You have a "changed" function which will give true far a defined time and should fit exactly your needIn Dirt Rally you can use IsInPitLane to determine when the countdown to start is over and you are ready to go. So I have an image with this property: [DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.IsInPitLane] and DataCorePlugin.CurrentGame]='CodemastersDirtRally' Now, how could I make a different image appear when the isinpitlane condition is over and dissapear a few seconds later (for intance a green light or a "go!" icon?
Apart from this: have you considered a way to let users upload and share their designs for Dash Studio?
Use something like that in the visible property :
if([DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.IsInPitLane] == 0 && changed([DataCorePlugin.GameData.NewData.IsInPitLane], 1000), 1,0)
For sharing dash for now you can simply zip the dash folder in DashTemplate directory. I'm considering to add an integrated sharing system, but it's getting a whole new level , It would require server, storage ... and time