Funny Pictures Thread


I'm not into beating people up over their weight, but when doctors don't feel like they can't tell someone to lose weight for their health there are issues.

The real reason it's being normalized is that the percentage of obese people has sky rocketed among young people. When I was a kid there were a couple cubby kids in grade school and high school, but I don't remember any morbidly obese kids. They didn't exist. Now there are 200 lb 2nd graders. And because of the excessive fat in their diets many kids are hitting adolescence in grade school rather than middle school.

If you want to get a sense of scale, watch the movie "Meatballs" with Bill Murray. When I look at it today, my reaction is that half those kids look malnourished. I guarantee I didn't feel that way when I first saw it. Also look at the weight of the one kid they considered fat.
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I'm not into beating people up over their weight, but when doctors don't feel like they can't tell someone to lose weight for their health there are issues.

The real reason it's being normalized is that the percentage of obese people has sky rocketed among young people. When I was a kid there were a couple cubby kids in grade school and high school, but I don't remember any morbidly obese kids. They didn't exist. Now there are 200 lb 2nd graders. And because of the excessive fat in their diets many kids are hitting adolescence in grade school rather than middle school.

If you want to get a sense of scale, watch the movie "Meatballs" with Bill Murray. When I look at it today, my reaction is that half those kids look malnourished. I guarantee I didn't feel that way when I first saw it. Also look at the weight of the one kid they considered fat.
In all fairness, I'm one of those fat people. 6'2" (188cm), 300lb (136kg). I wasn't always this way. I'm almost 50 now, but at age 21 my weight was closer to 180lb (82kg). I know some of it was my diet...I didn't cook much when I started living on my own and fast food was an easy thing to do. The last 50lbs or so, I can't explain. I've eaten better, I've been more active, but the weight went up. I've even been borderline diabetic for a few years despite having a better diet. I truly believe that genetics plays a very important role in this. Some people just can't beat the weight problem, and it is sad how many people are bullied because of it.
In all fairness, I'm one of those fat people. 6'2" (188cm), 300lb (136kg). I wasn't always this way. I'm almost 50 now, but at age 21 my weight was closer to 180lb (82kg). I know some of it was my diet...I didn't cook much when I started living on my own and fast food was an easy thing to do. The last 50lbs or so, I can't explain. I've eaten better, I've been more active, but the weight went up. I've even been borderline diabetic for a few years despite having a better diet. I truly believe that genetics plays a very important role in this. Some people just can't beat the weight problem, and it is sad how many people are bullied because of it.
Genetics do play a role. There is a certain class of genes that allow people to survive famine better by lowering metabolism and storing fat. There are many other factors involved, I don't pretend to be an expert and I've had to watch my weight as well. It gets harder as you get older.

There is a whole slew of issues making it easier for children to get obese. Kids staying home and playing video games rather than playing outside. Kids no longer walking or riding bicycles to school. Parents not setting good examples or trying to instill good eating habits. I know a number of young adults with insulin resistance. It's a whole host of new attitudes in our society. Bacon worship, a tendency to overindulge. It goes on and on and 40% of adults didn't suddenly become obese because of genetics. Many other things have changed.
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