Formula Legacy Manager - 70s

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So we officially have the worst car, and Hunt is leaving. If we don't get demoted to tier 4 now.....
Tier does not reflect the ratings of the car, in fact Tier is more "prestige". It mostly helps you signing drivers during off season (because drivers now choose higher tiers). You did a great year, much better than many other teams, you know you'll be Tier3 ^^
you know you'll be Tier3 ^^
you gotta be joking me.. I was ready to sign the worst drivers, and we have the worst car. I thought tiers were meant to help the poorer teams achieve their sponsor goals.
If tiers are a case of prestige, why would I have been shoved into tier 2 if I upgraded my aero to 99 in 1973? (or 1974, I forgot which one). Because we had a car capable of tier 2? Well that's what you said at the time.
This logic honestly makes 0 sense to me.
Off Season - Signing Drivers

End of Contract
P. Depailler, 34 years old, 86$/race
R. Peterson, 34 years old, 149$/race
C. Amon, 35 years old, 86$/race
C. Reutemann, 36 years old, 156$/race
M. Andretti, 38 years old, 142$/race
A. Jones, 32 years old, 121$/race
F. Cevert, 34 years old, 128$/race
G. Nilsson, 30 years old, 62$/race
R. Stommelen, 35 years old, 37$/race
J. Oliver, 36 years old, 86$/race
H-J. Stuck, 27 years old, 46$/race
C. Regazzoni, 39 years old, 86$/race
J. Scheckter, 28 years old, 147$/race

Free Agent
T. Schenken, 35 years old, 51$/race
A. Merzario, 35 years old, 72$/race
J-P. Jabouille, 36 years old, 86$/race
J. C. Pace, 34 years old, 65$/race
J-P. Jarier, 32 years old, 72$/race
B. Giacomelli, 26 years old, 36$/race
R. Patrese, 24 years old, 30$/race
R. Arnoux, 30 years old, 62$/race
K. Rosberg, 30 years old, 104$/race
N. Piquet, 26 years old, 113$/race
D. Pironi, 26 years old, 57$/race
D. Daly, 25 years old, 33$/race

McLaren, Ligier and Ferrari do not need to sign a driver.
Arrows, ATS, Tyrrell and BRM need to sign 2 drivers ! (i'll ask you to give me 2 wish-lists instead of one. One for your 1st Driver & one for your 2nd driver.)

As there are MANY free seats for the upcoming season, i'll ask you to give me in PM a wish-list of 7 drivers (instead of 5) !
you gotta be joking me.. I was ready to sign the worst drivers, and we have the worst car. I thought tiers were meant to help the poorer teams achieve their sponsor goals.
If tiers are a case of prestige, why would I have been shoved into tier 2 if I upgraded my aero to 99 in 1973? (or 1974, I forgot which one). Because we had a car capable of tier 2? Well that's what you said at the time.
This logic honestly makes 0 sense to me.

At that time, there were only disadvantage being higher Tier. It doesn't help for signing drivers, your sponsor is harder to fulfill... now it is different. In your opinion, Tyrrell should become Tier1 and be able to sign the best drivers even if they just did a quite shitty year ? I don't agree. The 1977 season doesn't say that you're a Tier4 : 15/32 times top 10. Your car is only 3 points below the 8th fastest car and you're more reliable than quite any one.
but I don't want to sign good drivers! and you know that!
ugh so that's another $1600 lost because of stupid rule changes/poor tier placement

edit: also I believe it was quite clear Hunt was carrying our team and I let him go to Ferrari. Jones on his own would have been last in the constructors championship.
Formula Legacy latest news :

After being the 1975 drivers' world champion but failing to become constructors champion, Legend John Surtees has decided to sell his Team. Günther Schmidt, german businessman and engineer, has just bought Surtees Racing Org. to build his own team Auto Technisches Spezialzubehör known as ATS.

After being an engine supplier for some years, Renault has acquired 51% of the shares of Matra F1. Marcel Chassagny, owner and co-founder of MatraSports will now focus on Endurance series as Gérard Larrousse being promoted as new Renault Sports director.

Don Nichols, founder of Shadow Racing Cars, has decided to quit formula one after being unsuccessful with expensive drivers. Jackie Oliver, Shadow's first ever driver and owner of many shares has redeemed the team's license and has found a fresh new team with Franco Ambrosio, Alan Rees, Dave Wass and Tony Southgate : Arrows
There are some very cool drivers to sign guys! :thumbsup:

