2020 Virtual 24 Hours of Le Mans (Live Stream)

Paul Jeffrey

Welcome to the central discussion thread for the first ever official 24 Hours of Le Mans - virtual edition.

This weekend marks an historic moment for the genre of sim racing, as the WEC, Automobile Club de l'Ouest and Motorsport Games are set to host what could well turn out to be the largest organised virtual race in history - the Le Mans 24 Hours Virtual.

Held as an officially sanctioned event in place of what would have been the real Le Mans 24 Hours this weekend, the race features an incredible selection of official teams, manufacturers and drivers. Two Formula 1 World Champions, three Indy 500 victors and seven outright Le Mans 24 Hour winners join together with some of the finest rFactor 2 sim racers racing side by side with their real world contemporaries .

Held at the beautiful Le Mans circuit in rFactor 2, and making use of the LMP2 and GTE content within the simulation, the race is set to become a high watermark for the increasingly popular esport movement we are experiencing at present.

You can catch all the action live here:

It just (rightfully) supports the reputation of rF2 being not very user friendly or stable, though.^^

That's very much a thing yes. It's no surprise that teams that have had issues, are the teams which have no affiliation with simracing-teams that have much experience with rF2 endurance-races.

rF2 can work excellent, but you need both an organizing crew that know what they do, and know how to give the right instructions. And participants that makes an effort to learn it as well. Not really plug'n'play on everything.
S397 should pause everything, like a red flag, erase the intervals and start again so Alonso wins. Just to troll Lando and Max :roflmao:

Lando insinuated the possibility of another 24 on iRacing.

Yes because he has the power to make the governing body run another 24h race to satisfy him and his childish views that errors must not happen in sim racing. Had respect for Lando up until hearing the fact he threw his toys out the pram and felt the need to publicly uninstall the game. Dont see proper seasoned pro drivers doing that do you?
That's very much a thing yes. It's no surprise that teams that have had issues, are the teams which have no affiliation with simracing-teams that have much experience with rF2 endurance-races.

rF2 can work excellent, but you need both an organizing crew that know what they do, and know how to give the right instructions. And participants that makes an effort to learn it as well. Not really plug'n'play on everything.
Team Redline is a sim racing team, using rF2 for ages...
If you have the balls to put on the biggest event in sim racing history, your game better be at least functional.

It is functional. Did they ever claim it would run faultlessly? no. Have they done everything they could do in the timeframe they had to put the event on? Yes. They've been pretty open and public about the fact they were trying to make sure things didnt go wrong.
If you have the balls to put on the biggest event in sim racing history, your game better be at least functional.

I think thats ACO that does need that. And they have demonstrated pretty well early in the race that they could avoid problems by calling red flag and restarting the race. That isn't perfect, but also does reflect some of the inevitable things that occur in reality too. Also if some of the the racers has glitches and freezes thats also not great, but sometimes you just have to accept things that come. Of course unless you are spoiled man-child.

ACO surely was aware of such problems. But they obviously weighted that wisely.
Come on, you guys are so invested in that specific sim that are taking criticism to a piece of software personally. You wish so much to this event to be succesfull that it blows away any impartiality you can have. It has been a **** show until now, blaming the competitors for not knowing the 1002 bugs and it's workarounds it is demential. I've seen quite a lot of mental gymnastics to make it seem as if the competitors are causing their own issues while doing a fairly standard use of a sim. If very seasoned teams need extensive experience in a very specific set of circumstances in a specific sim to avoid bugs or issues then it's the sim's fault, not the users.

We have seen quite a lot of critical issues: a server reset in middle of a race session, a competitor blocked from refueling, leclerc spining over a kerb for no reason at all like in earlier ACC versions, leclerc rolling over in the pitlane by virtue of magic forces, a screen freeze + netcode lag putting the race leader a lap down, a car taken over by an AI that crashes itself and with no chance to regain control of it. All that has happened in only half of a race, in the other half a race more things will happen, it's common sense. Don't act as if rfactor 2 is almost as reliable as original rfactor, since the very begining it has been full of bugs, and very newcomer unfriendly with so much to take care just to race.

It's reasonable to expect some problems in a sim, even more than one critical issue during an event, but this particular race has had way too many and way too critical as to say it is acceptable up to a point that some of you are defending that the competitors affected don't have the right to vent their frustration for issues that are not usual at all.

So tired of fanboys. All the sims right now are very far of being a polished game:
AC physics getting dated, and even with shaders patch is getting very dated
ACC with netcode issues, blurry image and prone to microstuttering, ffb that you either love or hate
Rfactor 2 full of bugs, useless UI and very dated graphics engine
iRacing with a tyre model so complex that at the end works worse than way simpler ones, graphics and tracks very dated nowadays, a piece of software that you never really own, if anything you rent it.

None is a rounded sim experience as it were: grand prix legends, GTR 1-2, or any geoff crammond grand prix game. If every time that the devs don't do something right we act as white knights with the sim of our choice then they will implicitly understand that they can get away with it, and next time they will not care at all about releasing something uncomplete. ACC got quite a lot of heat, and in few months the game seemed another, the first release of ams2 was very underwhelming and received bad reviews, after few weeks it already changed quite a lot. Devs need to feel love when they do right, but also need to be remembered that they can't get away with releasing software with issues. Studio 397 will learn from this blunder, and finally put a real effort in fix the core issues instead of reaping rfactor2 user's money with dlc's. The more heat they get now, the harder will to fix core issues they will show.

And don't get me wrong, rfactor 2 has huge potential, it's a great piece of software, but it's uncomplete. I don't have any hate for that sim, looking to another side and dismiss any criticism doesn't make any favour to the sim.
  • Deleted member 217114

Imho, AMS 1 and AMS 2 are a better package than all the sims poster above me summed up. AMS 1 may have a few bugs here and there, but nothing gamebreaking on the long run. AMS 2 had a rough beta, but early acces is better every week and they are near 1.0 and the release. It could be that we see AMS 2 being used more and more for endurance races instead of rFactor 2. It's so stable, it has great performance, great FFB. Only MP is a bit buggy at the moment and it lacks the four famous Endurance tracks at the moment; Nord, Le Mans, Sebring and Spa. Spa is coming tho. Nord is hinted at with a '':whistling:' by Renato. Nothing against rFactor 2, but AMS 2 is going to take it's place as the Sim to be. iRacing, however will always be around because it's sooo huge and MP is years ahead. The development of rFactor 2 is way too slow at the moment and it shows it's age. Performance, FFB, graphics-wise it has been surpassed by AMS 1 and AMS 2. A new era will come; an era of AMS 2 and iRacing. No more rFactor 2 and iRacing as the king and queen. ACC will be a love or hate it. AC will eventually die.
To be clear at the start... Lando Norris has more talent in real-world racing, and sim racing, than I could ever hope emulate, so I'm not pretending to know more than him about what entails a good simulator. However, I can compare his results to other real-world and sim drivers.

I find it amusing that someone uses Lando Norris as some kind of ultimate and supreme authority on sim racing. Despite acknowledging the fact that he has grown up with them, and spent a crazy amount of time in the past 3+ months streaming them... In events on any platform against other established sim or real world drivers he is lucky to be mid pack. That's if he finishes at all. I've often enjoyed his enthusiasm and personality, but here he is really just coming off as a petulant child. Somehow, other drivers are finding a way to be successful in RF2, as they are in every other major racing sim, and somehow, Lando Norris isn't finding much success on any sim.

Perhaps he should think a bit before making a big deal about uninstalling a sim on his live stream.

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