Funny Pictures Thread

Very cool! New Arizona cell towers. ( not a joke )

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That solution looks even more impressive than the cacti since it has power lines on it. Hopefully this will help with NIMBY issues.
Now I'm confused - the power lines are in the foreground, no? (It does look like they run right through (real?) trees though, and I'm very surprised that this doesn't cause arcing... I guess the voltage is low enough...? :O_o:)
Now I'm confused - the power lines are in the foreground, no? (It does look like they run right through (real?) trees though, and I'm very surprised that this doesn't cause arcing... I guess the voltage is low enough...? :O_o:)
My bad, I should have looked closer. Electric companies frequently go in and top the trees off under power lines.

At my last home they came by to top a tree, and I told them I didn't care about that tree and thought it would look better removed than topped and they happily removed the tree and said now they won't have to worry about that tree ever again.
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The power lines are in the foreground. The pine tree / cell tower is not a real tree. In fact, it is likely 2x the height of a normal pine tree, so it doesn't really fit in as nicely as it seems.
about 20 years ago I did testing for vodafone and one of the cell towers on the M4 was disguised. Had a look on google maps and it seems someone put another one up near it similar to the pine one above....


Can you spot the two?

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