AC Honda S800@Battenbergring, Tue 9th August 2022

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
It's nice to be back to trying to find the best line vs the survival line :laugh:

Never liked these little cars much on modern circuits, but after a few laps here, I have no idea why I held such a low opinion of them :O_o:

Anyone know if running with the top down slows you down?
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Humm not sure about this one after all.. just tried a few laps and 3/4th of the track is full throttle if not more. That's not very enjoyable. You can throw the car into high speed corners quite easily. I'm also having quite a bit of framedrops in VR, not sure if the car is optimized or not.
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So much better for all, only silly actions on part caused an off, be interesting to see what difference in lap times from last week, especially from the aliens.
Hoping we are all a bit closer.:O_o:
So at least we can get within nudging range in the first lap.:roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
Is this your sign up post, Ernie?
Han, could you add me? I'm not 100% sure if I'll be at home because I have a pending event and I'm trying to schedule it on Monday or Wednesday, but it could happen that I have to move it on Tuesday. But if I'm at home, 100% I'll participate :) So I'd like to sign up now and, if I couldn't, I would cancel my participation one day before at latest (probably I'll know it much earlier)
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On another note,

looks like I´ll get the parts for my new rig on Monday.

As i only have Monday and Tuesday to work on it ( it´s MY weekend) i´ll start Monday at noon and we´ll see how it goes.
It´s my own design so I expect some surprises on the way :redface:

We ´ll see if i have it up and running for the race.

MFG Carsten
Hond AIs,

just have to love these little shits :rolleyes:

Hond AI .PNG

Oh, and I managed to survive for EIGHT consecutive laps.

With this rate of progress I´ll be ready to race around Halloween:(

MFG Carsten
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There has been voting. The race will be now 1 hour instead of 45 minutes.
don't want to be a downer but you promoted and I signed up for a 45 min race which takes me into being tired as I'm old and my eyes get tired too. I don't think it fair to just change the parameters like this. I'll still do the race as I love Fat Alfie tracks, but might have to drop out before the end which makes it rather pointless tbh. :(
maybe you could have another vote and start the evening 30 mins earlier. :whistling:
Yes, an hour on such a demanding circuit? maybe for a young whippersnapper.
Also, a mid-week race for an hour could be a bit much for some with families.

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