AC BTCC Shake Down Under @ Bathurst - Sunday 20th August 2023

Assetto Corsa Racing Club event
Yep, you want to be as competitive as you can, and you certainly want to be in with a shout.
The problem is, I know what is going to happen, once I have to back off for one of those many reasons, the back will go. You have to be immediately back on the throttle to stand any chance of catching it. The reason you back off will be the reason you are not immediately back on the throttle.
I cannot get the setup to make it neutrally balanced. It is flat out or unstable. It takes no prisoners.
As for the S bend on the top of the hill that is a problem.:confused:
Well, I solved the "too slow" problem, you all were on quali tyres :rolleyes:

About this stability thing, that´s the problem with "wrong wheel drive" :p
To get it to turn you need to cripple the rear.


Ernie, try the Beemer:

It twerks it´s butt exactly how you tell him to. You control rotation with the accelerator instead of just "snap to death" like the family haulers do :cool:

If you ask me nicely I may even provide you with a nice and twerky setup which take the washboard track into account
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Try increasing the diff coast setting on the nissan, I found it made the car way better to drive. as for the BMW I have found no way to make that drive nicely so may give up on it.
Ha Ha. I would say it is as stable as I can get it, the diff has been setup the best I can get it. I have got the coast and preload set up very well, the car is actually very stable.
But Bathurst tests it stability to excess.
I can get reasonable times from it, I just cannot race with it.:(
Ha Ha. I would say it is as stable as I can get it, the diff has been setup the best I can get it. I have got the coast and preload set up very well, the car is actually very stable.
But Bathurst tests it stability to excess.
I can get reasonable times from it, I just cannot race with it.:(
Sorry for the waffle Ernie, but.....
Is this the same Nissan that we used at Croft some time ago? I remember struggling with it through Barcroft and Sunny In, but you sussed something with pressures (cold tyres) and ARB's to kill the dive (I think, lot's of weight transfer going on). You were mighty in it then:thumbsup:

Only chose the Labrador Transporter 'cos it's a safe-ish race car (far too much BoP :p:p), but struggling to get decent top speed, might give the Nissan a whirl:cautious:
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Seriously, whoever is still racing this deathtrap of a race track must be completely drunk (by the scottish definition:" if you can stand with the aid of a wall you´re not really drunk" :rolleyes:

I know we still drive on the Nordschleife ( been there, done that, survived the spin without crashing :sick:) which is also completely looney.

So still one the fence (wall) about this one:

Sorry for the waffle Ernie, but.....
Is this the same Nissan that we used at Croft some time ago? I remember struggling with it through Barcroft and Sunny In, but you sussed something with pressures (cold tyres) and ARB's to kill the dive (I think, lot's of weight transfer going on). You were mighty in it then:thumbsup:

Only chose the Labrador Transporter 'cos it's a safe-ish race car (far too much BoP :p:p), but struggling to get decent top speed, might give the Nissan a whirl:cautious:
Ha Ha, I will try and find the race, this is a bit of a shock.:O_o:
I am a second quicker at brands with the old car, I can get no where near with the new one even using the setup or my newly created setup.

Now I have noticed of late I am not the same driver, I think the 76 years must have finally caught up on me. I thought it was my imagination.

I have gone fromE3A9BB42-C16D-4D72-B11C-0AAA441DB4C8.jpeg



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You guys should watch this clip, it was posted by Taj in another thread a while back when we were discussing what race events to schedule next.

So, I'm still considering organizing a race here with Supercars. If you think it's tough to get around this track without incident in these BTCC cars, you should try to Supercars. These guys have cajones, i will give them that.
Now I have noticed of late I am not the same driver, I think the 76 years must have finally caught up on me. I thought it was my imagination.
Meh, no way Ernie - only the buggers around us that change:roflmao:

I looked for the Croft race, over 2yrs ago, so 'twas the old better Primera version:)

Just tried a few laps on the Brands server, diff and particularly packers helped a lot, still a hairy drive - gave up when I realised a full tank buggers ride height, and might not last the Brands race (17 laps ish?). Though I specialise in wrong:laugh:
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Ha Ha, I will try and find the race, this is a bit of a shock.:O_o:
I am a second quicker at brands with the old car, I can get no where near with the new one even using the setup or my newly created setup.

Now I have noticed of late I am not the same driver, I think the 76 years must have finally caught up on me. I thought it was my imagination.

I have gone fromView attachment 687884


View attachment 687893

I think it's still your imagination Ernie. As far as I can tell, you're still fast as hell. You've got 20 years on me and basically running circles around me. Keep on doing whatever you're doing!
Meh, no way Ernie - only the buggers around us that change:roflmao:

I looked for the Croft race, over 2yrs ago, so 'twas the old better Primera version:)

Just tried a few laps on the Brands server, diff and particularly packers helped a lot, still a hairy drive - gave up when I realised a full tank buggers ride height, and might not last the Brands race (17 laps ish?). Though I specialise in wrong:laugh:

Are you spinning the wheels John!?
Fuel rate is at 70%. Should be ok but can tweak it down a bit if needed.
Ah! Brian I did not know that, I tested in vanilla AC.;)

I can see your point Dominic :roflmao::roflmao: but I just cannot keep it on the track. There are within 1 km, 8 corners that will wipe me out all in varying degrees of difficulty, all in a row.
I must have done 40 laps most were never completed, most got to one of those 7 corners before getting me.
A couple of the runs I got with MoTeC, which you are more than welcome too, if you can sort it all out.
Like I said in the race I will have to lift for someone, lifting is going to be a receipt for disaster.
But I am looking forward to seeing how Robert runs in the race, or anyone else in the Primera here. if he can last two 25 minute stints then I will know it is my incompetence.

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