AC GT-M @ Monza - Sunday 2nd July 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Great race, great cars, great sound!

Exciting fight in the first race Robert. Was a lot of fun. That was really exhausting. I hope the Porsche will be added here too, and we'll stick with these cars a little longer.

Great event as always on Sundays! :thumbsup:
I second Hank, please keep the GT-M car as long as possible.

I like to have a chance to figure out how to drive the Lanzo fast. That V10 sounds special and revs so freely! The car feels like really fast, except it was always 1 second off the Bayer when I drove it.

Today's race was great, I finally was able to put in some decent lap times -- still a long way to go, but at least not 4 seconds off pace :)

Thanks Brian for hosting the race!
First time racing with my new Pimax Crystal headset yesterday. It went quite well but the software is not up there yet and there might be some performance issues still.. but it went ok yesterday. Although I was getting a slight headache during race two.

I had been practicing with the Mercedes but wasn't sure if the BOP was already present on the server then. After having done a few laps in the BMW and being up to my times with the Merc within a few laps I decided to switch to the BMW. Not sure if the BOP was needed. For me the Mercedes felt like 0.5 secs slower than the BMW.

Qualified in P2 late in the session. I had some issues finding free track..

I beat Fulvio on the line on both races. Clearly the BMW beats the Lambo on a standing start. And Fulvio spun exiting Lesmo 2 behind me on both races too. Were you running wing 1? Maybe loss of down force due to following my car or those iRacing lines :) Hank was about 3 seconds behind on both races which was enough. He was pushing and had good pace though.

Happy to race again after a few hot weeks!
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last time i picked the lambo was in iracing on monza, now with this being said i dont really get my incident cause the behaivor of the car on that part was really weird if you slow down the replay on lap1 like x4 you can clearly see before the variante and after the variante my wheel angles on the bumps the one on the exit was straight at the moment of the hit was straight so i dont get that .
last time i picked the lambo was in iracing on monza, now with this being said i dont really get my incident cause the behaivor of the car on that part was really weird if you slow down the replay on lap1 like x4 you can clearly see before the variante and after the variante my wheel angles on the bumps the one on the exit was straight at the moment of the hit was straight so i dont get that .

That looks a very aggressive line there! In my experience with that sausage kerb, if you hit it just right that will happen. Look like your front left jumps of the sausage and lands in the 'gutter'? Generally not much tyre on the ground.
Nice racing last night gents. As clean as you can expect around this bear pit! Had good time trial battles with Caspers bimmer in both races. Himself and robert were close behind for most of the second race but I had found just enough pace in the car by that stage to stay clear of them. A longer race would have been a different story!

Gained 1 place in the first and 4 in the second as Monza took it's victims to the back of the grid early in race 2! Bunching the pack between races worked out well for some but not others!

Congrats to Laurent and Hank for the P1/2. Strong pace in the bimmers.

See you all for the next one! Going to head to Spa in the same 2 race format. Hopefully a good opportunity for more folks to join us at a well known track.
The front and rear suspension frequency was probably too close. That means the front had not settled before the rear suspension hit the sausage. You did lift, but not sufficiently, this too contributed the above, I always try and time the lift and the rear to coincide with the rear wheel hitting the sausage. Rather than pre judging it.

I always try and make the rear frequency to be higher than the front. But as this always seems to be not obtainable with AC setup and my driving ability. I always usually break this rule, I think with the right level of skill, this would not be true. But I always make sure that the front end gets a chance to settle, so that means front and rear frequencies should be at least different.

To be taken with a pinch of salt.:laugh::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
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The front and rear suspension frequency was probably too close. That means the front had not settled before the rear suspension hit the sausage. You did lift, but not sufficiently, this too contributed the above, I always try and time the lift and the rear to coincide with the rear wheel hitting the sausage. Rather than pre judging it.

I always try and make the rear frequency to be higher than the front. But as this always seems to be not obtainable with AC setup and my driving ability. I always usually break this rule, I think with the right level of skill, this would not be true. But I always make sure that the front end gets a chance to settle, so that means front and rear frequencies should be at least different.

To be taken with a pinch of salt.:laugh::roflmao::roflmao::roflmao:
I am quite amazed at how much customization some (most?) are doing to setups.

I rarely touch anything else than tire pressures, gearing, arb, differential settings and aero when available. I think it's great when you know what you are doing to tinker with it. I would like to get into camber and toe settings but never really do. Dampers only when it is a really bumpy track. Ride hide and such I never touch.
A good/bad setup does make a big change though.. so certainly an advantage when you know what you are doing and can tune it to match your driving style.

Curious who is more like me and who spends much time setting the car up :cautious:
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Ha Ha yes it is true, setups I love, I love to work, or should I say attempt to work out all the small changes and how they affect the car with me driving it. It is virtually the only reason I sim race.
I could do this in isolation, but with out the competition I would soon become bored with it all.
There is about roughly 2 seconds difference between Fulvio and myself, so it is pretty obvious I am not doing setups to significantly change that state.
But if Fulvio and I were the same ability, say by tenths separating us, then my whole attitude to setting a car up correctly from a competitive view would change.
But here is the rub, I know how to make a car faster, but I would not have Fulvio skill to put it into practice, I would be left with a car that was, for me, a nightmare.
That is the main reason some of our alien would say my setups are rubbish, “because they are”, but they allow me to get a 100% out of a 100% from me, that unfortunately is all I can do.
My setups slug the car, I know that because when I have a car with limited setup, I end up struggling.
The end result is that the Fulvio of this world would turn up with a standard setup, I could spend ages getting, for me a perfect setup, but that would still leave me a couple of seconds to find.
But if I was virtually the same pace as Fulvio, a perfect setup for me, would leave a standard setup for Fulvio struggling.
The message is… from my point of view is a setup cannot in anyway make you much if any faster, but it can keep you on the track and in the race.
The end…:)
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I rarely touch anything else than tire pressures, gearing, arb, differential settings and aero when available. I think it's great when you know what you are doing to tinker with it.
This is about all I touch as well. It was enough to learn all that without poking around in all the bump stock and damper stuff :O_o::laugh:

Good racing yesterday. Enjoyed the sprint format. Had a great scrap with Hank in the first race, though I lost my concentration a little in the second race and spun out hard. Sorry Reik if that threw your line off too. I was just a passenger at that point :( Enjoyed coming back up through some spots. Couldn't catch Brian and Casper with their solid pace at the end :thumbsup:

See you all at the next one
last time i picked the lambo was in iracing on monza, now with this being said i dont really get my incident cause the behaivor of the car on that part was really weird if you slow down the replay on lap1 like x4 you can clearly see before the variante and after the variante my wheel angles on the bumps the one on the exit was straight at the moment of the hit was straight so i dont get that .

I am curious, are you driving with VR also? In your replay, the view is following where you were looking it seems.

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