AC BTCC Shake Down Under @ Bathurst - Sunday 20th August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Looks like weekend plans were cancelled on account of incoming hurricane event... Sign me up please if it's not too late, in Beemer...

I'll race as long as the electricity and internet hold up here. Along with my stamina and willpower to get around this track!
I can´t join the practice server??
It tells me "install missing content" though I ´ve changed nothing from the last time I joined the server??

Then a new one. "waiting for car??"

Vanilla AC also doesn´t work?
Hate this circuit with a passion, I just do not have the skill set to race in this bleeding place.
Upteen off, upteen out braking myself, upteen of every thing.
The flip side is I enjoyed, sort of, practising here. You could say for me that makes it very challenging, racing a big no no.
Well done and that is a big well done to all that finished and especially the podiums.

That was a tough one, car didn't feel stable and I struggled a lot.
Big sorry to Richard for race 1 lap 1 punt at braking after the straight, I just missed my braking point because I didn't see my brake marker (normally hitting brakes short before the red guard railing) as Brian's car was positioned in a way I couldn't see it. Never intended to do a overtake attempt there, so thats a shame I did that mistake, sorry again.

Race 2 was better as I had a good race against Paul and Richard as we had about the same pace, but it was always tricky not to go off or hit the wall.

cu next time
This circuit really forces you to be in tune with it and the car!
Struggled with the cutting all weekend. Had to be super delicate with the entry there. Just how the car was. The back wanted to step all the way out if you were on the brake too much or even just turning in too hard.
In the race it also took me more than a few laps to get the timing of the fast lefts, the 3 parks. I was turning in too late and hitting the outside walls. Fear of the inside kerb/wall, but when you really start to go for those, the volvo chews them up.
Unfortunately had a weird ping issue in the second race that meant needing to retire :( Was looking forward to another bash at it!

Thanks to all for racing and congrats to the podiums. Feel a whole lot better dialled into front wheel drive than I did this time last week. Hopefully we are all well tuned in now for going down paddock hill!
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