AC GT3 @ Red Bull Ring - Sunday 5th April 2020

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Hoped for a good placing, two punts off’s took care of that, Oh well you win some you loose some. So in the end just enjoyed the racing.
The racing was one of the best I have had in a long time, for some reason just could not get my race pace out of the car, again I wonder if race damage was responsible.?
Never been able to actually prove if that is probable or imagined. :unsure:
Found everyone very fair, making the racing even more enjoyable.:thumbsup:
Thanks to @Chris Down for a great event.:thumbsup:
That was a missing podium tutorial after a stupid t1 mistake :D Apart from it it was fun, but 650s is not for overtaking here

Haha that was sooo much fun for me. Fighting to keep you away from me on the long straights. The Nissan power was incredible. You were so much faster in S3 but those 2 long straigths... :roflmao: To bad I made this one mistake, would have been eager to know how and where you would have overtaken me :p

@Faceplant sorry for the bump. Could not react fast enough after you oversteered (I guess?) Had so much pressure from behind from @Evgeniy Neytman and should have left a bit more space between us before trying to lap you.

Thanks @Chris Down and congrats to the podium. Also thanks at all for the great behaviour (like last week) under blue flag :thumbsup:
Just to note, if the two cars ahead of you are racing side by side between t1 and t2... slip streaming one of them to give you the speed to squeeze up the middle, sending the other cartwheeling down the track is not cool.

That had me pretty rattled for most of the first half of the race. Enjoyed the end, particularly the last 10 laps when things spread out a bit. Hopefully see you all next week :)
Great fun, clean racing for the most part. Compliments to the faster drivers for all the clean, safe passing.

The only problems I had was with slower drivers, those far down in the pack (20+). I am slow, but I am driving consistent and safe so I can learn and also no mess-up someone else's race with my clownly driving. I was recklessly passed several times by the same driver, only to have them crash again and again...of course, now in-front of me. If you crash constantly...slow down. Passing on the outside of a fast sweeper is perhaps not the best choice. If you are in a lower position...chill out.

At last weeks race I crashed so often I was truly embarrassed; I even gave thought to not joining this weeks race. Instead I practiced and forced myself to complete 5 laps AI races multiple times. This week, I am happy to report only a single spin.

Thanks again to @Chris Down and all the other great drivers for such a great event. Just as Chris stated in his parting comments, these Sunday races are the only thing keeping me sane!

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The backmarkers today in general were awesome! Had some hairy moments with a few of them lifting right at the exit of t1 or t2 on the racing line while I was still one the limit and moving towards to outside.

I bet in real life I would've lost my left mirror a few times when going past on the right side hehe.

But I had some really awesome sweeps of slipstreaming, them moving over right before the braking zone, going past, the backmarker going back on the racing line just a few inch behind me and both of us not losing a single tenth of a second for the whole process! :D
Great fun. Hope my backmarking brought a sense of realism :).

I'm sorry to whoever I nearly hit at Remus around the minute forty mark.
Might have been me, we had some coming together at some point due to me misunderstanding your plan for how to letting me past. We touched a little but none of us spun :)

(The highlight of it for me was unexpectedly understanding @RasmusP and someone else(?) joking about also letting them past in German when I was passing. My high school German teacher would be proud.)
Haha yeah that was fun! :D
I was looking forward to my weekly battle with @hape but I qualified quite a bit on front of him.
At the 30 minute mark I saw him popping onto my real-time app so I knew there was a gap, but not an extremely big one.
Gambled massively, changed plans, drove until my tank was completely empty (entering pits with 0.1 Laps left according to sidekick).
Put some softs on with probably incorrect psi and came out of the pits 2s in front of him.

So I told him "Hape! Komm mal ran hier!!", what means "Hape, hurry up and come closer".

Was a nice hunt but he got caught up with some other battles.

Had some nice battle with @steen skov Laursen for a few laps but my softs clearly had more grip.
Then they fell off the cliff during the last 3 laps and @Nik Babin almost caught me.
I taunted him a little but then it was race over a lap earlier than I thought.

Awesome race guys! Thanks a lot for the fun! :)
My pit stops were a nitemare managed not to change anything and had only 8 laps of fuel to start the race :( missed my pit box so had to go back in again next lap, then didn't put in enough fuel and had to re stop again later on, 3 stop race haha
Won't make that mistake again....
Might have been me, we had some coming together at some point due to me misunderstanding your plan for how to letting me past. We touched a little but none of us spun :)

I get jittery in the final moments, especially when the lead pack happens to catch:confused:up (again) at that very moment.
Dealing with the pressure of not ruining a handful of ppl's race is pretty gratifying in the end.
Awesome race, thank you @Chris Down for hosting these events with such huge starting grids :confused:
And yeah, as you already said.. these events are now even more precious in these unusual and also terrifying times..

Had some great and clean battles and also great behaviour regarding blue flags :thumbsup: Well, there was one incident in 1st lap, have to watch the replay.. But all in all, it was great and intense fun. Was my first "add 1 litre fuel only" pit stop strategy with the 911, which became quite scary at the end of the race :roflmao::whistling:

Stay safe and healthy!
Another great race with a lot of fun. Had a stupid false start :notworthy: and consequently a drive through penalty. Did that right away so and ended lap 1 as 32nd. Well catching up and overtaking is fun too. Finished 19th. But during the race I didn't get any blue flag messages anymore after Chris lapped me. Must have been some kind of bug because I got lapped some more. Sorry if I made it difficult for them by defending. Did anyone else noticed this? Also Crew Chief didn't give the blue flag call anymore. Made it easy for @Kek700 to pass because I thought he was one of the fast guys to lap me:roflmao:.

Thanks @Chris Down for organising.:thumbsup:
Thanks everyone for the amazing race!

Next week we'll be racing through the twisty turns in Imola, Italy. I'd love to see you back again! :thumbsup:


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