emerged a little ahead of me. I caught up with him then had an epic 3-4 laps of bumper to bumper racing, exchanging places frequently but never making contact. Great racing, man.

Eventually I got ahead with enough of a gap to hold the lead then pull away.

By the time I put a few seconds on Kimi I was too far away from Jari and ran out of laps.

I really enjoyed this track and had good race pace. I think, without incidents, I could have challenged for a top 6.

Thanks for organising, Han. Well done to the podiums and great racing, Callum, in your first RD race.
Well, I haven't had such a bad race in ages. :( The pace I found lapping this weekend got lost in the sand somehow. I learned new lines on practice but couldn't make them work for me. Qualy was ok and the start was quite fine but I think I was driving too carefully overall... just because I was not comfy in the car tonight as I was in the weekend.

I did expect to have at least one incident and I wasn't far off since fate fixed a couple for me.... one was with Callum (we 'shared' too much space going into a corner), that got me touching sand and spinning, taking Han with me (apologies once more @HF2000). He got catapulted into the wild, Top Gear style, but made a return to track that could have put a Land Rover to shame (check out the screenshot below ;) ).

I was actually wondering if anybody managed zero incidents? I had an odd one when Paulo's Abarth started warping all around me on the first sector. He vanished on the first corners but suddenly appeared in front of me and I just could not avoid hitting him, sorry man. After that I settled into bringing up the rear in style, which I think I managed decently. :p

Thanks for organising Han, hope you managed to catch up ahead after our coming together. :thumbsup: Congratulations to the winners and podiums, looking forward to the next one chaps!

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I thank Alan for our pre-race, race. I made a lot of setup changes after that, I saw all the weaknesses and tried to eliminate those, a lot of thought went into that setup.
I also found that at this circuit the Abarth works well with a lower grip, it is also very competitive with a heavy fuel load.
Pretty much guessed as the Mazda fuel load depleted, keeping:( up was not going to be easy, and it wasn’t.
Bit of a bummer running out of fuel, oh well great while it lasted.:thumbsup:

Good points,
great racing with all I came across.:)
Enjoyable race:)
Best of all that Rotter fulvio only just sneaked by, only to be overtaken again. That’s a first.:)
Never did I expect to give those Mazdas a run for their money here :)

Bad points
Running out of fuel.:( It was sabotage,:confused: we must do something about it's fuel usage??

As Alan said, a great series, really enjoy battling with the Mazda’s, a real challenge. Unlike the Audi and Mazdas.
This was just two independent race cars on the track at the same time, usually in each other’s way.
Or you are just racing like for like , with these two car you are always battling with someone, be it a Mazda or Abarth.
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I could have kept racing for another hour. Such a nice flow to this track, especially in the mazda, steering with the gas :inlove: Very happy to race here with this group, as the AI here cannot cope with the sand and end up rolling up the sides of the map. Or at least my AI do :laugh:

I had some great multiple lap battles with Kimi in the first half of the race, then Mika and Colin in the second half which rounded out my day. Turns out you can pretty much go 2 wide through every turn :D Fun seeing how the Abarth could gain almost a second over the whole track on the Mazda only to loose it in that long right turn.

Thanks for the great driving and space from all those I came across. Led to some really good, really close racing. Even managed to shave off a full second off my PB chasing Mika there at the end :thumbsup:

Wouldn't mind seeing this track popup again for a race sometime, maybe with some cars 40+ years the Mazda's senior :)

Congrats to the winners and finishers and see you all next race
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Great racing everyone! I wasn't very lucky to get hit three times and end up in the sand and bushes, so the whole race was a catching up and *overtaking and that again after my pit stop. But that's what I like to do, so no problem. All the guys that hit me were waiting for me, so that was good too.

I like this track for its natural track limits. No one can cheat here and the penalty for ending up in the sand is heavy.

