Database Editor

Database Editor 2.0.8

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@n4x_0 thank you! Unfortunately, I have an issue on Mac.

First I tried to update the editor with Git. New functions appeared, but they weren't working, meaning that I couldn't choose a season, a driver, a number etc. The drop-down lists were just empty.

Next I tried a clean installation. I tried both Git and this version, but both don't see my save files anymore. The list is just empty.
Is there anywhere more in-depth guide for the editor? i mean especially for the tracks changes. i've searched on the github but there is not much there. Mainy about installation but not much about actually using it. When can we make changes for the tracks? If we delete some tracks, will it breake something with the flow of the season because it will be shorter?
can someone make some tutorial not about installation, but about using the program? thanks
Can't choose any save files even with sav file in same folder and connected succesfully...

How does it work exactly when you change the performance of a component by, say, +10%

Imagine I want to modify the front wing. As stats, it has: 4.5, 6.5, 7.5, 75%, 75% and 75% for its 6 entries. How is this +10% applied, could you clarify?

At the start of 2nd season (before first race as suggested) i tried to change the callendar, deleted few races, switched few, saved, transfered the save back as ussual, but the calendar is now messed up completely. Some races i deleted are in the calendar, some i didnt delete are not in the callendar, the order of the races is completely random and there are often 2 or 3 races in the same date in the same weekend.)
Can someone please make a proper tutorial for this tool?
So i downloaded the newest version in hopes it will fix the calendar editing, but now if i try to change anything in the calendar even immediately after start of new season, the app says the calendar is edited or the first race is done so i cannot change the calendar. It is literaly first day of new season, why it not allow me to edit the calendar?
Quindi ho scaricato la versione più recente nella speranza che risolvesse la modifica del calendario, ma ora se provo a modificare qualcosa nel calendario anche subito dopo l'inizio della nuova stagione, l'app dice che il calendario è stato modificato o che la prima gara è stata completata, quindi non posso cambiare il calendario. È letteralmente il primo giorno della nuova stagione, perché non mi permette di modificare il calendario?
Anch'io ho ricevuto questo errore, ma nel gioco il calendario viene cambiato regolarmente
n4x_0 updated Database Editor with a new update entry:

1.6.2 bug fixes and improvements


  • Swap between "Best Race" and "Sprint Wins" in driver comparision (only if onw of the two drivers has won a sprint)
  • Poles for each race are now displayed in BOLD in the standings tab
  • Added buttons to each stat in the stats tab to make the editing faster and easier
  • Alert animation of overall change will now vary if the overall is improving or worsening
  • Minor style changes

Bug fixes​

  • ...

Read the rest of this update entry...
Amazing, i want to know and make a request... How hard is to implement the feature that we can edit the pit-stop crew stats? Can you do that on a future update?

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