I just took an optocoupler, and connected the "out" signal, to come from the emitter to the H-bridge. If from collector, it will give an inversion. And it works! The gates are fully opened. Can make 10-15v on them. In the example, it is fed with 12V small battery. )
So no need in the other gate drivers)
In the example, it is connected to the left side of the H-bridge.
Put 4 Farad condenser to the power line supply.
Can tell that there are improvements in the response when a wheel fully consumes the power from PSU.
Also, it is required to have only 12-15V to power the motors but lots of Amps. New PS was taken: 400w 12v/33.3A.
But, to maintain the experimental integrity, was tested with 12.5A, And with and without a wheel.
no wheel 50% ffb gain/max force
Delay 10ms
360 deg for 258 ms = 3.8rev/sec = 228 rev.min
no wheel 600 ms 100% ffb gain/max force
Delay 10ms
360 deg for 194ms = 5.1rev/sec = 306 rev.min
450 deg for 232ms
Also tested with transistor instead of the optocoupler.
The optocoupler works as if on&off. It is playable. All is well. But no smooth transition on ffb, in center position. Transistor has it, but very small ffb amount present then. And that PWM sound on the motor. Need some tinkering.
Nice, might try to adventure myself with a diy later on, decided to start with loadcell brake pedals using a old ford escort pedalbox. Should be ready soon, will post the results later on.
The kicks while using the optrons to drive gates, are solved. There should be NO common ground between separate power supply, to fully gate openings, via optrons, and the h-bridge motor driver board) Now it has smooth operation.
Small nota bene.
Made in accordance with this connections. Gives full mosfet openings, quick and powerfully. But on the whole a bunch of mosfets should be made in parallel for powerful motors to works as ffb wheel.
Issue with on and off of the driver with optrons, is seems to be solved. And appeared to be simple.
It was a wrong connection of the optrons input led to the ground of the whole system. Instead of connecting it back to arduino's GND only. Thus making isolation and arduino protection) And what's more over, lack of right connection, this just gives the linear voltage controll of the mosfet, without the pwm at all) That's why it all was so)
Also testing the PWM+DIR mode with relay and one MOSFET )
Encounter in EMC with PWM+Dir Mode a bug, with one of the soft locks, it makes an odd wrong DIR switch there. It must be one in the center only. So write to the EbolzMagy, he promised to look it up and improve. Hope he will make it. )
Some advice to those who use arduinos, cinserning the aiwave. It requires some on/off from usb, or as it appeared to be true too, not to rush and leave it for some minutes, and it can operate as required
The DD config with 540 dc motor was too fast. It works but if gonna make a drift with it, or a like, i.m. release the wheel out, the motor runs away. Made the gear ratio smth like 1:6, and here we go)))