At first I was disappointed because I expected the Abarth to be more than a match for the MX5 here, but only Ernie could really be up front. I've read that he spent quite a bit of time tweaking the setup so I'm very interested in that. @Kek700 Would you be so kind as to send me your setup for this race?

Congratulations on the podium. and thank you to all of you for joining us, especially @Supersoulfighta Callum for what I think was a great debut with us.

Next week probably Riverside as I'm still searching for a track where the Abarth has the edge.
Much more encouraging race that last week - where I was so off the pace it was embarrassing.

I race with a sim racing style office chair (no room for a 'proper' rig) and it has a bit of movement - so braking can be hard to master without the seat moving a bit. Fitted some of these and they really help to steady the chair.

Also been getting into Motec lap analysis and I've found that useful to see where I'm losing time and areas to focus.

So very pleased to qualify in 4th but the start of the race was a bit of a disaster as my helicora app had moved to a place where it wasn't working., I Only spotted it as the race started and as I tried to move it I got swamped by everyone.

However, being a bit father back gave me some great racing and it was still a lot of fun. There were some very brave moves by other drivers on the run down to the first corner and they definitely needed trust in the other driver to pull it off.

Thanks Han for organising.

If anyone wants a crash course in Motec basics (I'm by no means an expert) then let me know and I'll be happy to help and show you what I've done. I did post a short tip in a GT3 thread so some in this Weds crowd might have missed it.

Note you need ACTI to get started with Motec.

There is so much useful general setup chatter in the various threads that a separate sticky thread would be useful. Is this something that would be allowed in this forum or does it need to be in the general AC forum?
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Much more encouraging race that last week - where I was so off the pace it was embarrassing.

I race with a sim racing style office chair (no room for a 'proper' rig) and it has a bit of movement - so braking can be hard to master without the seat moving a bit. Fitted some of these and they really help to steady the chair.

Also been getting into Motec lap analysis and I've found that really helps see where I'm losing time and areas to focus.

So very pleased to qualify in 4th but the start of the race was a bit of a disaster as my helicora app had moved to a place where it wasn't working., I Only spotted it as the race started and as I tried to move it I got swamped by everyone.

However, being a bit father back gave me some great racing and it was still a lot of fun. There were some very brave moves by other drivers on the run down to the first corner and they definitely needed trust in the other driver to pull it off.

Thanks Han for organising.

If anyone wants a crash course in Motec basics (I'm by no means an expert) then let me know and I'll be happy to help and show you what I've done. I did post a short tip in a GT3 thread so some in this Weds crowd might have missed it.

There is so much useful general setup chatter in the various threads that a separate sticky thread would be useful. Is this something that would be allowed in this forum or does it need to be in the general AC forum?

Thanks Colin, I'll take a look as I am interested in looking at Motec, if I can make time.
Much more encouraging race that last week - where I was so off the pace it was embarrassing.

I race with a sim racing style office chair (no room for a 'proper' rig) and it has a bit of movement - so braking can be hard to master without the seat moving a bit. Fitted some of these and they really help to steady the chair.

Also been getting into Motec lap analysis and I've found that useful to see where I'm losing time and areas to focus.

So very pleased to qualify in 4th but the start of the race was a bit of a disaster as my helicora app had moved to a place where it wasn't working., I Only spotted it as the race started and as I tried to move it I got swamped by everyone.

However, being a bit father back gave me some great racing and it was still a lot of fun. There were some very brave moves by other drivers on the run down to the first corner and they definitely needed trust in the other driver to pull it off.

Thanks Han for organising.

If anyone wants a crash course in Motec basics (I'm by no means an expert) then let me know and I'll be happy to help and show you what I've done. I did post a short tip in a GT3 thread so some in this Weds crowd might have missed it.

Note you need ACTI to get started with Motec.

