I recommend reading following article to reduce the unusually high DIP (draw call) number (seen in "render stats" window) in your race track :
I am comparing your track to bikernieki - not a particularly well optimized race track either
auto24ring on the left vs bikernieki on the right.
What I did to bring the draw-call number down - merge stuff together before exporting, especially trees and grass, posts, fences and smaller objects. I suggest grouping them into track sections, so frustum culling can do its job too.
Top track otherwise, nice to see quality progress since the first release!
I recommend reading following article to reduce the unusually high DIP (draw call) number (seen in "render stats" window) in your race track :
Maximize performance: merge *all* track objects
I remember reading about performance at one point on the forums, and came across a thread from AC member BrunUK, the author of Donington, one of the...
I am comparing your track to bikernieki - not a particularly well optimized race track either
auto24ring on the left vs bikernieki on the right.
What I did to bring the draw-call number down - merge stuff together before exporting, especially trees and grass, posts, fences and smaller objects. I suggest grouping them into track sections, so frustum culling can do its job too.
Top track otherwise, nice to see quality progress since the first release!