AC Ginetta GT4 Championship Registration

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Amazing! I would really love to join, but I will only be able to join as on the 10th of April as I'll be out the other days :( Damn!

I guess I will reappear on the 10th of April if there's a free spot then.
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Hello! Could you tell me what time every GP starts, please? Sundays seem not to work for me at this moment but just in case! :)

Hi Dani, they will be at our usual sunday race times. I think the last 2 will be adjusted for summer time hours. Hope that suits ok!

  • 20:00 CET, 19:00 UTC | 1 hour 20 minutes - Official Practice
  • 21:20 CET, 20:20 UTC) | 20 minutes - Qualification
  • 21:40 CET, 20:40 UTC) | 60 minutes - Race
I'd love to participate, but my schedule is very inconsistent at the weekends and can change quickly. Can you put me on the list as reserve racer in a LHD G55, please? If there's a spot available on some Sunday, and I am free, I'd love to join the fun!
Championship tracks have been updated :)

You can select your livery and change RHD/LHD drive here.

click on the palette to select livery

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As some will notice there is again the slight addition of penalties to our usual gentlemanly rules of engagement.

Rather than waffle I will just give some notes based on feedback and learnings last years GT3/GT4 multiclass championship.

Decisions were made based mainly on our interpretation of the case studies and rules here

These are the outer limits of championship racing. Most/all generally considered a bit much for club racing. It becomes a game of inches(25.4mm), thousands of a second between getting an overtake and a penalty. As such, they aren't really targets to aim for unless you have many years of sim racing under your belt. Even then it's better to just race as you normally would on any other Sunday.

Penalties were dished out for all the possible infringements in the first post so don't be surprised if you get one rather than a second chance! We were happy that there was no GR breach and that club tradition blended well into the championship format.

Some examples.

  • Unsafe overtake - e.g. a small punt that unsettles the car ahead before you execute the over take
  • Defending - late block/change of direction in the braking zone
  • Dive bomb: No significant over lap at the turn in point. i.e. Car ahead turns in at the normal point, into fresh air that subsequently becomes occupied by an attacking car. No collision nessecary!
  • 5/10/30 second penalties for each case.
Below is a good video on the subject of overtaking. A key thing I would like people to look at, that isn't really explained, is bottas' defence of riccardo. He sees that riccardo is going late to outbrake him, makes a squeeze and then brakes in a straight line. He doesn't risk a race ending collision for both cars or make a unnatural change of direction after he brakes.

Something that came up a bit in the last championship (a common trait in sim racing… we've nearly all done it!) is the defending car door banging the attacker in this situation.

This is partly why we use F1/single seater rules. As the cars are fairly fragile they tie in somewhat with a more gentlemanly form of racing. Rather than say professional gt3 racing or 90's btcc where a little punt, a few door slaps or a regular breach of track limits is overlooked!

There were one or two reports of dive bombs in the last championship where it was impossible to judge if the attacker would make the corner as the defender had turned in early and effectively hit the attacker. In these dive cases the penalties could end up with the person making the report!

Don't mean to be making a big deal of the penalties as there really were very few incidents, about 1 reported per race, but hopefully the few pointers will result in cleaner races, with everyone on the same page. The thing to do it to send it around the outside or, if you think the attacker is on a proper dive, go for the cut back. If you get the position back or not, report it and we'll have a look afterwards.

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