There is so much useful general setup chatter in the various threads that a separate sticky thread would be useful. Is this something that would be allowed in this forum or does it need to be in the general AC forum?
There is a forum for assetto corsa setups:
You can start a thread there.
There is a forum for assetto corsa setups:
You can start a thread there.
That seems more focused on a setup for a car/track and I don't recognize any of the people. Guess I'm suggest a general self help thread for racing club member so we can improve together.
oof, this one was a particularly tough one for me. Never really got any pace nor could visualize the right paths through those corners. It took me a while to get to 1:46 consistently and my best still stayed >1 secs over anyone else.

Still had some quick scraps with Dave and Raul but during one of those, I got a slow internet spike precisely on the wrong moment that sent both me and @Dzul to the sandbanks.

The good side of being slow is that due to stopping 1 lap earlier for fuel I only had 0.5L left by race end...but was 2 laps behind :D

Thanks everyone for the nice 20 car grid and congrats to the winners and Ernie for being so fast with the crabwalker.
I really Love this track! I'm really into tracks where you have only one ideal line with every corner have to guess where to tap the brakes and steer-in. Midspeed corners and no outbraking zones are also my favourite! The most special feature is when you are in the sand its almost impossible to get out of it. So Really one of my top 3 tracks.... NOT :mad:

I know I cannot like all the tracks, but I simply coudn't bother to concentrate to drive over there having a practice, so that's why I was slow in the beginning of the free practice and qually.

Having said this, I love racing with you guys and thats why I jumped in again. Next 3 weeks Ill be on holiday, see you next time guys

Thanx for organising Han!
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There has been a lot of banter about the Abarth Vs. Mazda and as Han has previously said , it’s multi class so you are only really racing the class you are in, what a race!! I had some great battles with Steve and Colin until I got bumped off and also tried to catch Micheal until Han joined in.
So while it is multi class, this combination is so much better than the Audi/ Mazda combo in my opinion as you can have a race with someone, somewhere along the way.
The Abarth’s top end is great for getting by the Mazda but a real struggle to get it stopped and around the corner that provides some interesting moments with a MX5 train behind.
Colin @JamKart22, I would be really interested in learning how to use Motec so if you can provide an idiots guide on how to extract it and read it that would be great. I have dabbled briefly with Motec in ACC but that seems easy and ‘plug & play’ compared with AC. I haven’t had much time recently but with the autumn approaching I hope to be able to take a deeper look into the data. I know I am useless on the brakes but seeing the data might help.
Thanks to Han for organising, well done podiums and respect to Ernie for those laptimes, any tips to get the Abarth round the corners better would be most appreciated.
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Great racing everyone! I wasn't very lucky to get hit three times and end up in the sand and bushes, so the whole race was a catching up and *overtaking and that again after my pit stop. But that's what I like to do, so no problem. All the guys that hit me were waiting for me, so that was good too.

I like this track for its natural track limits. No one can cheat here and the penalty for ending up in the sand is heavy.

At first I was disappointed because I expected the Abarth to be more than a match for the MX5 here, but only Ernie could really be up front. I've read that he spent quite a bit of time tweaking the setup so I'm very interested in that. @Kek700 Would you be so kind as to send me your setup for this race?

Congratulations on the podium. and thank you to all of you for joining us, especially @Supersoulfighta Callum for what I think was a great debut with us.

Next week probably Riverside as I'm still searching for a track where the Abarth has the edge.
Thanks for having me on. I look forward to next week
The Rotter.. Strikes again..Had good pace on a track that i hardly like and my super sexy little Mazda came thru superbly..Qualifield 1st with the "Old Bugger" in 2nd..Got him off the line....again,his arthritis in his legs must be playing up again...Fuel stratedgy went bang on and maintained the lead until 2 laps to go when i looked at my 4th screen to see where Fulvio was..I was averaging around a 4 sec gap when i understeered into the sand and saw Fulvio pass...Ohh well 2nd place again i thought,but next lap i saw him in the sand dunes,so back to 1st...Very lucky win but i will take it lol..I see our Glorious Leader got bummed,opps i mean bumped a few times..Guys beers are in the post..Till the next race guys keep safe..

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