AMS 2 FFB Discussion

I just tested all settings,
RAW, informative, imersive, more FFB, lower FFB, LowForceBoost 0 40 80...
What I found was the same FFB like in pCARS2, the same damage jolt effekts, when you driving on small bumps, the over powered force, when the car are oversteering, the les details about the rear axle.
It's for me, the biggest disappointment in the year.
You don't beleive me?
Please take a seat in the StockCar or the Falcon V8, starting in Spielberg with clear wather in both games.
The detailed, RAW, real and comprehensible FFB, you are only get in AMS1. The same like rFactor2, but much more heavyer.
In rF² you feel the gene of rF². It's not like AMS but near of it.

AMS2-Beta is for me pCARS2 and i am realy sad, because my hope was realy big. So many people say "Stop! It's pCARS2! You should not beleve that it can be better!" But i say, "No, that are not SMS, they are Reiza Studios,, they have good guys, the have got Nils and he knows what he do."

What shuld i say?
I am realy sad and hopeless because that pCARS2-feeling will be not gone after the final release. If that be possible, than only with deleting it and copy paste from AMS1.
But what i know now, when you want to say, "Shut up and take my money!" Think before it. It's funny but expensive some times.

Best wiches from Germany, Manuel

I just testet the Ultima, OldStock, AJR... All the same. No Reiza-Feeling.
Kart and Caterham too. Are the 310HP Caterham damage? More than 170km/h not possible an Spielberg.

I am using the SimuCUBE without any damping or filterring.
But, AMS1 feels grate, too with the G27.


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Question. I have that rubberband feel too. Logitech G920.
I'm now at
Low Force Boost 2
FX 3
Menu Spring Strength 3

I tried a lot of different combos (even all to zero except for GAIN)

What do LFB, FX, Menu Spring Strenght do exactly? In correlation with each other. And separately.

I hope it's just some magical settings that I haven't found yet.
Nothing magical here, as it is car dependent at this stage, but for me using the custom FFB file that is in the AMS 2 folder in the personnel folder by choosing custom instead of standard, set gain at 100, FX 50 and nothing else made the FFB quite satisfactory, particularly with the 301 Dallara.
After a rocky start, I am getting to like a few combo. Their is potential in this new developement of the SMS engine. We might be very close to find the diamond that we thought was hiding in that engine when PCars and PCars 2 was launched.
Question. I have that rubberband feel too. Logitech G920.
I'm now at
Low Force Boost 2
FX 3
Menu Spring Strength 3

I tried a lot of different combos (even all to zero except for GAIN)

What do LFB, FX, Menu Spring Strenght do exactly? In correlation with each other. And separately.

I don't own a Logitech, but if i look at what other people with a Logitech wheel use you are way off with your settings.
Look HERE for a setting from someone who is happy with it.
Has anyone got any feel for grip on ffb yet? Cant seem to get any lateral feelings on ffb like losing grip or tire flex. No light steering, wobble or anythin. Just weight transfer. Noticeable when one accelerates through long curve and gradually loses grip - ffb only changes when vehicles weight transfers to other side.

Thrustmaster T-GT
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Nothing magical here, as it is car dependent at this stage, but for me using the custom FFB file that is in the AMS 2 folder in the personnel folder by choosing custom instead of standard, set gain at 100, FX 50 and nothing else made the FFB quite satisfactory, particularly with the 301 Dallara.
After a rocky start, I am getting to like a few combo. Their is potential in this new developement of the SMS engine. We might be very close to find the diamond that we thought was hiding in that engine when PCars and PCars 2 was launched.
Well maybe you should go change that crappy review you gave in Steam ! It was obviously wrong and you jumped in after 30 minutes and hated on it ! Ridiculous !:thumbsdown:
Has anyone got any feel for grip on ffb yet? Cant seem to get any lateral feelings on ffb like losing grip or tire flex. No light steering, wobble or anythin. Just weight transfer. Noticeable when one accelerates through long curve and gradually loses grip - ffb only changes when vehicles weight transfers to other side.

Thrustmaster T-GT
Ive lost all under steer feel ! I can get it through locking up brakes but not pushing through a corner :( Anyone know what setting brings out under steer ?

For brake lockup, add FX. You need 20 or 25 at least.

For lateral feelings, add LFB.
Are you saying that the FFB has to be adjusted for each car or that each car has its own feel?

at this beta stage, also called EA,:), I find that the way cars feel is all over the place. I think it is important to specify what cars we are using. The FFB setting should be good for all cars when Reiza is further ahead in the development of the game.
Surely that's a function of the car model rather than the FFB? I would hope that the FFB will be set-and-forget (as much as possible).

