ACC Results Companion

Misc ACC Results Companion 1.24.5

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Hi, My sessions tab is no longer recording the sessions i have completed. Can anyone help?
The first thing to check is that the session list isn't hidden - there is a splitter bar between the sessions and the laps. This defaulted to zero size a few releases ago, although the latest release fixed it

I had to format my PC, and after that my sessions doesn't show up on the Sessions tab, but I can see them in the Backup tab. I forgot how to upload the diagnostics, but I have already opened all the necessary ports in the Firewall. Thanks for any help.
I had to format my PC, and after that my sessions doesn't show up on the Sessions tab, but I can see them in the Backup tab. I forgot how to upload the diagnostics, but I have already opened all the necessary ports in the Firewall. Thanks for any help.
The first thing to check is that the sessions list isn't hidden (the splitter bar might be zero size) as above

I thought I'd fixed this in the latest release to give a sensible default.

If it isn't the above, is it an issue that old sessions aren't displaying or that new ones aren't being recorded?

BTW - instructions for diagnostics are here
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Good morning, unfortunately he does not record anything and when he does, it is badly recorded. I introduced him to a friend and he doesn't record either, so it's not just my problem. Do you have any suggestions? Awaiting your kind reply.
Shouldn’t the track selector option without the year select all sessions on this track no matter the version of the track? Or am I mistaken?
I just noticed, that this seems not to be the case for Monza
Shouldn’t the track selector option without the year select all sessions on this track no matter the version of the track? Or am I mistaken?
I just noticed, that this seems not to be the case for Monza
That is correct. Which page are you referring to? I've just been through all pages and the "Monza" selection appears to be working as intended.

Can you export diagnostics (instructions here) and I'll see if anything odd is happening in your case
That is correct. Which page are you referring to? I've just been through all pages and the "Monza" selection appears to be working as intended.

Can you export diagnostics (instructions here) and I'll see if anything odd is happening in your case
thanks for the quick reply!
I figured it out while getting the diagnostics. Issue was the row limit. Wasn’t thinking about that, but obviously even if I sort by Date, this doesn’t mean that it is also read in that order from the DB.
Doug Duthie updated ACC Results Companion with a new update entry:

ACC Results Companion V1.19.0

  • Support for Low Fuel Motorsport
  • Tweak ARC Leaderboard download (should prevent re-downloading some unchanged results)
  • BUGFIX: Timing issue where player car may not be set
  • BUGFIX: Fix Ferrari 296 Wheel Rotation value
  • BUGFIX: Stale ACC UDP session prevents further Leaderboard Widget updates
  • BUGFIX: Fix Leaderboard entries in dark mode with no team...

Read the rest of this update entry...

ACC Results Companion V1.19.0 Released (here)


A big update this time with one major feature and the usual collection of bug fixes.

Low Fuel Motorsport (LFM)

Low Fuel Motorsport is probably the main innovation that has revolutionised (or saved) ACC online. They claim 90,000+ registered users giving the opportunity for ranked races with a meaningful safety rating system.

For some time now, I've been wanting to extract the extra information that LFM gives (Nationalities, safety rating [SR]and ELO) to enrich session information. It might be interesting to look back over past races to see progress, or it might also be useful to look at SR/ELO of cars around you that you are racing with to assess the risk/reward of battling with them. Finally, it is here.


A pre-requisite is that you must already have signed up for Low Fuel Motorsport (


To logon (one time only), go to the LFM page and click the logon button

Note, ARC does not store or inspect your steam logon/password.

A new browser window will open directing you to a Steam login

You will then be asked for 2 factor authentication code

You then be directed to login to LFM. Click Sign in

This supplies ARC with the LFM authentication token.

The ARC LFM page will update with the authentication token


If at any point you no longer want to use the LFM integration, click the Logoff button

Get LFM Licence Details

Press Refresh next to the Licence field to get your latest licence stats.

This will be automatically updated when you complete new LFM races.

Get Past Races

Press Refresh in past races to retrieve all your sessions from LFM. This is a one time exercise. ARC will tally up LFM races going forward.

Here, you can see all your races, the split you were in and your safety rating & ELO gain/loss.

Matching Sessions

Any unmatched sessions (no linked qualifying/race session) and be linked by right clicking and selecting Match Stored session.


If matched sessions are found, then the session IDs are populated.


ACC Results Companion V1.19.0 Released (Part 2)

Viewing Races​

You can double click on a session and it will take you to the qualifying/race details.

Note, when you mouse over a player, their SR/ELO is displayed, along with the gain/loss

The SR/ELO can also be displayed on the lap detail (for Final Standings of a race, the SR/ELO change is shown). In addition, LFM provides the nationality.


Note, there is also a filter in the online dropdown to show only LFM races

New LFM Races​

When you start a new online qualifying/race session ARC will check if this is an LFM session and query the starting SR/ELO and nationality for each driver. After the end of the race, the SR/ELO gain will also be queried. Note, this may not be available immediately as all splits must complete before LFM provides this information.

Leaderboard Overlay​

LFM Safety Rating/ELO can now be displayed in the leaderboard overlay, along with nationality.

Note, colours are as per LFM (red=rookie - green=alien) but split with separate codings for SR & ELO.

Other Notes​

Session Matching​

Session matching is always a bit fuzzy in ACC as there is not a unique ID. ACC looks for a match on track, player car and time. It is a bit unclear which timezone LFM uses - I need to verify my assumption is correct in other timezones and when clocks change.

End of session results​

Final results for SR/ELO changes may not be available immediately. When you click on a completed LFM session, it will check if the results are available and update the drivers accordingly.

Other Changes​

  • The Leaderboard download has been tweaked. Previously, existing records could be re-downloaded due to clock differences between PC and server. Now only changed records will be downloaded which should make updates quicker.
  • Timing issue where player car may not be set (session shows either "Unknown Car" or "N/A"
  • Ferrari 296 wheel rotation corrected
  • Stale UDP connections (which seem a little more common since ACC 1.9.x) caused the Leaderboard widget not to update
  • Fix Leaderboard entries which no team in dark mode (displayed white on white)
  • Help updated (Press F1)


Thanks again to all who have donated. I really appreciate it.

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