Edit: 4000th post wahey!!
That's a lot of posts

you gotta be joking me.. I was ready to sign the worst drivers, and we have the worst car. I thought tiers were meant to help the poorer teams achieve their sponsor goals.
If tiers are a case of prestige, why would I have been shoved into tier 2 if I upgraded my aero to 99 in 1973? (or 1974, I forgot which one). Because we had a car capable of tier 2? Well that's what you said at the time.
This logic honestly makes 0 sense to me.
You were 7th this year and your car isn't worse than any other in the lower thirs of field. Why would you be tier 4?
and your car isn't worse than any other in the lower thirs of field
the average says otherwise

besides, look at the championship. We scored 17 points; of those 17, Hunt scored 13. And I sold Hunt to Ferrari. If you saw my driver wishlist, you'd be suprised why I'm tier 3 too.
AJ on his own would have been last in the championship. And even if I had two AJs in the same team, we wouldn't have been ahead of Ligier, 11th in the championship.
it just makes no sense. For 1977, tier 2 made at least a fraction of a sense (but it was still bullshit since I was always going to get pushed down). But this season tier 3 makes no sense at all. Honestly. I have not felt more robbed ever for my entire time on this website than during these last 2 seasons. Okay maybe FFG S4 Monaco, but this comes a close second.
It's like teams are getting penalised for signing good drivers, but you can't win without good drivers!
I know the averages and the difference between 70 and 73 means ****. If toer 3 was bullshit you should not have any chance to finish 7th, which you did so your tier was correct.

If you wanted to tank to tier 4, why did you sign so good driver that'll score points?
I know the averages and the difference between 70 and 73 means ****
but would you like an extra 6 aero or engine points, while maintaining your tier? :geek:
If toer 3 was bullshit you should not have any chance to finish 7th
Sorry to spoil your party but I was placed into tier 2 for 1977. Which meant I had to finish 6th or higher, which I.. didn't!
If you wanted to tank to tier 4, why did you sign so good driver that'll score points?
Because I needed such a good driver so I could promote myself in that top batch of teams (BRM, Ferrari, Matra, Lotus), something AJ wasn't capable of doing. But 1977's tier placement taught me that it is not possible to win this way. That's why I am tanking down to tier 4 and starting over. Well, that was the plan at least.

Speaking of which, if drivers are soooo important for tier placements, why are the tiers not measured AFTER all contracts are signed? :O_o:
I don't get what you mean by extra aero/engine. OK, you were tier 2 so you were correctly placed. Meff said at the start of the seasob that you were the lowest ranked tier 2 team which means you were expected to finish in the midfield, not 6th or higher (by which logic higher?). Someone must go down for someone to go up. Can't see the problem here.

And I don't understand the talk about drivers. Past results influence the tier the most. McLaren isn't a tier 1 team irl because they have Alonso and Button. They are tier 2/3 because their results are average.

I really dont understand your logic because RESULTS are what matter the most, not who has the best stats on paper.
By the way, first i wanted to hide the stats... so you wouldn't know you were the slowest car.
IRL, no one knows the "ratings", i think the McLaren 2016 was slower than Toro Rosso, Renault or Haas for example even if they've ended ahead those teams.
1976 you were Tier 2 and had Tier 2 results after signing James Hunt
1977 you were Tier 2 and had Tier 3 results because you've stopped upgrading your car at mid-season. After 8 races you were Tier 2 in terms of results and highest Tier 3 (1 point below McLaren & Williams) in terms of ratings.
what I don't understand is, if results matter, why was Shadow nearly placed into tier 2 after only scoring one point in 1974 and finishing 10th in the standings.
You came up to me and said that if I upgraded aero to 99 and +11 engine I had a very high chance of being placed into tier 2. So I only upgraded aero to 93 I think it was, and put the rest on mechanics which doesn't go into overall. And that put me tier 3.. which was fine. The car was 7th fastest.

The only good thing in these ridiculously unfair tier placements that have cost me thousands of $ is that it made me realise that I was never going to win the game by moving up the tiers, because the aim of the game is to stop the development of developing teams because there is a significant gap between 5th and 6th and whoever got placed into tier 2 was always going to get pushed back down into tier 3. At least Tyrrell has a good chance now because they had an issue with the flawed tieir system earlier, spotted this issue earlier and tried something different.
And that is a depressing thought. I wanted to win with a slow team, not be slow forever with a slow team. What's the point of playing then.
what I don't understand is, if results matter, why was Shadow nearly placed into tier 2 after only scoring one point in 1974 and finishing 10th in the standings.
You came up to me and said that if I upgraded aero to 99 and +11 engine I had a very high chance of being placed into tier 2. So I only upgraded aero to 93 I think it was, and put the rest on mechanics which doesn't go into overall. And that put me tier 3.. which was fine. The car was 7th fastest.
Because at that time, only ratings mattered to set "Tiers" and higher Tiers had only disadvantage. Now it has changed to reward teams who develop their car and get results by giving them the opportunity to sign better drivers.
right, well I know I won't be abusing that advantage at the moment, so I'm only getting the disadvantage part. There are probably teams who need the advantage more than I do.
Just one more thing that bothers me: when was this rule change first announced?

(well, the tier placement still bothers me, and I still believe it's the biggest ripoff since FFG S4 Monaco, but I will stop arguing against it since I have better things to spend my time on)
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