Kart Racing


This is an old pic from 2006.

And that me doing an overtake (for once!).
Oh well, My last ever kartrace in 08 - I retired midway through the race weekend, and became a track marshall for the second day.

The year before, in a split-qual session with drawn grids (therefor very few karts)

Anyway, slightly OT, after the big shunt, lots of poor stewards, bad safety. And not at least, lack of money. I switched to rallycross! But as the lack of windows on my yellow car (or the glass is there, just not where it should be), it didn't go any better.

BTW; How often do/did you guys switch karts? I had three karts over 8 years (10-17yo) of racing. The norm in Norway is at least one new kart for each year. But you "should" have 2-4 new each year to keep up. Not strange many are quitting because of a lack of money!

BTW2: Waaaaay to large and baggy drivingsuits, something like Villeneuve-extreme - Yes please! :p
BTW; How often do/did you guys switch karts? I had three karts over 8 years (10-17yo) of racing. The norm in Norway is at least one new kart for each year. But you "should" have 2-4 new each year to keep up. Not strange many are quitting because of a lack of money!
I used 2 karts in 1 and a half years and would have driven on if i were getting not too old
I've had 4 karts in my 4 year carrear if you can call it that before I after a frustrating 2011 season decided to quit.

In 2008 I started racing in Formula Yamaha with a Yamaha KT100.
My first race I never made the A-Final due to inexperience and the old kart (from 2001).
But most of the things on the kart was home made fixes which felt nice, however I will never forget when we had to weld the kart in the 2nd race I participated in when the seat supports cracked.


2009 was my best season, not results wise but when it came to being compedative.
I finished 15th in my 2nd race of the season out of 30attending which was good as I had never been higher than 20th before.
I was always in the A-final with one exception when there was a National Rotax event with too tough competitiveness.
The 2nd half of the season I neglected karting due to beginning my university studies, and sadly from there I never recovered my racing spirit, neither motivationally or from results.
The kart was a second hand 2008 CRG Blackstar with a totally new 2008 Engine only run-in which I believe was a part of my speed.


During 2010 I did only one race, all attributed to university studies, however ironically this was the year I spent most time thinking of karting and testing. But unable to get the now old CRG chassi to respond to chassi adjustments it became one racing where I:
Spun out in practice one, Spun out in practice two, Spun out in quaification and Spun out during the opening lap of the first heat.
I started 27th of 27.. But I managed to make a diehard attack and finished 17th in the end so I was happy never the less.

During 2011 I made a big investment that didn't pay off.
With less drivers in the series and harder competition than ever I was almost always last and after two big crashes during one race and one show as well as me going away to exchange studies I decided to quit karting for the moment.
The kart was an Intrepid Cruiser that responded well to my driving style and setup but it was an entirely new kart and I never got used to it.


During this year I will serve as a vice technical director on national races when I get back.
It is a lot cheaper :)

Oh Sry if I posted too much history, I got carried away :)
We arrived at the circuit just on time before the drivers briefing, because our trailer had a non-moving wheel. We went on the track for my first run in this class in the wet! I finished first in two classes. In the Light (which i drive in)+ the seniors (who have 7 BHp more) I was amazed, but very happy.

Again fastest on track. 2 tenths difference.

Race 1:
Average start, but gained one place on the seniors. In the race I slowly started catching up with the guy in first place. After 5 laps of drifting and sliding I catched up and managed to do a dive into the inside. I was then in the lead for the race untill he passed me on the last lap!

Race 2:
Nothing to say about it then that it wasn't a good race. I had a problem with the throttle cable (If you say it like this) which jammed to no throttle.

Pre-Final: I had a brilliant start going from 4th to 1st in one straight. I had a easy race and drove it out on first place. I was really happy, now I hoped I would manage to finish the final.

Final: Good start and managed to overtake someone on the outside of turn 1. Then one lap again the same move again on the number 2. The guy in first place had already driven away quite a distance, but I was able to catch and overtake him. I drove on and took my first ever win!

Next Sunday I have to drive again, I will see if I can write something from that race!
If I made som mistakes in language please forgive me!


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