I have the same issue. Crashes immediately upon start. The car shows up fine in the car selector and in the showroom, but once you try and start a practice session, it crashes out. When running from AC directly, it just returns to the main screen with no messages. When running through AC content manager, the error codes are shown below.
I can run any other car, and your previous 1.1 mod worked just fine on this exact same HW/SW setup. Using SteamVR and an HMD Odyssey+ (VR).
Any suggestions?
These are the error codes:
00007FFEF52F4ED9 (KERNELBASE): (filename not available): RaiseException
00007FFE711DEF63 (MSVCR120): (filename not available): CxxThrowException
00007FFED0090986 (MSVCP120): (filename not available): std::_Xinvalid_argument
AC\inireader.cpp (387): INIReader::getInt
AC\caravatar.cpp (582): CarAvatar::initCommon
AC\caravatar.cpp (889): CarAvatar::CarAvatar
AC\sim.cpp (1446): Sim::addCar
AC\racemanager.cpp (462): RaceManager::initOffline
AC\racemanager.cpp (174): RaceManager::loadSessions
AC\sim.cpp (320): Sim::Sim
AC\splashscreen.cpp (319): SplashScreen:
AC\game.cpp (181): Game::onIdle
AC\game.cpp (210): Game::run
AC\acs.cpp (477): wWinMain
f:\dd\vctools\crt\crtw32\dllstuff\crtexe.c (618): __tmainCRTStartup
00007FFEF66A7034 (KERNEL32): (filename not available): BaseThreadInitThunk
00007FFEF78A2651 (ntdll): (filename not available): RtlUserThreadStart
The car shows up fine in the car selector and in the showroom, but once you try and start a practice session, it crashes out. When running from AC directly, it just returns to the main screen. When running through AC content manager, the error codes above result.
I can run any other car, and your previous 1.1 mod worked just fine on this exact same setup. Using SteamVR and an HMD Odyssey+ (VR).