AC Honda S800@Battenbergring, Tue 9th August 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
I know practice already started but I'm signing out. Don't find this combo particularly exciting, personally.
Guys, I have tried to use clutch+shifter (up/down) to shift gears. However, autoclutch was still there because I could switch without gear. Is it only forced if I use an H-pattern?
I always get confused with this.
My main target was to practice this and also learn the new track for the season.
The second target is moreless fulfilled haha I don't have to look the map almost now :D Fun night, fantastic overtake by Steve Hayward on me. I haven't finished the race because my hunger was superior to my forces :( I've done like 3 big errors in half a minute.
See you tomorrow in Road America!
Thanks for organising everything, @HF2000

PD: I also prefer 45 mins over 1h. And even more, 2x30 like last season. In long races, there are more chances of disconnections and driving alone.
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My journey in pictures:


"For ****s sake, not AGAIN" :sick:

No idea if the perpetrator waited, but I had to overtake three very slow cars under " fishy circumstances"


"Apollogy accepted"


"It wasn´t me" :sneaky:


"Hold the door, äh brakes, man"


"I ****ed this up myself, Sir"

From there on I had to manage tyres and gap and brought home fifth.


"Alls well that ends in beers";)

Well that was an entertaining experience. I am either in or just out of range of Carstens pictures as i spent the entire race chasing him down making a stupid mistake every time i got close to him! Third pic is particularly funny as that is Dani going flat out into the pits from a non recommended entry point. Unfortunately, I T boned the car in the middle of the track as it rolled into my path on the fourth pic but great fun from beginning to end. Had some great fights along the way with Dani and especially Han who had to contend with my unusually aggressive driving on more than one occasion. Lots of fun and thanks to everyone who made it all happen on track especially Han for putting all this together in the first place.
Dramatic race for me (but still great fun). Qualified 3rd but Ernie had an unusual good start this time and passed me. When he made a mistake in the right handler just before the second hairpin I was 3rd again with a comfortable gap. Allan and Colin had much better pace so I relaxed and thought of an easy podium just staying on track and do decent lap times.
But as always when I relax, my concentration fades and because I forgot that it's a RHD I hit the curbstone in the village causing a 180. I had to let go a lot of drivers and returned as 13th.
In the rest of the race I had some nice battles but also another 5 off tracks. The last one was in the last lap being 6th but loosing another two places. Well considering all those stupid mistakes, finishing 8th isn't so bad.

Thanks all for joining! Next week Markus Winter will organize an event on Tuesday.
I'm on holiday from 29/8 till 16/9 so both @Fat-Alfie 's championships will start after that period. I hope I can set them up in the coming weeks so you can start registering.
My first pole and nearly my first win but my wheel became detached from the desk with one lap to go :-(

Great track/car combo - looking forward to the next race on this masterpiece of a track.

Thanks for organising Han
I've bolted the desk clamp to the desk (don't tell anyone I've drilled through the desk!) so I shouldn't have this hardware failure again
First glad it was 45min.:)
Second, for just knowledge, were you using a manual shift @Programmer_Rich
Third, great racing with you Richard, I just did not have the pace to do much about you here. I knew an overtake meant a braking zone and that was always going to be a big problem for me, ( we’re was ABS in the sixties? )
I had the pace to catch but that was all. In the end got desperate, running out of time.
After my two failed attempts, that was me sown up like a kipper.
Felt for Denis Betty, same mistake I made here on practice plenty of times.
Well done to Allan , you were in a league of your own, apart from Colin.:whistling:
A special well done to Richard, a hard luck to Colin, and well done to me, especially considering the umpteen mistakes I made here, probably matched Han.:roflmao:
Great racing guys..I just love these kind of cars and on Fat Alfie tracks,to me they fit the bill...Tried out my new Simagic sequential shifter,was hoping my Simvertex "H" shifter would come first but hey-ho.Found good pace in praccy,but then @JamKart22 posted a 5:14.1, so i knew i had to dig deep and push..Qualified 2nd:cautious::thumbsdown:,bloody Colin again:p:D:D,but i got him off the start and the gap slowly started to increase,midway thru i entered the village a tad too quick,rear end stepped out and i could,nt correct in time so i hit every lampost hale bale,house,wall you name it, i hit it,which led Colin to take the lead...So im 8 secs behind and i have to push,Couple of laps to go im gaining on Colin and at first i thought he had blown his engine:confused::unsure:,but as we know, he pulled his base off his desk..:redface::redface:,man that was tough luck,and it gave me the win.:D:D:p:roflmao::roflmao:..I think it would have been a great last lap scrap..Well done to all,cant wait for the championship,see you all on track,keep safe guys..
Qualified 3rd but Ernie had an unusual good start this time and passed me. When he made a mistake in the right handler just before the second hairpin I was 3rd again with a comfortable gap.
I hope I'm not taking this all too seriously because I don't remember exactly now, but didn't I qualify third? And wasn't it the case that there was contact between our cars, and that's why I came off the road and turned around? :thumbsdown:
I hope I'm not taking this all too seriously because I don't remember exactly now, but didn't I qualify third? And wasn't it the case that there was contact between our cars, and that's why I came off the road and turned around? :thumbsdown:
Yes you could be right. I haven't seen the replay yet and the results are not on S.GP. I remember I didn't stop after our contact as I thought it was a race incident. I will have a look at the replay in a few minutes.
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First glad it was 45min.:)
Second, for just knowledge, were you using a manual shift @Programmer_Rich
Third, great racing with you Richard, I just did not have the pace to do much about you here. I knew an overtake meant a braking zone and that was always going to be a big problem for me, ( we’re was ABS in the sixties? )
I had the pace to catch but that was all. In the end got desperate, running out of time.
After my two failed attempts, that was me sown up like a kipper.
Felt for Denis Betty, same mistake I made here on practice plenty of times.
Well done to Allan , you were in a league of your own, apart from Colin.:whistling:
A special well done to Richard, a hard luck to Colin, and well done to me, especially considering the umpteen mistakes I made here, probably matched Han.:roflmao:
It was great side by side racing Ernie and respect that you were so close behind me for 10 mins without any contact. I certainly think we were very closely matched in the race which made it a great finish. Like you without a small mistake from the car in front the overtake is very tough when so closely matched.

Agree that Allan and Colin were in another league. To get second I had to be super consistent and mistake free (which I pretty much achieved) as the fastest race lap times put me sixth fastest I believe (same as quali). Very bad luck for Colin who I think deserved his first RD win but that's racing! But well done Allan on recovering for the win (so easy to make a mistake in the village section).

Your question about a manual shifter Ernie, I assume you mean H-shifter. No I don't have a H-shifter so am always using paddle shifting. You?

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