Arduino Leonardo wheel.

Made up the H-Bridge with IRF3205 and Ir2101 gate drivers.

Based on this.

With such revision with IR2101


Now to Relay driver.
Made some minor changes to the schematics of the diy gate driver component nominals with wires layout may be too, and found out that the mechanical relay driver is completely and fully corresponds to the needs of the motor driver for FFB. There is no lags or any of the kind due to the relay itself. No oscillations and so on. Can be used with no problem may be except for the relay sound a bit. )

40% FFb with no extra min force etc. The mosfet is cool but the motor can be boiled with full settings) So works great really.
Compared to BTS with all the same force but with 2% of min force for BTS.

For low voltage mosfets with flaybacks, and high voltage mosfets with no flyback diodes.

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It should work in all games, but if EMC and arduino, it might depend on what OS you've got, drivers, etc don't know, smth like that. At the same time EMC works 100% with IR. STM MMOS works all the time everywhere. I tested AC, IR, BeamNG, RaceRoo, and F1 like F2013 - etc no matter what vertions.
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