Yes it should be and probably will. I think at this stage we have to do what needs to be done to be happy and trust Reiza will refine the simulation. To me it shows promise even in this early development stage. They have a lot to do, it might take time. For now all I want is a few cars I can enjoy on some new tracks I am discovering.
i have read from someone I trust and has deep knowledge of SMS engine and FFB that Reiza went deep and removed/replace a lot of coding. I think it is encouraging but at the same time if you have ever done home renovations, you know that it might get worst before it gets better.
I really don't know why we are using this thread called "disappointing", I'm not disappoing, not even close.. it is EA yet and things are happening...

Yesterday I tested AMS2 for almost 3 hours and I have some updates:
My personal report as G29 client:

1. big center death zone when you push fast from one side to another
Apparently I fixed this using 100 65 80

2. I cant feel the curbs and pianos
I started to feel this with FX on 100, but for sure I'm probably clipping the ffb.

3. I’m having difficult to feel the car when braking;
Event with FX on 100, I have difficult/I don't to feel when the wheels locked or getting close to the locking point.

4. It's hard to feel the front wheels on turning especially on sharp turns;
Example of the actual issue: If i'm in a same corner at 150km/h or at 40km/h the forces on the G29 apparently are the same. As I mentioned on my last post, I think there is a big lack of contrast of Low forces and High forces... Maybe it can be fixed using an more crescent line on "LUT graphic"..

5. On the exit I don't feel the rear as I do in other sims.
As mentioned above, I have difficult/I don't to feel when the wheels locked or loose traction.

BTW I'm very exciting with the physics, I'd bet is the best physics I'm trying on sims... especially on wet.
and the Audio and Graphic Quality on VR are awesome. (Some audio still need positional fix, and something like this)

Bom trabalho Reiza! Continuem firmes!
using 100 65 80
I cant feel the curbs and pianos

Depending what car you are using 100 gain is probably clipping your FFB force preventing you to feel anything or very little while at the same time making the wheel feel super heavy. Using 65 LFB which is boosting lower force signal is probably making the mater even worst.
On the plus side this must a hell of a lively wheel even though it is too loud for you understand what it is telling you. :)
That is real, 100, 65, 80 I know I'm clipping for sure.

On G29, These settings is the only way to you feel the car... Anything less than these numbers looks like I'm driving an 16kg bicycle with an big center dead zone

So I thought Reiza needs to review all the contrast and settings of the LUT for G29.

I know the G29 is a cheaper wheel, yet on Assetto Corsa and iRacing is completely possible to feel the car, track and speed with little adjustments without clipping ...
I don't know if it can help ... today I did a lot of tests (5 hours) with the latest version EA v0.8.0.2 ... I have the Logitech g920 steering wheel and I followed Reiza's advice ...
- The GAIN should not be set to 100 as in other games (to then change the other values according to your tastes), but should be kept very low if the steering wheel is powerful (DD and Fanatec for example) for example Reiza recommends 10-20. .. while with the cheaper steering wheels and with less engine force, the value goes a little higher (Reiza recommends starting from 50), I with my g920 I set it to 40, with this value I greatly reduce the excessive pendulum effect from weight transfer ... to find your correct value, reset all the other settings and reduce until the weight transfer effect becomes manageable without clipping ... ;
- the LFB is a setting that manages to fill the gaps of the cheapest steering wheels like my g920 ... raising this value greatly reduces the dead zone and increases the effects at low speeds, I found myself very well with the value 80 ... now I have a smaller dead zone and the information is more complete ... those who have very powerful steering wheels (DD) even prefer to almost reset it;
- the FX does not set the fake effects as in other games, but adds to your steering wheel the vibrations of the sliding of the tires, the curbs and the vibrations of the engine / chassis (the latter can be verified especially when the car is stationary for example when accelerating in neutral, if you feel it well otherwise raise it to your liking) ... also this setting should work inversely proportional with the GAIN, especially with the economic steering wheels like my g920, i.e. if the gain is very low, for add the effects, you have to turn it up a lot ... in my case (since I have set a gain of 40) I can only perceive it if I raise it to 70, which might seem high but not increase the problem of the steering wheel with the defect of excessive transfer weight, also now I feel the vibrations and the sliding of the car in curves ... this does not apply to the DD as there is no lack of power and effects and therefore it could remain low or zeroed.

So summing up, in the current state of the game (EA, for my G920 I found these values very pleasant and informative:
LFB 80
FX 70

I hope it will serve you and sorry for my english
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