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Bram Hengeveld

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Game: F1 2010 - The Game by Codemasters. Click here to buy it directly from Steam
Class: Formula 1
Various Tracks (Ralf Eiden Style = random selection)
Opens: 19:00 GMT
Ends: Do we?
Password & Rules: click here
I agree with some of your statements James, but disagree with some:

...I was really dissapointed to see him act the way he did, It was seriously cringe inducing stuff...

Totally! I did a sharp intake of breath and held my hand over my mouth as if I had said the words. I know the drivers have to be available after the race for press interviews, but is there no one to take him aside before he faces them to tell him to cool it? Hopefully there will be a full public apology (preferably on the BBC) for his outbursts. He's idolised by little kids, for goodness sake, he shouldn't be "frickin'" his way through interviews! His PA needs sacking.
Speaking of sacking:

Its been downhill ever since he sacked his father as manager and dawned those earings.

Didn't they part with a mutual agreement? I don't know, but I can't imagine anyone "sacks" their Father? Regarding the earrings: I wouldn't have my ears pierced, but if he wants that for his image, I wouldn't have any objections. I bet Ron Dennis really hates them! He's living the high life with his popstar girlfriend and showbiz mates, and good luck to him; it's his actions on the track that interest me...

...he`s still the fastest and most exciting driver in F1...


...Just a pitty that the rules in F1 today ruin the racing so frequently.

On the contrary, I think it's a pity that the racing gets ruined by impetuous driving behaviour and the stewards are right to try to stop drivers who step over the line before it degenerates into another Schumacher-esque era of barging people out of the way (and other unsportsman-like conduct). Senna used to be the same, and I didn't like that about his character. The penalties Lewis Hamilton received were right on the money and maybe he will understand when he watches the race replay that those moves are just not acceptable.
Dan, the first time I lost time it was indeed a mistake, I spun into a wall in Rascasse and just got out before Scott caught up. I don't think I ever lost a lap of time... what might have happened is that after your pit stop I was 30 seconds behind you in terms of track position, in other words 30 seconds from lapping you (that's about 45 seconds ahead). I don't know if I had that kind of lead but it's possible the game was fooled. I know a similar thing happened during an online race. One guy's leaderboard said I was behind, when in fact I was leading the race.

One thing is certain - the leaderboard is terribly unhelpful in this game. You only get split times when you pass sectors, and if you lead by a wide margin it doesn't tell you the split at all, not to mention that it only lists three competitors. :(

By the way, race video is uploading since it seems to be required. I'll try to get it done today, otherwise it could be a while. I won't be at the computer much between now and the week after Montreal, so yes, I'll miss my home race. :(
Some wise comments from you too, Dan. I agree that phrase "avoidable accident" should not be used and of course no one expects racing driving to be like that on the roads!
This is what I do believe, though: you should not put yourself in a position where the other driver can retaliate in a way that will be negative to you, or will be seen by the stewards as negative. Hamilton should accept that there are times when observers are better placed to judge on incidents. There is an appeal process and he simply should have controlled himself despite carrying the disappointments form qualifying into the race (for which I have NO sympathy!).

I'm not sure you can judge what the car behind is doing as easily as you suggest, Dan; firstly, the mirrors are pretty useless, secondly, if you do happen to glance and notice the move, the speed at which it all happens surely gives you almost no time to react (that might be different in the very slow hairpin, but T1 at Monaco?). I bet in every one of those crashes that were penalised, the driver in front either had not seen the start of the move, or was already committed to the corner and could do nothing to give the one behind "racing room".

The other thing is that Hamilton was lucky to get through those collisions with no damage; you've got to keep in mind that your own car is likely to be damaged in incidents in a big way, and what I thought of first was "is he going to have to pit or have to retire after that?"...lucky :wink:
Hi Dutch, yes it was me that was across the track at the exit of Sachs.. can't believe that you got a drive through as you had nowhere else to go.. again apologies for that. Bradz wasn't driving in this race but we had a lot of overtaking between us in the early laps so maybe it was me you are referring to but I don't particularly recall the incident... mind you I was pretty giddy from the tussle we were having lol
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