2012 Formula One Monaco Grand Prix

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Kimi´s new helmet design.
Honestly... do they hire people with the IQ of a rock for press conferences?
The same happens here in Ice Hockey press conferences... Especially in the USA, Canada is a bit better on that point ! The New York Rangers coach always responds with a few vague words and quits after 2 minutes (Sometimes a few seconds actually, they are so awful most don,t even have a clue on what to ask) :D
I shall not agree with the latter part of your post :D
You're from Quebec and you're not cheering for Brodeur? :(

They should invite fans. They most of the time asks the most interesting questions that really makes the athlete feel interested in being there.
I think it would be better to ask fan's questions instead of them asking them. The reason I say that is you don't want a bunch of retards creating havoc. There would also be the occasional person that's just there to troll or ask a completely inappropriate question. Although reporters may sometimes do that, they're most likely trained to ask questions and work for a company they don't want to make look bad.
The reason I say that is you don't want a bunch of retards creating havoc. There would also be the occasional person that's just there to troll or ask a completely inappropriate question.
This is exactly the scenario we have today.
Robots asking the same montone, dumb, ignorant got damn questions every single time.
Even though you find on occasion a really dumb question the fact is that they all are really.

Having a fan asking a question you would bring in a completely new perspective, someone who actually wants to ask the guys something interesting that also stimulates the drivers.
Also it´s a question that no reporter would ever dream of coming up because they are "brainwashed" by their job really.

Never seen a fan asking dumb questions outside America frankly (UFC press conf)
(no offense to americans, it just seems the dumb people flock to that event in USA)
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