2012 Formula One Monaco Grand Prix

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Rangers fan here :p
WOOOOOOOOOOOW......... I don't even know what to say to that :speechless:

This is exactly the scenario we have today.
Robots asking the same montone, dumb, ignorant got damn questions every single time.
Even though you find on occasion a really dumb question the fact is that they all are really.

Having a fan asking a question you would bring in a completely new perspective, someone who actually wants to ask the guys something interesting that also stimulates the drivers.
Also it´s a question that no reporter would ever dream of coming up because they are "brainwashed" by their job really.

Never seen a fan asking dumb questions outside America frankly (UFC press conf)
(no offense to americans, it just seems the dumb people flock to that event in USA)
I think the best solution to this is have people submit questions via Twitter/Facebook and then the drivers picking their favourites or something like that. You also have to take into account the number of fans that would want to ask their own questions, there wouldn't be enough room in the room to fit all of them.
The new tunnel exit hurts... it's sad, making myself angry..


Why oh why do they have to build a building there..
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