2011 Nations Grand Prix

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Sorry about the start. Senad sent a chat to me that he was a slow starter and would go left. I tried to respond with "OK" but I guess I didn't hit the right keys, because it didn't think it was a chat message and the "K" key just changed my controls to keyboard, so I couldn't start! I didn't even know about that key! I went to the pits to sort that out, so I started a lap down. There sure were a lot of guys in the pits! I was worried the netcode would be a problem as during qualifying, one guy drove by me on the right while I was in my pit box. He was nowhere near me, but I got a front wing damage from him anyway. These damage boxes appear to be really big!

Still, no lag I could see, but of course, I was by myself a lot of the time. :-} And I have to say that I really like this track.

I was 4-5 seconds slower than the fast guys (as always), so I was just looking for a mid-pack finish and some interesting battles. Got hit from behind once and so had to pit again. Otherwise, I was mostly by myself until one the fast guys came by. :-}

Like Gaetano, I really need to learn how to set these cars up. I think part of the reason I'm slow is that I stick with default downforce. At the last minute I dropped both front and rear from 16 to 13 and saw no loss in control.
race to forget for me! good fight for the pole with Kevin, he finally won, congratulations Kevin, good start, but I did not understand a driver hit me in the rear, I left in 7th position and attack the rise, I find myself in the head around the 15 th round, after nightmare!
incredible lack of respect for some drivers (van Driel) in respect of blue flags and the leader in race 2
towers behind him while I was at the head and the fight with Gaetano who was 5 seconds, I had the right at all;
obsursion etc etc and finally it crash before me to me and hits:mad:!! lol
race marred !!!!!!! Bjorn ! "this kind of behavior is penalized heavily in the race normally
This was a very bad day. I couldnt get the q. time I had in practice. After the start many forgot to take care of the netlag so the spun off the track. I then was on a second place until L. Resende pass me. Then a car desided to take me off the track and I had to go to pit. this happend once more so I was down 2 laps. nothing to race for here :(

i`m realy sorry about the contact Steffen, i was following you around the corner when you suddenly span off. i was close but there shouldnt have been any contact.
I have been practising laguna before we did the test race, and unfortunately, I couldn't do 4 continuous fast laps without crashing. The circuit is way too hard. I'm sorry to anyone I hit, I know that I caused a crash for Phil Hopkins (twice I think), I'm really sorry.
Well, i was unlucky in the test race. This time i was very lucky indeed. I had a great start and went through the right to avoid the cars in front, when i notice trouble hapenning in front of me, fortunatly, i avoid it all and arrive in front, at the first corner, from then on, i simply raced as well as i could, refueled and changed tires and dropped to 2nd. But Laurent had trouble with another car and i was back in the lead until the end. I must say, one of the racers i passed should have moved out of the way while being lapped, sooner. I hope everyone here can respect the rules of racing, they are relatively simple.
Well, today, i wasn't the fastest, but the luckiest :)
Laurent, im sorry if i was in your way but in my view you where never close to me.
I always have respect for other drivers and even more with blue flag.
I had a big crash and was pushed on track in to a car , maybe you ?
Still you could use a drink before you judge my friend. Im not attended to drive anyone off.
The race : It was without much practice a good qualy with Nigel verry close !! (thx for the wing tip :) )
The start was bad because i could not find how to get back on grid after putting fuel in the car :(
So got on track 12th and race was on. Spun 2 times and had some dammage , and a overheated engin ,but could stay around 7th place in race.
Nice race and a good win for Portugal, thx Bjorn and all other drivers.
Ok apologies for Patrick, I just watch the replay, you were 10 th at 2 laps, when it's like this, thanks, lets the leader, especially when they are in battle with the following (sorry it was Cesar and non Gaetano) not bother to distract, it's very difficult to win a race and a lot of preparation work, even if it's a simulation, consider this championship seriously
All in all you were dicouraged and pessimst about your setup...:wink:
Great job buddy! :beer:

Yeah mate, i modified it just 5min before qual!! I gained something like 1.3 seconds....that was incredible! However i was lucky.

Laurent sorry to hear that: i wondered what happend to you, and i though it was a driving mistake, but now i understood the truth Nice race btw
Festeggiamo il fatto che 5minuti prima delle qualifiche ho capito finalmente cosa cazzo è che nn andava nel mio setup!! Se l'avessi scoperto qualche gg fa, avrei potuto lottare per la vittoria!! Mannaggia la miseria...sono contento per i 18punti, ma con Laurent e il sudafricano fuori dai piedi, avrei potuto ottenerne 25! :(

Cmq spero la prox volta di cavarmela meglio: senza il ritiro di Laurent sarei arrivato terzo!

Appello, non urlato, solo evidenziato!! ahahah:

Grazie!!! :D

Cmq secondo me ci sono tutti i presupposti per finire tra i primi tre il campionato, per il semplice fatto che conterà la costanza + che la velocità, perchè per esempio ora la prossima gara più che guardarci dai + veloci, dovremo secondo me solo marcare i portoghesi che per ora stanno davanti: non possono essere tutti veloci come questo... Idem per il sudafricano, così la prossima volta che corre magari noi avremo già qualche gruzzolo di vantaggio su di lui! Insomma, conta finire la gara + che vincerla secondo me, dato il fatto che l'alternanza dei piloti può portare per es la prossima volta ad 1 inglese fortissimo e ad un francese che guida col braccio fuori dal finestrino.... ;)

Mi corico orgoglioso di aver portato se non altro 1 podio all'italia!! :D Notte!
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