It was a dumb joke, but it does overlap with some reality so it wasn't too clear. We are not good at jokes either it seems. Maybe awkward dad jokes followed by silence.
I wish we could just pretend, lol, then we would have 600+ titles supported, over 640,000 effects with Truest G-Forces(tm), and so much traction loss that you would never lose any traction. (ok stopping now)
In all seriousness, those were very good questions and in a world of online marketing, half truths and exuberant claims its really hard to discern what is the best product fit for you. Considering this is also an expensive purchase, it takes time to understand and decide. Ofcourse. Peace!
That's true, business-wise (i'm an entrepreneur) you should invest some few Ks in making it clear why you are different vs. competition. It looks like you are very passionate and competente engineers, just lack some marketing BS. Which would not be BS in your case, but simply explaining in layman terms why you think you are better than competition.
I'm a nerd and now i understand it, but a simple chart explaining the "You vs. Others" would be very helpful.
Like, i didn't have a clue on how these things worked, at the moment i'm sitting on a set-up that is a seat mover + a traction loss system, it costs more than your DK2, and i'm pretty sure it performs worse.
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