2011 Nations Grand Prix

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good fun race guys.

True, was fun which i almost cant describe. Struggle the whole afternoon to bring this damn v1.3 to work, then already happy that i´m in only to have then game crashes from time to time and miss the race. I love it

racereport: -
Might be a dumb question, Andreas. But did you patch netkar 1.3beta with the betab patch?

The only problem I had was in the race where Noel Coelho disappeared from time to time and I experienced some minor stuttering. Maybe happened 4-5 times in the race. It was almost like the lag joins you get when someone joins. Don't know if it was a problem on my side or not? Anyone else experience any problems in the race?
good race for me , I took the pole with 1.13.8 , I still had 4 / 5 tenth sub foot but each fast lap , I was stuck behind another competitor when knows he must have 2 laps for the tires are effective ! therefore impossible to improve !
I hand in mind , afraid of braking in Q1 and parcels , but all goes well , lap tires , and it is gone, play with elastic Kamram lap , he came back I attack , after I raise , so
big problem with the car green and yellow , which each time is before me , I really understand nothing !
In addition she regularly turns and forces in keeping a safe distance ! each time it costs at least 3 seconds to turn it passes from 1.15 to 1.18/1.19 soot , in addition we are totally distracting ,, , with Kamran not far ! it's really not comfortable !!!!! and I was forced to attack a bit on the last lap with tires really very cool on this tour or anything can happen ! I took a shot and my heart too old
Long live the 106 % rule !!!!!

original Texte
bonne course pour moi ,je prend la pole, avec 1.13.8, j'avais encore 4/5 dixieme sous le pied mais a chaque tour rapide, j'étais bloqué derriere un autre concurrent, lorsque l'ont sait qu'il faut 2 tours pour que les pneus soient efficace!! donc impossible d'améliorer!
je part en tete ,avec la peur du freinage au T1 et des colisions, mais tous ce passe bien, tour de chauffe des pneus, et c'est partis, jeu d'élastique des chronos avec Kamram , il revient j'attaque , apres je leve,ainsi de suite
gros Probleme avec la voiture verte et jaune, qui a chaque fois se retrouve devant moi ,j'y comprend vraiment rien!!
en plus elle se vire régulierement et oblige a garder une distance de sécurité !!! a chaque fois cela coute minimum 3secondes au tour , de 1.15 on passe tout de suie a 1.18/1.19,en plus on se déconcentre totalement,,, avec Kamran pas loin !!! c'est vraiment pas confortable !!!!!et j'aie été obligé d'attaquer un peu dans le dernier tour avec des pneus plus vraiment tres frais, sur ce circuit ou tout peut arriver !!! j'aie pris un coup de vieux et mon coeur aussi
vive la regle des 106% !!!!!

I put the replay for download
Might be a dumb question, Andreas. But did you patch netkar 1.3beta with the betab patch?
First yes but that doesn´t worked at all. Finally with the 13_beta1, the full installation, i could joined the track but couldn´t still see servers in the lobby. With the previous version i had never such problems, so i´m not amused of it. If this continous it´s sinless to try to drive any race, it´s only waste of time.
is it a fresh insatall? not an overwrite of 1.2? Most have 1.3B as a new install with the old driver and license files found in my documents/netkar.

I too had frequent lag stutter and the Portugal car was only the blue cube for the whole race.
is it a fresh insatall? not an overwrite of 1.2? Most have 1.3B as a new install with the old driver and license files found in my documents/netkar.
Hmm, i guess the "my documents folder" stayed from last version but the rest i didn´t overwrite, took a new place for it. Then i will try to delete also the "my document" things next time and put only my driver and licence one into it again, Thx for helping guys.
Ma che sorry, di fronte alla sfiga potevi essere anche + veloce di 1 sec rispetto agli altri...nn ci potevi fare 1 mazza!! :( Tranquillo, siamo qui per divertirci, nn per accusarci l'un l'altro! :D Sai quante gare ho perso io nonostante fossi nettamente il + veloce in pista? Senza il bug di coelho avresti arpionato tranquillamente il podio.... ;)

Bravo per la determinazione e per nn aver mollato mai! E' questo l'importante! Sotto alla prox!:D
I started in 4. position after qualify an lost one place. I then moved to 4. place when Gandolfi hits the barriere. somthing happend to N. Coelho and I (for a while) was in front of him at no. 3. At the end Coelho came like a rocket and passed by me and I ended as no. 4. which I def. was pleased with.
The podium are "Aliens" hehe :)
Glad to hear I could run at least in the middle of the pack. I do ahve a KS2 setup that I like, but I wiped out my Osella setup. Short of reinstalling, I am not sure what to do, I messed up the gearing really good. I guess I'll have to sit there and figure it out again and try to save it this time.

I know about the netcode. This happen in iRacing all the time too, but iRacing's is much better. The only online session I have ever raced in NK was really scary stuff. Could get even remotely close. Hopefully it's a bit better than that with the new version.

Also, it should be a function of the ping from the respecting drivers. Has anyone ever tried in a fast LAN? Does it behave better?

Lately I got fixated with exploring the possibility of simracing using Amazon EC2. On paper, it would give much better connection speeds, not to mention it should be cheaper to operate. I know there are plenty of gamers using EC2, but no simracers apprently and I really would love to try it out. It works wonders with our web servers, but they are all linux based. Never tried windows.

Sooner or later I'll figure it out.
schade das es nicht geklappt hat :-(

fällt mir nätürlich erst jetzt ein. habe mal was gehört das man unter windows 7 netkar als admin ausführen soll und auch den kompilitätsmodus anschalten soll. falls du das hast. ich habe winxp und somit keine probleme.

aber vielleicht können wir die woche abends ja mal ein paar runden auf netkarworld fahren.

also schönen abend noch.
THANKS to our dear Bjorn Athletic Director and organizer nice :wink:, thank you to RaceDepartment for its dynamism and its hospitality:banana:
Bravo to the Podium and particularly Kamran is truly a formidable opponent :pray:, congratulations also to all who participated , Adelaide is the most difficult circuit of Monaco with NetKar Circus , finishing the race is a feat may be, it does not forgive any mistakes no:mad:
I put the replays in two parts because I had a break around 11 lap

I put the original text , hoping that you translate better than mine:work: ! as usual

MERCI a Bjorn notre cher Directeur sportif et gentil organisateur, merci a RaceDepartment pour son dynamisme et son hospitalité
Bravo au Podium et particulierement a Kamran qui est vraiment un redoutable adversaire ,bravo également a tout ceux qui ont participés, Adélaide est le circuit le plus difficile avec Monaco du NetKar Circus, terminer la course est un exploit en soit, il ne pardonne aucune faute ,aucune
je vous met le replays en deux parties car j'avais un coupure aux environs du 11 tour


Thanks for the replay, Kamran.

Omar, I'm very sorry that you are unable to continue in the league, my friend. That's very bad news. I hope you will not mind if we continue to run the skin as is, flying Argentina's flag, so to speak.

Corrado, I guess that means you're up in the batter box for Spa. We'll take a look at the rest of the races and figure out how to divide them up together.

Hope to see you at some time in the future Omar. Look forward to racing with you someday.
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